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 2020 Election:  Joe Biden's book Cory Booker's book Pete Buttigieg's book Kamala Harris' book Bernie Sanders' book Donald Trump's book  2018 Senate   Debates 

Books by and about 2020 presidential candidates
Crippled America,
by Donald J. Trump (2015)
Fire and Fury,
by Michael Wolff (2018)
Trump Revealed,
by Michael Kranish and Marc Fisher (2016)
The Making of Donald Trump,
by David Cay Johnston (2016)
Promise Me, Dad ,
by Joe Biden (2017)
The Book of Joe ,
by Jeff Wilser (2019; biography of Joe Biden)
The Truths We Hold,
by Kamala Harris (2019)
Smart on Crime,
by Kamala Harris (2010)
Guide to Political Revolution,
by Bernie Sanders (2017)
Where We Go From Here,
by Bernie Sanders (2018)
Our Revolution,
by Bernie Sanders (2016)
This Fight Is Our Fight,
by Elizabeth Warren (2017)
by Cory Booker (2016)
Conscience of a Conservative,
by Jeff Flake (2017)
Two Paths,
by Gov. John Kasich (2017)
Every Other Monday,
by Rep. John Kasich (2010)
Courage is Contagious,
by John Kasich (1998)
Shortest Way Home,
by Pete Buttigieg (2019)
by Michelle Obama (2018)
Higher Loyalty,
by James Comey (2018)
The Making of Donald Trump,
by David Cay Johnston (2017)
Trump vs. Hillary On The Issues ,
by Jesse Gordon (2016)
Outsider in the White House,
by Bernie Sanders (2015)

Book Reviews

(from Amazon.com)

(click a book cover for a review or other books by or about the presidency from Amazon.com)

Twitter.com election tweets and analysis

(Click for external website)

    Twitter postings on House/Senate/Governor/Presidential races:
  • Hung Cao for Virginia Governor, Twitter postings @HungCao_VA, downloaded 6/17/2024, (Link)
  • 2024_WV_Senate Twitter posting @JimJusticeWV, Dec 8, 2023, (Link)
  • 2024_WA_Gov: Twitter posting: Washington Gubernatorial candidate Hilary Franz, @hilaryfranz, Aug 18, 2023, (Link)
  • Twitter @FrancisSuarez, "Mayor Francis Suarez," Aug 8, 2023, (Link)
  • 2024_WA_Gov: Twitter posting, @bird4governor, Semi Bird For Governor Of Washington, March 13 thru May 4, 2023, (Link)
  • 2023_LA_Gov: Twitter postings by Brandon Presley, @BrandonPresley, Feb. 20 to March 1, 2023, (Link)
  • 2024_RI_Senate: Twitter posting @AllenWatersRI, Jan 28 - Apr 20, 2023, (Link)
  • Constitution Party presidential contender: "Blankenship Recent Tweets," December 5, 2022, (Link)
  • Hung Cao for U.S. House (VA-10), Twitter postings, downloaded 11/1/2022, (Link)
  • Twitter posting on 2024 Presidential race, @WillHurd, Jul 25, 2022, (Link)
  • 2024_DE_Gov: Twitter @bethanyhalllong, "Dr. Bethany Hall-Long," July 1, 2022, (Link)
  • Trump Research Book: JD Vance citations from Twitter, @JDVance1, 4/27/22 & 6/2/22, (Link)
  • CA-15: Redwood City Pulse News Reporter, by Emily Worthington, Tweet paraphrasing a debate, Apr 6, 2022 (Link)
  • Twitter posting, @TheLeadCNN, 1/21/22, (Link)
  • Presidential primary 2023: @RepDeanPhillips, Apr 16, 2021, (Link)
  • Twitter posting @WillHurd, Jun 8, 2020, (Link)

 OnTheIssues.org excerpts:  (click on issues for details)
    Allen Glines: Can't control reproductive rights yet oppose govt. overreach.
    Bob Harlow: Support a woman's right to control her body.
    Eddie Rispone: Pro-life, pro-God, pro-family.
    John Cornyn: Endorsed by Texas Right to Life.
    Julia Letlow: Will fight against abortion, strongly pro-life.
    Kat Cammack: Does not support Roe v. Wade.
    Kelly Craft: Abortion is not healthcare, not safe in any circumstance.
    Steve Stockman: AdWatch: If babies had guns, they wouldn't be aborted.
    Hilary Franz: I'll ensure that WA is a sanctuary for reproductive care.
    Hung Cao: Thrilled to see Supreme Court overturn abortion rights.
Budget & Economy
    Bob Stefanowski: Smart, responsible fiscal reform will turn around economy.
    Chelsea Manning: Entire economy needs overhaul; human labor obsolete.
    Eric Brakey: The government takes enough; we shouldn't raise taxes.
    Michael Eisen: We need to fight together in unison against all budget cuts.
    Michael Eisen: We need to fight together in unison against all budget cuts.
    Thad McCotter: "Stimulus" just means more taxes, spending, & deficits.
    Tom Steyer: Trump's $1T deficit is historic fiscal mismanagement.
    Hung Cao: Inflation Reduction Act raises taxes AND inflation.
Civil Rights
    Bob Harlow: Give our LGBT brothers & sisters their rights.
    Chris McDaniel: Curious whether Robert E. Lee remembered as hero or villain.
    Chuck Boyce: Civil rights movement continues to progress for the better.
    Fred DuVal: Equal pay for equal work, not $0.82 for women vs. $1 for men.
    Joe Walsh: It's racist to say "go back to where you came from".
    Michelle Steel: Calls for stop to hate crimes against Asians.
    Nikema Williams: I'm in Congress because Rep Lewis broke barriers.
    Sally Yates: Not fighting racism is ruinous to moral fiber of America.
    Sara Jacobs: Fight against AAPI hate crimes.
    Stacey Abrams: Reflect on terrible Confederacy in museums, not monuments.
    Tammy Duckworth: Calls for Justice Dept investigation into gay hate crime.
    Allen Waters: Only blacks can solve black problems; starts with God, Moses.
    Donald Trump: US open for business: keep Carrier AC in Indiana.
    Eric Brakey: Cut $400M in corporate welfare & return it to the people.
    Sema Hernandez: Entitled millionaires are free-loading from us.
    Sema Hernandez: Break the oligarchy protecting Wall Street instead of people.
    Bob Harlow: Get people out of prisons and back to living their lives.
    Evan McMullin: Promising law & order won't justify infringing civil rights.
    Greg Stanton: Systemic criminal justice problems put Black lives at risk.
    JD Vance: Violent crime spike because police afraid to do their jobs.
    Mike Garcia: Illegal pot farms lead to crime and threats.
    Nicole Malliotakis: Defunding the police makes us less safe.
    Patrick Morrisey: More funding, more equipment, more hiring for state police.
    Will Hurd: Defunding the police isn't the answer, follow best practices.
    Hung Cao: Support our law enforcement; oppose soft-on-crime.
    Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: Stand up to pharmaceutical lobbies that entice addiction.
    Bob Massie: End mandatory minimums for low level drug offenses.
    Kelli Ward: Open borders have caused the avalanche of drugs into U.S.
    Patrick Leahy: Let legal cannabis businesses use banking system.
    Philip Levine: Combat the opioid epidemic by expanding Medicaid.
    Tom Perriello: Lead the fight to take on our backwards marijuana laws.
    Chris Chaffee: Teach children 10 Commandments, not gender identification.
    Joe O`Dea: Allow dollars to follow students, expand school choice.
    Tony Monetti: Public schools that fail our kids do not deserve our support.
    Hung Cao: No college loan bailouts; no college loan forgiveness .
    JD Vance: Student loan forgiveness is a windfall for the rich.
Energy & Oil
    Jane Timken: Oil and gas are essential for energy and jobs.
    Jenny Wilson: Promote clean air and clean energy.
    Kat Cammack: Disappointed in decision to stop Keystone Pipeline.
    Richard Ojeda: Coal is going down; politicians need to stop lying.
    Allen Waters: No more corporate welfare for green energy business.
    Semi Bird: Won't be giving up our gas engines by 2035, an insane idea.
    Hung Cao: Produce more American-made oil and natural gas.
    Bob Hugin: More work is needed for safe, clean environment.
    Donald Trump: FactCheck: Alabama WAS in hurricane risk, before Trump said.
Families & Children
    Mazie Hirono: Family separation at the border traumatizes children.
    Mike Bloomberg: Cut teen smoking by 50%; now focus on e-cigarettes.
Foreign Policy
    Bill Weld: No alliances for intelligence: We have to do it ourselves!
    Chuck Boyce: UN ideas aren't the US' burden to bear alone.
    Donald Trump: Reverse Obama's opening of Cuba until freedoms are restored.
    Donald Trump: 2012: Get tough on Pakistan; 2016: lavish praise on Pakistan.
    Donald Trump: Supports construction of Israeli settlements in West Bank.
    Gary Johnson: A "No-Fly zone" means war; no regime change in Syria.
    Jane Timken: Advocates strong and public support for Israel.
    Jill Stein: US helped create refugee crisis, so we should help them.
    Kelli Ward: Celebrate American Exceptionalism.
    Maria Elvira Salazar: Cuba is a dictatorship; no concessions.
    Mike Garcia: Condemn Hamas attacks on Israel, our ally.
    Semi Bird: Government has money for Ukraine, not doing good for America.
Free Trade
    Amy McGrath: No reason for tariffs against NATO allies.
    Donald Trump: Country built on tariffs; they'll lead to new trade deals.
    Gary Johnson: Free trade, not isolationism; low spending, not taxes.
    Gary Johnson: Free trade means more jobs and lower prices.
    Jill Stein: NAFTA destroyed jobs in US and Mexico.
    Rashida Tlaib: Helping trade flow should mean good jobs for the community.
    Chase Oliver: Free markets & free trade; not central planning.
Government Reform
    Cato Institute: FactCheck: Whistleblower rules never require 1st-hand report.
    Donald Trump: Our news media is the enemy of the people.
    Lisa Murkowski: Supported Brett Kavanaugh's confirmation to Supreme Court.
    Marty Walsh: We take voting rights and voting access seriously in Boston.
    Sarah Palin: Supported Brett Kavanaugh's confirmation to Supreme Court.
    Susan Rice: Supports National Voter Registration Day.
    Francis Suarez: No need for a police force to investigate election fraud.
    Hung Cao: Protect will of the people via election integrity .
Gun Control
    Chris Chaffee: A big fat no to federal red flag law.
    Donald Trump: Remove weapons from dangerous individuals, not all Americans.
    Eric Brakey: The second amendment is essential for liberty.
    Julia Letlow: Bearing arms is a constitutional right.
    Michael Eisen: Why are politicians reluctant to regulate guns?
    Michael Eisen: Shine light on politician's reluctance to regulate guns.
    Nikema Williams: Demands gun control on anniversary of high school shooting.
    Steve Stockman: AR-15 giveaway: the perfect Mother's Day gift.
    Tom Steyer: Targets youth voter registration for pro gun control votes.
    Semi Bird: Will overturn assault weapons ban, there's no such thing.
    Bethany Hall-Long: Weapons like the AR-15 have no place in our communities.
    JD Vance: Red Flag laws eliminate rights without any due process.
Health Care
    Donald Trump: The coronavirus is very much under control in the USA.
    Eric Brakey: Apply principles of freedom to broken healthcare system.
    Gary Johnson: US needs free market approach to health care, not government.
    Jill Stein: Medicare-for-all better & cheaper than ObamaCare.
    Joe Biden: Supports national mask mandate.
    Mary Throne: Expand Medicaid: a no-brainer answer to cover more people.
    Marianne Williamson: Vaccination should be a choice, like abortion choice.
    Michael Eisen: Gutting Obamacare leaves those in need without healthcare.
    Michael Eisen: Gutting ObamaCare leaves people without health insurance.
    Nancy Mace: Americans should not have to forego health care due to cost.
    Pete Buttigieg: 2018: favored single-payer Medicare-for-All.
    Tom Steyer: We need transparency on all drug prices.
    Semi Bird: No child will undergo a "gender affirmation" surgery.
    Hung Cao: Government-controlled healthcare sends us into recession.
Homeland Security
    Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: Honors and thanks all veterans for their service.
    Ben Jealous: Advocate for veterans; honor the Buffalo Soldiers.
    Chele Farley: Pays respect and honors US Army, celebrating 243rd birthday.
    Gavin Newsom: Don't gut programs to pay for military buildup.
    Jill Stein: Both scary: Hillary wants Syria war & Trump wants more nukes.
    Keisha Lance Bottoms: Trans military ban dangerous and discriminatory policy.
    Michael Eisen: No need for more military, stop taking from what we do need.
    Michael Eisen: No need for more military nor a border wall.
    Michael Folk: 2016: Trial, then hang Hillary Clinton for treason.
    Susan Rice: Prepared "pandemic for dummies" playbook for successors.
    Walker Stapleton: On July 4th honored all veterans for defending our freedoms.
    Hung Cao: No pier in Gaza; keep sanctions on Iran.
    Deb Haaland: Homeland Security head should resign over family detention.
    Eric Holder: Trump Administration must change family separation policy.
    Gary Johnson: A ban based on religion violates our Constitution.
    Gary Johnson: WRONG to deport 11 million undocumented from US.
    Joe L. Kennedy: Trump Administration must change family separation policy.
    Joe Sestak: Expand involvement of the Office of Refugee Resettlement.
    Kevin Faulconer: DREAMers are living in only country they've ever known.
    Lori Trahan: Homeland Security head should resign over child detention.
    Mike Bloomberg: America's greatness begins with immigrants, not with a wall.
    Nina Turner: Welcome immigrants, provide them with services.
    Spencer Cox: Angry about children separated from families at border.
    Ted Lieu: Trump Administration is lying about family separation policy.
    Hung Cao: No open borders; restore 'Remain in Mexico' policy .
    Brian Kemp: 4-Point Plan to put hardworking Georgians to work.
    Chelsea Manning: Figure out what to do when jobs are replaced by robots.
    Don Bolduc: I will never support raising the minimum wage.
Principles & Values
    Antony Blinken: Talked about refugees to Grover on "Sesame Street".
    Carlos Gimenez: Votes to strip QAnon Representative from committees.
    Chad Prather: I'm going to help Texas secede from socialism that's coming.
    Donald Trump: LameStream Media are the Enemy of the People.
    Gavin Newsom: Strict separation of church and state.
    Jake Ellzey: Lifelong Republican; voted Trump.
    Justin Amash: Mueller Report revealed crimes & violations of public trust.
    Justin Amash: Trump obstructed justice despite no Russia collusion.
    Kelly Craft: A Christian with deep faith in God, prays EVERY day.
    Tate Reeves: Aligns God with prayers for both state and nation.
    Jim Pillen: We need to put God back into our schools.
    Peter Ricketts: More faith-based practices in Nebraska schools.
    Francis Suarez: Parents came here for freedom; experienced American Dream.
    Will Hurd: Christian Nationalism advocates for American theocracy.
    Joe Biden: AdWatch: World laughs at Trump for dangerous incompetence.
    Debbie Mucarsel-Powell: Threats in name of Christianity are religious terrorism.
    Dean Phillips: Don't amplify "America First Caucus" about hate & ignorance.
Social Security
    Bob Hugin: Blasts opponent for voting to raise taxes on Social Security.
    David Baria: Work hard to protect people's Social Security benefits.
    Joe Morelle: Will not support cutting Medicare & Social Security benefits.
    Allen Waters: Democrats should stop the lies about Social Security and GOP.
    Chase Oliver: Allow opt out right now; then close up shop responsibly.
Tax Reform
    Amy McGrath: Don't pay for tax cuts for wealthy by undermining healthcare.
    Eric Brakey: Voted against raising the lodging tax to 10.5%.
    John James: Trump's tax reform will aid working families & entrepreneurs.
    Paul Ryan: GOP tax cut saves $700 for people earning $30,000.
    Kevin Mullin: Support a Carbon Tax.
    Bob Harlow: High speed rail will bring down housing costs.
    Donald Trump: $1T infrastructure bill continues destruction of our country.
    Dusty Johnson: The path to solve climate change must involve technology.
War & Peace
    Chris Chaffee: Opposes financial aid for "Ukraine's war with Russia".
    Beth Lindstrom: Why is Sen. Warren dissing U.S. foreign policy in China?
    Donald Trump: Disallow North Korea from developing nuclear delivery system.
    Donald Trump: Negotiating with Iran better than starting a war.
    Eric Brakey: Learn from the past: we don't need another Mideast war.
    Jill Stein: Stop bombing Muslims abroad and stop bashing them at home.
    Richard Ojeda: Criticizes those wanting war with Iran: talk is easy.
    Susan Rice: Withdrawal of troops from Germany is special gift to Putin.
    Tom Steyer: Trump foreign policy strategy is to react, not think.
    Dean Phillips: Condemn the depravity of Hamas, and Iran if they're involved.
    Don Blankenship: Communist Party & China are not our friends.
    Jim Justice: Weak foreign policy causes Mideast chaos and war.
    Hung Cao: No money for Ukraine; no money for Iran.
Welfare & Poverty
    Rob Arlett: The best welfare program of all is getting a job.

The above quotations are from Twitter.com election tweets and analysis.

Political newspapers in each state:

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All material copyright 1999-2022
by Jesse Gordon and OnTheIssues.org
Reprinting by permission only.

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Page last edited: Aug 06, 2024