Books by and about 2020 presidential candidates |
Crippled America, by Donald J. Trump (2015) |
Fire and Fury, by Michael Wolff (2018) |
Trump Revealed, by Michael Kranish and Marc Fisher (2016) |
The Making of Donald Trump, by David Cay Johnston (2016) |
Promise Me, Dad , by Joe Biden (2017) |
The Book of Joe , by Jeff Wilser (2019; biography of Joe Biden) |
The Truths We Hold, by Kamala Harris (2019) |
Smart on Crime, by Kamala Harris (2010) |
Guide to Political Revolution, by Bernie Sanders (2017) |
Where We Go From Here, by Bernie Sanders (2018) |
Our Revolution, by Bernie Sanders (2016) |
This Fight Is Our Fight, by Elizabeth Warren (2017) |
United, by Cory Booker (2016) |
Conscience of a Conservative, by Jeff Flake (2017) |
Two Paths, by Gov. John Kasich (2017) |
Every Other Monday, by Rep. John Kasich (2010) |
Courage is Contagious, by John Kasich (1998) |
Shortest Way Home, by Pete Buttigieg (2019) |
Becoming, by Michelle Obama (2018) |
Higher Loyalty, by James Comey (2018) |
The Making of Donald Trump, by David Cay Johnston (2017) |
Trump vs. Hillary On The Issues , by Jesse Gordon (2016) |
Outsider in the White House, by Bernie Sanders (2015) |
Book Reviews |
(from Amazon.com) |
(click a book cover for a review or other books by or about the presidency from Amazon.com)
Media coverage of political races in The New York Times, 2010-2019
 (Click for external website)
Articles from the N.Y. Times on political races in 2010s:
- (On CA-39): NY Times, "Can Young Kim help turn Orange County Red again," by Jennifer Medina 10/3/2019
- (Mike Bloomberg): "Ban Flavored E-Cigarettes to Protect Our Children," by Matt Myers, 9/10/2019
- (Mike Parson): 2018 Missouri Gubernatorial race, 5/29/2018
- (Don Blankenship): 2018 West Virginia Senatorial race, 3/26/2018
- (Johnny Isakson): 2020 Georgia Senate race, 3/30/2017
- (Mike Pence): 2020 presidential hopefuls, 3/30/2017
- (Kate Brown & Tim Pawlenty): Associated Press, "Voter Reg made Automatic", 3/17/2015
- (Scott Walker): "Woo Christian conservatives," by J. Martin, 2/23/2015
- (Hillary Clinton): "Hillary Rodham Clinton: By the Book", 6/11/2014
- (Jeb Bush): Michael Barbaromay, "Something to Think About", 5/24/2014
- (John Kasich): article on Kasich and Tea Party, 10/28/2013
- (Richard Blumenthal): "Google pays fine", 3/13/2013
- (Barack Obama & Eric Holder): "Fast and Furious Contempt", 6/29/2012
- (Angus King): "Senate Control Could Hinge on Angus", 5/6/2012
- (Jill Stein): Michael Shear, "5 Questions", 2/14/2012
- (Tim Kaine): "Letting Shareholders Know", 12/14/2011
- (Elizabeth Warren): by Rebecca Traister, 11/18/2011
- (Michele Bachmann): by Sheryl Gay Stolberg, 6/21/2011
- (Jon Huntsman): by Michael Shear, "The Caucus", 6/15/2011
- (Rodney Glassman): by Marc Lacey, 9/6/2010
- (Gary Herbert): by Kirk Johnson, "Criminalize Abortion", 2/28/2010
OnTheIssues.org excerpts: (click on issues for details)
Bill Clinton: Allow medical research that uses tissue from aborted fetuses.
Donald Trump: End medical research that uses tissue from aborted fetuses.
Kirsten Gillibrand: Abortion is the human right to bodily autonomy.
Lisa Murkowski: Joined Democrats to fund Planned Parenthood.
Susan Collins: Joined Democrats to fund Planned Parenthood.
Ed Gillespie: Opposes abortion.
Scott Brown: OpEd: Not a reliable vote on abortion rights.
Rodney Glassman: Not conservative on abortion.
Budget & Economy
Jeff Apodaca: State reserves can prime pump for new jobs.
Ron Estes: We returned $65 million to Kansans to help grow the economy.
Chris McDaniel: Era of big spending is over; age of appropriations must end.
Jill Stein: Top 1% are rolling in dough; the rest are in crisis.
Tracy Potter: $700B stimulus spending ok; something needed to be done.
Civil Rights
Lauren Underwood: Counteract institutionalized LGBTQ discrimination.
Anthony Kennedy: No longer deny gays the profound liberty of marriage.
Anthony Kennedy: Living Constitution: apply 14th amendment to gay marriage.
Antonin Scalia: Showy profundities on gay marriage are profoundly incoherent.
Antonin Scalia: Everyone in history, until 15 years ago, understood marriage.
Elena Kagan: Concurred on no longer deny gays the right to marriage.
John Roberts: Constitution says nothing about marriage OR gay marriage.
Ruth Bader Ginsburg: Concurred on no longer deny gays the right to marriage.
Sonia Sotomayor: Concurred on no longer deny gays the right to marriage.
Stephen Breyer: Concurred on no longer deny gays the right to marriage.
Rick Perry: Would attend same-sex marriage of a family member.
Bobby Jindal: Institution of marriage existed long before our laws existed.
Rick Santorum: I would never attend a same-sex wedding.
Ted Cruz: Pray against a court decision legalizing same-sex marriage.
Jeb Bush: Respect civil unions & same-sex lifetime commitments.
Jeb Bush: 1994: LGBT protections are tantamount to elevating sodomy.
Rand Paul: Don't register guns federally, nor marriages.
Jeb Bush: Don't-ask-don't-tell ok if it doesn't affect policy.
Chris McDaniel: As host of Right Side Radio, railed against hip-hop culture.
Rick Weiland: Favors same-sex marriage.
Elizabeth Warren: We need a reliable vote for equal pay for equal work.
Bob Turner: The ship has sailed on gay marriage; focus elsewhere.
George Maragos: Publicly advocate the repeal of same-sex marriage.
Charlie Crist: Lifetime member of NAACP.
Dan Malloy: Invest state funds in businesses that preserve in-state jobs.
Jeff Bell: Low interest rates favor big businesses over small.
Ben Sasse: FactCheck: stretched truth on job as management consultant.
Al Franken: Block merger of biggest & 2nd biggest cable providers.
Jill Stein: Romney & Obama are both pro-1% big corporation.
Don Blankenship: Past criminal conviction not a barrier to running for office.
Jeb Bush: 1994: build more prisons; serve longer sentences.
Jeb Bush: 1990s: punishment over therapy; 2010s: that hardens people.
Jason Carter: No ban on the death penalty.
Charlie Crist: Chain-Gang Charlie: reinstitute prison chain gangs.
Donald Trump: Brother died of alcoholism; so Donald never touched alcohol.
Jeb Bush: 1994: cut Department of Education from 2,000 to 50 staff.
Thom Tillis: Department of Education is 5,000 overpaid bureaucrats.
Michele Bachmann: Charter school ran afoul due to Christian teaching.
Energy & Oil
Jeff Apodaca: Old and new energy industries must adapt.
Donald Trump: Revive the coal industry; end efforts to curb carbon.
Rick Perry: Defend Keystone XL and other oil & gas exploration.
Terry McAuliffe: 2012: Started GreenTech electric car company & soon resigned.
John Hoeven: Managed the rapid growth in ND's oil country.
Tracy Potter: People can't afford housing in ND's oil patch.
Charlie Crist: Open to cap-and-trade plan for carbon emissions.
Mike Parson: Right to farm & ranch, despite environmental critics.
Jeb Bush: 1990s: Compensate landowners; 2010s: state-run conservation.
Pat Roberts: For early farm bill, but final bill had too many subsidies.
Frank Pallone: Relax restrictions on over-fishing to help fishermen.
Families & Children
Mike Bloomberg: Ban flavored e-cigarettes used to entice kids to smoke.
Michele Bachmann: Raised 23 foster kids, with her own kids,as "treatment home".
Foreign Policy
James Mattis: Supports NATO alliance principle of collective defense.
Mike Pompeo: Investigate Russian interference with U.S. election.
Donald Trump: Supports construction of Israeli settlements in West Bank.
Bill Weld: Priority is not "no fly zone" but to stop killing in Aleppo.
Rick Perry: Cancel any nuclear deal Obama makes with Iran.
Jeb Bush: Pressured father's V.P. staff to help Cuban prisoners.
Chris Christie: Given who I am, Putin would not have invaded Crimea.
Jason Carter: Declares his powerful connection to Israel.
Rand Paul: GOP hawks fear my world view, but Americans support it.
Rand Paul: Neocons are neoisolationist: 'all should behave like us'.
Rand Paul: Eventually end all foreign aid, but unrealistic for now.
Marco Rubio: Only America can stand up to world totalitarianism.
Chris Christie: America should be clear to world about what we stand for.
Pat Roberts: Opposed UN ban on discrimination against disabilities.
Martin O`Malley: Respect my right to shy away from foreign policy.
Martin O`Malley: Israeli separation barrier might be called "peace wall".
Joe DioGuardi: Yes, I was a lobbyist; to fight Albanian genocide.
Free Trade
Steve Mnuchin: Free market proponent but tariffs OK to reduce trade deficit.
Chris Christie: Trade mission to Mexico doubles as foreign policy tour.
Government Reform
Ilhan Omar: Our democracy isn't perfect, but has tools to make it better.
Drew Edmondson: Blames revenue shortfall on corporate donors and lobbyists.
Tim Kaine: Public companies should publish their political spending.
Thad Cochran: OpEd: Earmarked spending brings federal funds to Mississippi.
Joe DioGuardi: In Congress, served as president of Truth In Government.
Joe DioGuardi: 1987: Voted NO on Congress pay raise; donated his to charity.
Gun Control
Kirsten Gillibrand: Ban bump stocks; reduce lobbying power of NRA.
Scott Brown: Ok'd federal ban on assault weapons after Newtown shootings.
Rick Weiland: Universal background checks for guns.
Health Care
Antonio Delgado: Public option benefits rural areas by providing competition.
Lauren Underwood: I have a pre-existing condition.
Lauren Underwood: Healthcare is a human right.
Bill Weld: Tweak ObamaCare with more free market and more choices.
Antonin Scalia: We should start calling ObamaCare "SCOTUS-care".
John Roberts: ObamaCare improves health insurance market: not destroy them.
Hillary Clinton: The science is clear: vaccines work.
Howard Dean: Only anti-government conservatives oppose vaccines.
Mike Huckabee: Vaccines don't cause autism; I get vaccinated myself.
Rick Perry: Increase immunization rates as part of protecting life.
Ed Gillespie: Benefits from GOP resistance to the new health law.
Jeanne Shaheen: No apologies for helping people get affordable insurance.
Scott Brown: Supported RomneyCare in 2006; it's different than ObamaCare.
Jill Stein: ObamaCare took single-payer & public option off the table.
John Hoeven: Tort reform over Canadian-style, single-payer' plan.
Tracy Potter: ObamaCare isn't perfect, but a step in the right direction.
Paul Kirk: Lobbyist for pharmaceutical company in 1990s.
Homeland Security
James Mattis: Don't revisit old issues; let women in combat roles.
Mike Pompeo: No torture, including coercive methods like waterboarding.
Elizabeth Warren: Reduce size of standing army to reduce deficit.
Tim Kaine: Let Bush tax cuts expire instead of automatic defense cuts.
Kirsten Gillibrand: We need a humane asylum application process.
Scott Walker: We have too many legal immigrants.
Thom Tillis: Amnesty shouldn't be on the table.
Ed Gillespie: Unapologetic supporter of comprehensive immigration overhaul.
Bob Turner: Wouldn't report illegal immigrant working in his own home.
Rodney Glassman: Not conservative on immigration.
Tom Foley: OpEd: His company moved 3,000 jobs to Mexico.
John Hoeven: $700B stimulus created only temporary jobs; invest in roads.
Principles & Values
Kamala Harris: Impeachment: McConnell doesn't want trial, wants cover-up.
Nikema Williams: Sees her story, born in South Korea, as the American dream.
Donald Trump: Mueller: Presidents may not be indicted for obstruction.
Amy Klobuchar: Heartland Amy: an experienced bipartisan pragmatist.
Jon Ossoff: Supported by national anti-Trump neophyte networks.
Jon Ossoff: Campaign slogan: Make Trump Furious.
James Mattis: Dislikes nickname Mad Dog Mattis.
Bill Weld: Hillary's "public and private view" makes her vulnerable.
Gary Johnson: I offer choices beyond the same old red vs. blue.
Scott Walker: My relationship with God drives every major decision.
Scott Walker: Raised as a "P.K.", Pastor's Kid, by his father Pastor Llew.
Martin O`Malley: History celebrates courage, not triangulation.
Jason Carter: Grandfather Jimmy Carter participates in grandson's campaign.
John Edward Walsh: OpEd: 2007 Master's thesis plagiarized from online sources.
Tom Cotton: Served in military, academia, and as management consultant.
Chris Christie: Parties should become pragmatic when they are out of power.
Milton Wolf: Career politicians are changed by Washington.
Pat Roberts: Resides in Virginia but votes in Kansas.
Jill Stein: Occupy Movement: coming of age of a younger generation.
Jill Stein: Dems & GOP are both sinking ships; one just sinks faster.
Jack Conway: An honor to run for Wendell Ford's senate seat.
Rand Paul: This is not Wendell Ford's seat; it's the people's seat.
Bob Smith: Only one in this race with real-world experience.
Marco Rubio: God does not love America more than Belgium.
Paul Kirk: Worked for Robert Kennedy & Ted Kennedy campaigns.
Paul Kirk: Chair of DNC from 1985 to 1989.
Social Security
Martin O`Malley: Without Social Security, 1 in 4 seniors would be poor.
Tax Reform
Bob Hugin: Opposes new $10K cap on deductions for state & local taxes.
Bill Weld: I am releasing my returns and Trump should release his.
Jeb Bush: 1994: Require voter approval of any new taxes.
Scott Brown: Never raise taxes in a recession; it hurts job creators.
George Allen: No tax increases; no defense cuts; no bargaining.
Bob Turner: No anti-tax pledge; keep taxes on the negotiation table.
George Maragos: No-tax pledge; teach the rest of Congress economic theory.
Joe DioGuardi: Fined by IRS in 1978 for deducting commodity spreads.
Donald Trump: 2016: cheered on WikiLeaks releasing Hillary's stolen emails.
Drew Edmondson: Use tobacco settlement to fund school technology.
Chelsea Manning: Business is collecting data on us, creating a life pattern.
Jeb Bush: BlackBerry pictured in official gubernatorial portrait.
Chris Christie: Bridgegate: Staff made some significant mistakes in judgment.
Elizabeth Warren: Push for spending on infrastructure.
War & Peace
James Mattis: Supports the Iran nuclear agreement.
Rick Perry: ISIS is worst threat to freedom since Communism.
Rick Perry: Provide lethal aid to Ukraine against Russian separatists.
John Bolton: To stop Iran's bomb, bomb Iran.
Jeb Bush: Non-state terrorists are greatest threat we now face.
Chris Christie: Syria: If we draw a red line, we must finish the job.
Jill Stein: We're not safer internationally with drone wars.
Antonio Villaraigosa: End wars & spend in US in stead of Baghdad and Kandahar.
Welfare & Poverty
Jeb Bush: 1994 Phoenix Project: end welfare culture.
Chris Christie: Focus on income inequality drives America toward mediocrity.
The above quotations are from Media coverage of political races in The New York Times, 2010-2019.