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 2020 Election:  Joe Biden's book Cory Booker's book Pete Buttigieg's book Kamala Harris' book Bernie Sanders' book Donald Trump's book  2018 Senate   Debates 

Books by and about 2020 presidential candidates
Crippled America,
by Donald J. Trump (2015)
Fire and Fury,
by Michael Wolff (2018)
Trump Revealed,
by Michael Kranish and Marc Fisher (2016)
The Making of Donald Trump,
by David Cay Johnston (2016)
Promise Me, Dad ,
by Joe Biden (2017)
The Book of Joe ,
by Jeff Wilser (2019; biography of Joe Biden)
The Truths We Hold,
by Kamala Harris (2019)
Smart on Crime,
by Kamala Harris (2010)
Guide to Political Revolution,
by Bernie Sanders (2017)
Where We Go From Here,
by Bernie Sanders (2018)
Our Revolution,
by Bernie Sanders (2016)
This Fight Is Our Fight,
by Elizabeth Warren (2017)
by Cory Booker (2016)
Conscience of a Conservative,
by Jeff Flake (2017)
Two Paths,
by Gov. John Kasich (2017)
Every Other Monday,
by Rep. John Kasich (2010)
Courage is Contagious,
by John Kasich (1998)
Shortest Way Home,
by Pete Buttigieg (2019)
by Michelle Obama (2018)
Higher Loyalty,
by James Comey (2018)
The Making of Donald Trump,
by David Cay Johnston (2017)
Higher Loyalty ,
by James Comey (2018)
Trump vs. Hillary On The Issues ,
by Jesse Gordon (2016)
Outsider in the White House,
by Bernie Sanders (2015)

Book Reviews

(from Amazon.com)

(click a book cover for a review or other books by or about the presidency from Amazon.com)

Wikipedia.org political website

(Click for external website)

    Articles from Wikipedia:
  • Wikipedia on 2023_Hopefuls, "RFK Jr.: Riverkeeper", , downloaded 10/9/2023, (Link)
  • Wikipedia on Hawaii Bill HB3115 , "Gas Cap Law," downloaded 1/7/2022
  • Hawaii State Legislation: Hawaii Bill HB1242, "Abortion in Hawaii," downloaded 1/7/2022
  • Kansas City Star on 2024_MO_Gov: "Ashcroft approves Medicaid expansion petition in time for Parson to pick election date," by Jason Hancock. May 26, 2020, (Link) and (Wikipedia Note)
  • (On Eric Greitens): Wikipedia.com on 2018 Missouri Gubernatorial impeachment, 08/31/2018
  • (On Josh Hawley): Wikipedia.com on 2018 Missouri Gubernatorial impeachment, 08/31/2018
  • (On Adam Laxalt): Wikipedia.org "Adam Laxalt" on 2018 Nevada governor race, 03/23/2018
  • (On Ann-Marie Adams): Wikipedia on 2018 Connecticut Senate race, 02/18/2018
  • (On Kevin de Leon): Wikipedia on California voting record SB 967, 02/18/2018
  • (On Patrick Morrisey): Wikipedia on 2018 West Virginia Senate race, 02/18/2018
  • (On David Koch): Wikipedia article: Political activities of the Koch brothers, 12/22/2017
  • (On Andrew Gillum): Wikipedia summary for 2018 Florida Gubernatorial race, 03/11/2017
  • (On Ray Metcalfe): Wikipedia article: Alaska political party history, 11/08/2016
  • (On Misty Snow): Wikipedia article on 2016 Utah Senate race, 08/31/2016
  • (On Evan McMullin): Wikipedia article on 2016 presidential hopeful, 08/12/2016
  • (On Gary Johnson): Wikipedia articles on Johnson's positions & Arizona SB 1060, 05/02/2016
  • (On Jan Brewer): Wikipedia article on Arizona SB 1060, 05/02/2016
  • (On Henry McMaster): Wikipedia.org politician profile, 09/30/2015
  • (On Nikki Haley): Wikipedia web page, "Nikki Haley", 11/15/2010
  • (On Joe Arpaio): Wikipedia on 2018 Arizona Senate race, 09/30/2010
  • (On Linda McMahon): Wikipedia article, "Linda McMahon", 08/12/2010
  • (On Alvin Greene): Wikipedia article on Alvin Greene, 07/19/2010
  • (On Joe Biden): Wikipedia.org, "Joe Biden", re: Slouching Towards Gomorrah, 11/17/2009
  • (On Ted Kennedy): Wikipedia.org, "Robert Bork", re: Slouching Towards Gomorrah, 11/17/2009
  • (On Ronnie Musgrove): Wikipedia article on Ronnie Musgrove, 08/08/2008
  • (On Ted Stevens): Wikipedia.com article, "Ted Stevens", 07/02/2008
  • (On Kathleen Sebelius): Wikipedia.com article "Kathleen_Sebelius", 04/21/2008
  • (On Jim Slattery): Wikipedia article, "Jim_Slattery", 04/04/2008
  • (On Laura Richardson): Wikipedia article, Laura_Richardson, 03/15/2008
  • (On Cynthia McKinney): Wikipedia article, "Cynthia McKinney", 12/21/2007
  • (On Bill Clinton): Wikipedia entry on Bill Clinton, 11/11/2007
  • (On Alberto Gonzales): Wikipedia, Alberto Gonzales article, 07/31/2007
  • (On Mike Bloomberg): Wikipedia.org entry, "Michael_Bloomberg", 05/02/2007
  • (On Mike Gravel): Wikipedia.org article on Mike Gravel campaign, 02/26/2007
  • (On Mike Gravel): Wikipedia.org article, "Mike Gravel", 01/01/2007
  • (On Ted Stevens): Wikipedia.com article, "Series of tubes", 06/28/2006
  • (On Christy Mihos): Wikipedia.org, 06/05/2006
  • (On Tom Reilly): Wikipedia.com, 02/06/2006
  • (On Samuel Alito): Wikipedia.org, "Alito, Case History", 11/01/2005
  • (On Antonin Scalia & other SCOTUS Justices): Wikipedia on 1987 SCOTUS 5-4 ruling in McCleskey v. Kemp, 04/22/1987
  • (On Anthony Kennedy & other Justices): Wikipedia on 2003 SCOTUS 5-4 ruling in Grutter v. Bollinger, 06/23/1986
  • (On Harry Blackmun & other SCOTUS): Wikipedia on 1986 SCOTUS 7-2 ruling in Batson v. Kentucky, 04/30/1986

 OnTheIssues.org excerpts:  (click on issues for details)
    Alberto Gonzales: Perceived as supporting abortion because of judicial rulings.
    Christy Mihos: Supports abortion rights.
    Josh Green: No residency requirement for abortions; clinics ok.
    Kathleen Sebelius: Vetoed Comprehensive Abortion Reform Act as unconstitutional.
    Kathleen Sebelius: Endorsed by Planned Parenthood for years as pro-choice.
    Kirk Caldwell: No residency requirement for abortions; clinics ok.
    Linda Lingle: No residency requirement for abortions; clinics ok.
Budget & Economy
    Evan McMullin: Worked as investment banker at Goldman Sachs.
    Larry Kudlow: FactCheck: No, deficit is increasing with Trump tax cuts.
Civil Rights
    Alberto Gonzales: No express grant of habeas corpus in the Constitution.
    Ann-Marie Adams: President of the Conn. Association of Black Communicators.
    Bill Waller: Father shut down segregationist Mississippi Commissions.
    Christy Mihos: Supports gay marriage and adoption by same-sex couples.
    Cynthia McKinney: Introduced MLK Records Act, to unseal assassination files.
    Dan Bishop: Authored "bathroom bill": no trans-gendered public restrooms.
    Joe Biden: 1987 Biden Report: Reject Bork; he'd roll back civil rights.
    Kathleen Sebelius: No Constitutional amendment against same-sex marriage.
    Mike Gravel: Unequivocally supports same-sex marriage.
    Samuel Alito: Agrees that women should consult husband before abortion.
    Samuel Alito: Government cannot supress free speech in alcohol ads.
    Ted Kennedy: 1987: "Robert Bork's America" means censorship & segregation.
    Tom Reilly: Led Budd & Reilly--largest minority law firm in MA.
    David McCormick: 2013: supported same-sex marriage to Supreme Court.
    Linda McMahon: CEO of wrestling business, a "testosterone-charged industry".
    Andrew Gillum: Restorative justice programs to reduce teen recidivism.
    Antonin Scalia: Statistical racial sentencing disparities are inevitable.
    David Koch: Fight systemic overcriminalization and overincarceration.
    David Koch: End asset forfeiture by law enforcement.
    David Koch: Require criminal intent for prosecuting white-collar crimes.
    Harry Blackmun: Statistical racial sentencing disparities unconstitutional.
    Harry Blackmun: Black defendants have Constitutional right to blacks on jury.
    John Paul Stevens: Statistical racial sentencing disparities unconstitutional.
    John Paul Stevens: Black defendants have Constitutional right to blacks on jury.
    Kathleen Sebelius: Opponent of capital punishment during Supreme Court ruling.
    Mike Gravel: Citizen Power includes abolition of the death penalty.
    Sandra Day O`Connor: Statistical racial sentencing disparities are inevitable.
    Sandra Day O`Connor: Black defendants have Constitutional right to blacks on jury.
    William Rehnquist: Statistical racial sentencing disparities are inevitable.
    William Rehnquist: Black defendants have no right to blacks on jury.
    Mike Gravel: Legalize the use and possession of marijuana.
    Anthony Kennedy: Admissions preference is unconstitutional racial balancing.
    Antonin Scalia: Admissions preference is unconstitutional racial balancing.
    Clarence Thomas: Admissions preference is unconstitutional racial balancing.
    David Souter: College affirmative action ok to achieve racial diversity.
    John Paul Stevens: College affirmative action ok to achieve racial diversity.
    Linda McMahon: 2009: Member of Connecticut Board of Education.
    Linda McMahon: 2000: GET REAL program: promoted reading among children.
    Mike Bloomberg: Replaced school board with direct mayoral control.
    Mike Bloomberg: No social promotion; more after-school.
    Mike Bloomberg: Strengthened cell-phone ban in city schools.
    Mike Gravel: Citizen Power includes school vouchers.
    Ruth Bader Ginsburg: College affirmative action ok to achieve racial diversity.
    Samuel Alito: Cannot ban hate speech in a school's anti-harassment policy.
    Samuel Alito: Supported free religious expression in kindergartens.
    Sandra Day O`Connor: College affirmative action ok to achieve racial diversity.
    Stephen Breyer: College affirmative action ok to achieve racial diversity.
    William Rehnquist: Admissions preference is unconstitutional racial balancing.
Energy & Oil
    Alberto Gonzales: Kept Cheney’s Energy task force documents secret.
    Alvin Greene: Supports offshore drilling to lower the price of gas.
    Josh Green: Voted YES to suspend the gasoline price cap.
    Kirk Caldwell: Voted YES to suspend the gasoline price cap.
    Linda Lingle: Suspended the gasoline price cap.
    Ryan Zinke: Increase coal, oil & gas mining access at National Monuments.
    Patrick Morrisey: EPA exceeds its authority on Clean Water & Cross-State Air.
    Ryan Zinke: End ban on lead bullets & fishing tackle in wildlife refuges.
    Robert F. Kennedy Jr.: Riverkeepers: Sue polluters to clean up Hudson River.
Families & Children
    Bill Waller: 2015: Let same-sex couples divorce.
    Jim Hood: 2015: Let same-sex couples divorce.
    Kevin de Leon: Yes Means Yes: affirmative consent standard at colleges.
Foreign Policy
    Alberto Gonzales: Parts of Geneva Convention are “quaint” and outdated.
    David McCormick: Promote equality and pluralism around the world.
Free Trade
    David McCormick: With Bush: embrace trade; with Trump: America First.
    David McCormick: When China succeeds, the United States succeeds.
Government Reform
    Bill Clinton: 1993: Proposed (and failed at) campaign finance reform.
    Christy Mihos: Would pursue strict campaign finance reform.
    Henry McMaster: Cited by Ethics Commission for excessive donations of $51K.
    Joe Arpaio: Fined $153,978 for illegal in-kind campaign contributions.
    Joe Biden: 1987: Rejected Bork on grounds of too-strong originalism.
    Marsha Blackburn: Require presidential candidates to show birth certificates.
    Linda McMahon: 2000: Initiated non-partisan voter-registration campaign.
    David McCormick: January 6 was a dark chapter in American history.
Gun Control
    Alvin Greene: Supports the Constitution on firearms.
    Andrew Gillum: Operation Safe Neighborhood: community crime watch.
    Kathleen Sebelius: Vetoed concealed carry law.
    Kathleen Sebelius: Allow machine gun ownership if NFA requirements met.
    Mike Bloomberg: Founder of Mayors Against Illegal Guns.
    Robert F. Kennedy Jr.: Common sense gun control, and assault weapons ban.
Health Care
    Mike Bloomberg: Prioritize city healthcare on HIV, diabetes & hypertension.
    Mike Gravel: Citizen Power includes universal health care.
Homeland Security
    Alvin Greene: Involuntary honorable discharge after several decorations.
    Cynthia McKinney: Criticized excessive secrecy in 9/11 investigation.
    Jim Slattery: Limited spending on B-2 bomber & Supercollider in 1990.
    Mike Gravel: Filibustered the draft in ‘71, causing its expiration in ‘73.
    Alberto Gonzales: 3 out of 4 of his grandparents were illegal immigrants.
    Evan McMullin: Worked briefly as UN volunteer refugee resettlement officer.
    Gary Johnson: Would veto Arizona SB 1070 as Latino racial discrimination.
    Jan Brewer: Supreme Court ok's immigration status checks.
    Mike Bloomberg: Normalize status of otherwise law-abiding illegal immigrants.
    Mike Bloomberg: Border controls fight natural forces of supply and demand.
    Sally Yates: Refused to defend 2017 Muslim ban; dismissed as AG.
    Misty Snow: Raise the minimum wage to $15 an hour.
Principles & Values
    Adam Laxalt: Son of Sen. Pete Domenici; grandson of Gov. Paul Laxalt.
    Alberto Gonzales: Served as general counsel when Bush was Texas Governor.
    Alvin Greene: Party officials claim Greene does not share their values.
    Alvin Greene: Surprise primary victory challenged; rematch rejected.
    Cynthia McKinney: Oct. 2007: Resigned Democratic Party & joined Green Party.
    Cynthia McKinney: Lost 2002 primary; sued against “open primary” & lost.
    Cynthia McKinney: Apology on House floor for punching Capitol Police officer.
    Democratic Party: Planned 12 Democratic 2020 presidential primary debates.
    Donald Trump: OpEd: Trump is a symbol of renewed white identity.
    Jim Slattery: Served in the US House, Kansas House, and in Army Reserves.
    John Edwards: Maintains PAC, One America Committee.
    Mark Warner: Term-limited as governor in 2008.
    Mark Warner: We can't win presidency in only 16 blue states.
    Michael Bennet: Born in India, to diplomat & Jewish Holocaust survivor.
    Mike Gravel: Came in 3rd for Vice Presidential nomination in 1972.
    Mike Gravel: Has campaigned in NH almost fulltime since April 2006.
    Nikki Haley: Born in S.C. as Nimrata Randhawa, to Sikh parents.
    Ray Metcalfe: 1986: Formed Moderate Party to oppose religious right in GOP.
    Ronnie Musgrove: 2003: "Tragedy" to remove Ten Commandments from MS Capitol.
    Russell Feingold: Launched presidential PAC, the Progressive Patriots Fund.
    Ted Stevens: Under investigation by IRS; home searched by FBI in 2007.
    Tom Reilly: "Misguided youth" included arrest for drunkenness.
Tax Reform
    Alvin Greene: Let the Bush tax cuts expire.
    Larry Kudlow: Never believe the CBO: tax cuts will not increase deficit.
    Mike Gravel: Supports a national sales tax to replace IRS.
    Andrew Gillum: Digital Harmony Project: computers & internet for schoolkids.
    Eric Greitens: OpEd: used self-immolating texting despite open records laws.
    Josh Hawley: Investigate state use of self-immolating messaging.
    Ted Stevens: The internet is like a series of tubes.
War & Peace
    Alvin Greene: Use war money for domestic programs.
    Cynthia McKinney: Introduced articles of impeachment at end of 2006 session.
    Evan McMullin: Served in clandestine CIA in post-9-11 conflict zones.
    Laura Richardson: City anti-war petition led to her support-troop resolution.
    Laura Richardson: City anti-war petition led to her support-troop resolution.
    Mike Gravel: Immediate withdrawal from the war in Iraq.

The above quotations are from Wikipedia.org political website.

All material copyright 1999-2022
by Jesse Gordon and OnTheIssues.org
Reprinting by permission only.

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