Books by and about 2024 presidential candidates |
Hillbilly Elegy, by JD Vance (2017) |
Crippled America, by Donald J. Trump (2015) |
Fire and Fury, by Michael Wolff (2018) |
Trump Revealed, by Michael Kranish and Marc Fisher (2016) |
The Making of Donald Trump, by David Cay Johnston (2016) |
Promise Me, Dad , by Joe Biden (2017) |
The Book of Joe , by Jeff Wilser (2019; biography of Joe Biden) |
The Truths We Hold, by Kamala Harris (2019) |
Smart on Crime, by Kamala Harris (2010) |
Becoming, by Michelle Obama (2018) |
Higher Loyalty, by James Comey (2018) |
The Making of Donald Trump, by David Cay Johnston (2017) |
Book Reviews |
(from Amazon.com) |
(click a book cover for a review or other books by or about the presidency from Amazon.com)
Wikipedia.org political website
 (Click for external website)
Articles from Wikipedia:
- Wikipedia.com, "List of Donald Trump 2024 presidential campaign political endorsements," 11/1/2024, (Link)
- Trump/Vance campaign press release, "ANOTHER Major Outlet Backs Away From Kamala," October 28, 2024, (Link)
- Wikipedia FactCheck: "List of Kamala Harris/Donald Trump endorsements: Newspapers and other publications", October 28, 2024, (Link) and (Link)
- On 2024 presidential race: "International Transgender Day of Visibility," downloaded 4/5/2024, (Link)
- Wikipedia on 2023_Hopefuls, "RFK Jr.: Riverkeeper", , downloaded 10/9/2023, (Link)
- Wikipedia on Hawaii Bill HB3115 , "Gas Cap Law," downloaded 1/7/2022
- Hawaii State Legislation: Hawaii Bill HB1242, "Abortion in Hawaii," downloaded 1/7/2022
- Kansas City Star on 2024_MO_Gov: "Ashcroft approves Medicaid expansion petition in time for Parson to pick election date," by Jason Hancock. May 26, 2020, (Link) and (Wikipedia Note)
- (On Eric Greitens): Wikipedia.com on 2018 Missouri Gubernatorial impeachment, 08/31/2018
- (On Josh Hawley): Wikipedia.com on 2018 Missouri Gubernatorial impeachment, 08/31/2018
- (On Adam Laxalt): Wikipedia.org "Adam Laxalt" on 2018 Nevada governor race, 03/23/2018
- (On Ann-Marie Adams): Wikipedia on 2018 Connecticut Senate race, 02/18/2018
- (On Kevin de Leon): Wikipedia on California voting record SB 967, 02/18/2018
- (On Patrick Morrisey): Wikipedia on 2018 West Virginia Senate race, 02/18/2018
- (On David Koch): Wikipedia article: Political activities of the Koch brothers, 12/22/2017
- (On Andrew Gillum): Wikipedia summary for 2018 Florida Gubernatorial race, 03/11/2017
- (On Ray Metcalfe): Wikipedia article: Alaska political party history, 11/08/2016
- (On Misty Snow): Wikipedia article on 2016 Utah Senate race, 08/31/2016
- (On Evan McMullin): Wikipedia article on 2016 presidential hopeful, 08/12/2016
- (On Gary Johnson): Wikipedia articles on Johnson's positions & Arizona SB 1060, 05/02/2016
- (On Jan Brewer): Wikipedia article on Arizona SB 1060, 05/02/2016
- (On Henry McMaster): Wikipedia.org politician profile, 09/30/2015
- (On Nikki Haley): Wikipedia web page, "Nikki Haley", 11/15/2010
- (On Joe Arpaio): Wikipedia on 2018 Arizona Senate race, 09/30/2010
- (On Linda McMahon): Wikipedia article, "Linda McMahon", 08/12/2010
- (On Alvin Greene): Wikipedia article on Alvin Greene, 07/19/2010
- (On Joe Biden): Wikipedia.org, "Joe Biden", re: Slouching Towards Gomorrah, 11/17/2009
- (On Ted Kennedy): Wikipedia.org, "Robert Bork", re: Slouching Towards Gomorrah, 11/17/2009
- (On Ronnie Musgrove): Wikipedia article on Ronnie Musgrove, 08/08/2008
- (On Ted Stevens): Wikipedia.com article, "Ted Stevens", 07/02/2008
- (On Kathleen Sebelius): Wikipedia.com article "Kathleen_Sebelius", 04/21/2008
- (On Jim Slattery): Wikipedia article, "Jim_Slattery", 04/04/2008
- (On Laura Richardson): Wikipedia article, Laura_Richardson, 03/15/2008
- (On Cynthia McKinney): Wikipedia article, "Cynthia McKinney", 12/21/2007
- (On Bill Clinton): Wikipedia entry on Bill Clinton, 11/11/2007
- (On Alberto Gonzales): Wikipedia, Alberto Gonzales article, 07/31/2007
- (On Mike Bloomberg): Wikipedia.org entry, "Michael_Bloomberg", 05/02/2007
- (On Mike Gravel): Wikipedia.org article on Mike Gravel campaign, 02/26/2007
- (On Mike Gravel): Wikipedia.org article, "Mike Gravel", 01/01/2007
- (On Ted Stevens): Wikipedia.com article, "Series of tubes", 06/28/2006
- (On Christy Mihos): Wikipedia.org, 06/05/2006
- (On Tom Reilly): Wikipedia.com, 02/06/2006
- (On Samuel Alito): Wikipedia.org, "Alito, Case History", 11/01/2005
- (On Antonin Scalia & other SCOTUS Justices): Wikipedia on 1987 SCOTUS 5-4 ruling in McCleskey v. Kemp, 04/22/1987
- (On Anthony Kennedy & other Justices): Wikipedia on 2003 SCOTUS 5-4 ruling in Grutter v. Bollinger, 06/23/1986
- (On Harry Blackmun & other SCOTUS): Wikipedia on 1986 SCOTUS 7-2 ruling in Batson v. Kentucky, 04/30/1986
OnTheIssues.org excerpts: (click on issues for details)
Alberto Gonzales: Perceived as supporting abortion because of judicial rulings.
Christy Mihos: Supports abortion rights.
Josh Green: No residency requirement for abortions; clinics ok.
Kathleen Sebelius: Vetoed Comprehensive Abortion Reform Act as unconstitutional.
Kathleen Sebelius: Endorsed by Planned Parenthood for years as pro-choice.
Kirk Caldwell: No residency requirement for abortions; clinics ok.
Linda Lingle: No residency requirement for abortions; clinics ok.
Budget & Economy
Evan McMullin: Worked as investment banker at Goldman Sachs.
Larry Kudlow: FactCheck: No, deficit is increasing with Trump tax cuts.
Civil Rights
Alberto Gonzales: No express grant of habeas corpus in the Constitution.
Ann-Marie Adams: President of the Conn. Association of Black Communicators.
Bill Waller: Father shut down segregationist Mississippi Commissions.
Christy Mihos: Supports gay marriage and adoption by same-sex couples.
Cynthia McKinney: Introduced MLK Records Act, to unseal assassination files.
Dan Bishop: Authored "bathroom bill": no trans-gendered public restrooms.
Joe Biden: 1987 Biden Report: Reject Bork; he'd roll back civil rights.
Kathleen Sebelius: No Constitutional amendment against same-sex marriage.
Mike Gravel: Unequivocally supports same-sex marriage.
Samuel Alito: Agrees that women should consult husband before abortion.
Samuel Alito: Government cannot supress free speech in alcohol ads.
Ted Kennedy: 1987: "Robert Bork's America" means censorship & segregation.
Tom Reilly: Led Budd & Reilly--largest minority law firm in MA.
David McCormick: 2013: supported same-sex marriage to Supreme Court.
Donald Trump: Blasphemy to promote transgender visibility on Easter Sunday.
Linda McMahon: CEO of wrestling business, a "testosterone-charged industry".
Andrew Gillum: Restorative justice programs to reduce teen recidivism.
Antonin Scalia: Statistical racial sentencing disparities are inevitable.
David Koch: Fight systemic overcriminalization and overincarceration.
David Koch: End asset forfeiture by law enforcement.
David Koch: Require criminal intent for prosecuting white-collar crimes.
Harry Blackmun: Statistical racial sentencing disparities unconstitutional.
Harry Blackmun: Black defendants have Constitutional right to blacks on jury.
John Paul Stevens: Statistical racial sentencing disparities unconstitutional.
John Paul Stevens: Black defendants have Constitutional right to blacks on jury.
Kathleen Sebelius: Opponent of capital punishment during Supreme Court ruling.
Mike Gravel: Citizen Power includes abolition of the death penalty.
Sandra Day O`Connor: Statistical racial sentencing disparities are inevitable.
Sandra Day O`Connor: Black defendants have Constitutional right to blacks on jury.
William Rehnquist: Statistical racial sentencing disparities are inevitable.
William Rehnquist: Black defendants have no right to blacks on jury.
Mike Gravel: Legalize the use and possession of marijuana.
Anthony Kennedy: Admissions preference is unconstitutional racial balancing.
Antonin Scalia: Admissions preference is unconstitutional racial balancing.
Clarence Thomas: Admissions preference is unconstitutional racial balancing.
David Souter: College affirmative action ok to achieve racial diversity.
John Paul Stevens: College affirmative action ok to achieve racial diversity.
Linda McMahon: 2009: Member of Connecticut Board of Education.
Linda McMahon: 2000: GET REAL program: promoted reading among children.
Mike Bloomberg: Replaced school board with direct mayoral control.
Mike Bloomberg: No social promotion; more after-school.
Mike Bloomberg: Strengthened cell-phone ban in city schools.
Mike Gravel: Citizen Power includes school vouchers.
Ruth Bader Ginsburg: College affirmative action ok to achieve racial diversity.
Samuel Alito: Cannot ban hate speech in a school's anti-harassment policy.
Samuel Alito: Supported free religious expression in kindergartens.
Sandra Day O`Connor: College affirmative action ok to achieve racial diversity.
Stephen Breyer: College affirmative action ok to achieve racial diversity.
William Rehnquist: Admissions preference is unconstitutional racial balancing.
Energy & Oil
Alberto Gonzales: Kept Cheney’s Energy task force documents secret.
Alvin Greene: Supports offshore drilling to lower the price of gas.
Josh Green: Voted YES to suspend the gasoline price cap.
Kirk Caldwell: Voted YES to suspend the gasoline price cap.
Linda Lingle: Suspended the gasoline price cap.
Ryan Zinke: Increase coal, oil & gas mining access at National Monuments.
Patrick Morrisey: EPA exceeds its authority on Clean Water & Cross-State Air.
Ryan Zinke: End ban on lead bullets & fishing tackle in wildlife refuges.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr.: Riverkeepers: Sue polluters to clean up Hudson River.
Families & Children
Bill Waller: 2015: Let same-sex couples divorce.
Jim Hood: 2015: Let same-sex couples divorce.
Kevin de Leon: Yes Means Yes: affirmative consent standard at colleges.
Foreign Policy
Alberto Gonzales: Parts of Geneva Convention are “quaint” and outdated.
David McCormick: Promote equality and pluralism around the world.
Free Trade
David McCormick: With Bush: embrace trade; with Trump: America First.
David McCormick: When China succeeds, the United States succeeds.
Government Reform
Bill Clinton: 1993: Proposed (and failed at) campaign finance reform.
Christy Mihos: Would pursue strict campaign finance reform.
Henry McMaster: Cited by Ethics Commission for excessive donations of $51K.
Joe Arpaio: Fined $153,978 for illegal in-kind campaign contributions.
Joe Biden: 1987: Rejected Bork on grounds of too-strong originalism.
Marsha Blackburn: Require presidential candidates to show birth certificates.
Linda McMahon: 2000: Initiated non-partisan voter-registration campaign.
David McCormick: January 6 was a dark chapter in American history.
Gun Control
Alvin Greene: Supports the Constitution on firearms.
Andrew Gillum: Operation Safe Neighborhood: community crime watch.
Kathleen Sebelius: Vetoed concealed carry law.
Kathleen Sebelius: Allow machine gun ownership if NFA requirements met.
Mike Bloomberg: Founder of Mayors Against Illegal Guns.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr.: Common sense gun control, and assault weapons ban.
Health Care
Mike Bloomberg: Prioritize city healthcare on HIV, diabetes & hypertension.
Mike Gravel: Citizen Power includes universal health care.
Jay Ashcroft: Let the people vote on expanding Medicaid eligibility.
Homeland Security
Alvin Greene: Involuntary honorable discharge after several decorations.
Cynthia McKinney: Criticized excessive secrecy in 9/11 investigation.
Jim Slattery: Limited spending on B-2 bomber & Supercollider in 1990.
Mike Gravel: Filibustered the draft in ‘71, causing its expiration in ‘73.
Alberto Gonzales: 3 out of 4 of his grandparents were illegal immigrants.
Evan McMullin: Worked briefly as UN volunteer refugee resettlement officer.
Gary Johnson: Would veto Arizona SB 1070 as Latino racial discrimination.
Jan Brewer: Supreme Court ok's immigration status checks.
Mike Bloomberg: Normalize status of otherwise law-abiding illegal immigrants.
Mike Bloomberg: Border controls fight natural forces of supply and demand.
Sally Yates: Refused to defend 2017 Muslim ban; dismissed as AG.
Misty Snow: Raise the minimum wage to $15 an hour.
Principles & Values
Adam Laxalt: Son of Sen. Pete Domenici; grandson of Gov. Paul Laxalt.
Alberto Gonzales: Served as general counsel when Bush was Texas Governor.
Alvin Greene: Party officials claim Greene does not share their values.
Alvin Greene: Surprise primary victory challenged; rematch rejected.
Cynthia McKinney: Oct. 2007: Resigned Democratic Party & joined Green Party.
Cynthia McKinney: Lost 2002 primary; sued against “open primary” & lost.
Cynthia McKinney: Apology on House floor for punching Capitol Police officer.
Democratic Party: Planned 12 Democratic 2020 presidential primary debates.
Donald Trump: OpEd: Trump is a symbol of renewed white identity.
Jim Slattery: Served in the US House, Kansas House, and in Army Reserves.
John Edwards: Maintains PAC, One America Committee.
Mark Warner: Term-limited as governor in 2008.
Mark Warner: We can't win presidency in only 16 blue states.
Michael Bennet: Born in India, to diplomat & Jewish Holocaust survivor.
Mike Gravel: Came in 3rd for Vice Presidential nomination in 1972.
Mike Gravel: Has campaigned in NH almost fulltime since April 2006.
Nikki Haley: Born in S.C. as Nimrata Randhawa, to Sikh parents.
Ray Metcalfe: 1986: Formed Moderate Party to oppose religious right in GOP.
Ronnie Musgrove: 2003: "Tragedy" to remove Ten Commandments from MS Capitol.
Russell Feingold: Launched presidential PAC, the Progressive Patriots Fund.
Ted Stevens: Under investigation by IRS; home searched by FBI in 2007.
Tom Reilly: "Misguided youth" included arrest for drunkenness.
Donald Trump: Endorsed by 4 major newspapers (but 50+ endorse Harris/Walz).
Donald Trump: Endorsed by some Democratic & Republican elected officials.
Kamala Harris: Endorsed by 50+ major newspapers (with 4 endorsing Trump).
Tax Reform
Alvin Greene: Let the Bush tax cuts expire.
Larry Kudlow: Never believe the CBO: tax cuts will not increase deficit.
Mike Gravel: Supports a national sales tax to replace IRS.
Andrew Gillum: Digital Harmony Project: computers & internet for schoolkids.
Eric Greitens: OpEd: used self-immolating texting despite open records laws.
Josh Hawley: Investigate state use of self-immolating messaging.
Ted Stevens: The internet is like a series of tubes.
War & Peace
Alvin Greene: Use war money for domestic programs.
Cynthia McKinney: Introduced articles of impeachment at end of 2006 session.
Evan McMullin: Served in clandestine CIA in post-9-11 conflict zones.
Laura Richardson: City anti-war petition led to her support-troop resolution.
Laura Richardson: City anti-war petition led to her support-troop resolution.
Mike Gravel: Immediate withdrawal from the war in Iraq.
The above quotations are from Wikipedia.org political website.