Books by and about 2020 presidential candidates |
Crippled America, by Donald J. Trump (2015) |
Fire and Fury, by Michael Wolff (2018) |
Trump Revealed, by Michael Kranish and Marc Fisher (2016) |
The Making of Donald Trump, by David Cay Johnston (2016) |
Promise Me, Dad , by Joe Biden (2017) |
The Book of Joe , by Jeff Wilser (2019; biography of Joe Biden) |
The Truths We Hold, by Kamala Harris (2019) |
Smart on Crime, by Kamala Harris (2010) |
Guide to Political Revolution, by Bernie Sanders (2017) |
Where We Go From Here, by Bernie Sanders (2018) |
Our Revolution, by Bernie Sanders (2016) |
This Fight Is Our Fight, by Elizabeth Warren (2017) |
United, by Cory Booker (2016) |
Conscience of a Conservative, by Jeff Flake (2017) |
Two Paths, by Gov. John Kasich (2017) |
Every Other Monday, by Rep. John Kasich (2010) |
Courage is Contagious, by John Kasich (1998) |
Shortest Way Home, by Pete Buttigieg (2019) |
Becoming, by Michelle Obama (2018) |
Higher Loyalty, by James Comey (2018) |
The Making of Donald Trump, by David Cay Johnston (2017) |
Higher Loyalty , by James Comey (2018) |
Trump vs. Hillary On The Issues , by Jesse Gordon (2016) |
Outsider in the White House, by Bernie Sanders (2015) |
Book Reviews |
(from Amazon.com) |
(click a book cover for a review or other books by or about the presidency from Amazon.com)
Media coverage of political races in The New York Times, 2000-2009
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OnTheIssues.org excerpts: (click on issues for details)
Michael Steele: Pro-life, but we have to live with 33 years of reality.
KT McFarland: Supports abortion rights.
Dick Armey: Block research funding for embryonic stem cells.
J.C. Watts: Block research funding for embryonic stem cells.
Tom DeLay: Block research funding for embryonic stem cells.
Bret Schundler: Condemns abortion.
Ralph Nader: Threats to overturn Roe are “scare tactics”.
Al Gore: Would support RU-486, if proven safe.
Joseph Lieberman: Supports abortion rights within his faith, not despite it.
Joseph Lieberman: Supported parental notification for minors; but pro-choice.
Rick Lazio: No Medicare funds for abortions; OK to fund privately abroad.
Al Gore: Personal struggle on abortion reflected in evolving view.
Al Gore: Voted against federal funding for abortions in Congress.
John McCain: Abortion OK if raped; and no testing for rape.
Hillary Clinton: Remain vigilant on a woman’s right to chose.
Gary Bauer: No compromise on Litmus Test for Supreme Court.
Budget & Economy
Claire McCaskill: Take on sacred cows that gave us $8 trillion debt.
Thomas Kean Jr.: NJ has a net loss of $31B to Washington from federal taxes.
Al Gore: Bush’s policies made $4 trillion in surpluses disappear.
Jeff Sessions: Tighten bankruptcy rules; it costs society & is immoral.
Paul Wellstone: Bankruptcy is safety net; reform only helps big banks.
George W. Bush: Cut national debt by $2T in 10 years; leave $1.2T in debt.
Gray Davis: Buy wholesale electricity; build plants; conserve now.
Spencer Abraham: No price caps on electricity; focus on reducing demand.
Gray Davis: Electricity deregulation a colossal and dangerous failure.
Joseph Lieberman: Democratic administration balanced budget and created growth.
Al Gore: Make hard choices to keep prosperity rolling.
George W. Bush: Don’t let Gore bring back big government; 200 new programs.
Pat Buchanan: Break up OPEC instead of Microsoft.
Al Gore: Helping middle-class is goal of economic plan.
Al Gore: Economic plan is blueprint for American prosperity.
Al Gore: Safeguard prosperity to reduce poverty.
Al Gore: Enable more families to save, own homes, and pay less tax.
Joseph Lieberman: New economy will thrive on investment and trained workers.
George W. Bush: Gore: Feds spend surplus; Bush: taxpayers spend it.
Al Gore: Gore attack on Texas economy strikes nerve in Bush campaign.
Rick Lazio: Supported GOP budgets for “smaller decentralized govt”.
Rick Lazio: Supported balanced budget amendment.
Al Gore: Spend $164B surplus on Medicare, tax cuts, & debt.
George W. Bush: Spend $586B surplus on tax cuts, health, & defense.
Bill Bradley: Early supporter of simplifying taxes, cutting deficit & debt.
Steve Forbes: Conservative economics: flat tax, less govt, Greenspan out.
Civil Rights
Charles Schumer: Supports civil unions but not gay marriage.
Howard Mills: Supports equal rights minus the use of marriage for gays.
Marilyn O`Grady: Supports a constitutional ban on same-sex marriages.
Wesley Clark: Constitutional amendment against flag desecration.
Wesley Clark: Constitutional Amendment against flag desecration.
Rudy Giuliani: Anti-Catholic art is disgusting; appoints decency council.
Elaine Chao: Affirmative Action discounts equal opportunity and merit.
Al Gore: Civil rights & Supreme Court are at stake in this election.
Al Gore: Supports Vermont’s Civil Union law.
Pat Buchanan: Homosexuality is “the love that will not shut up.”.
Joseph Lieberman: Affirmative action divides us.
Al Gore: Gore emphasizes long-term commitment to NAACP.
George W. Bush: Bush courageously speaks to NAACP, yet offers few specifics.
Al Gore: Latino values are America’s best values.
Rick Lazio: Racial preferences OK in college admissions.
Rick Lazio: Ban gays in the military.
George W. Bush: Repudiates anti-Catholicism despite Bob Jones University.
John McCain: Leave Confederate flag decision to people of SC.
Bill Bradley: Civil Rights Act & hate crime laws cover gays.
Ralph Nader: Help for ordinary people should replace corporate welfare.
Dick Cheney: Defends Halliburton’s success and retirement package.
Ralph Nader: Corporate sponsorship turns debates into beer commercials.
Michael Steele: Personally opposed to the death penalty.
Sandra Day O`Connor: Questions whether death penalty is fairly administered.
George W. Bush: Death penalty decisions are profound, but made in 15 minutes.
George W. Bush: Miranda should be waived in some situations.
George W. Bush: 134 Texas executions are “fair and just”.
Rick Lazio: Limit death-row legal challenges.
Rick Lazio: Tort Reform: Limit product liability damages.
Al Gore: Third Way: Tough on crime prevention & tough on crime itself.
Al Gore: Constitutional amendment for victim’s rights.
Al Gore: Gore: Bush fosters recidivism; need more rehabilitation.
George W. Bush: Push for prisons & sentencing reduced Texas crime rates.
Hillary Clinton: Tap into churches to avoid more Louima & Diallo cases.
Rudy Giuliani: Giuliani backs police in Bronx killing.
George W. Bush: Bush is confident that none of 112 executed were innocent.
George W. Bush: Death penalty clemency for bad process, not for repentance.
Amy Klobuchar: More resources to fight the meth epidemic.
Al Sharpton: Never smoked marijuana, because he grew up in the church.
Dennis Kucinich: Hasn’t smoked marijuana, but would decriminalize it.
Howard Dean: Smoked marijuana in the past, as did other Dems.
John Edwards: Admits having smoked marijuana.
John Kerry: Admits having smoked marijuana.
Joseph Lieberman: Apologizes for never having smoked marijuana.
George W. Bush: Quit drinking when alcohol started to compete with family.
Ralph Nader: Legalize marijuana, and treat addiction as a health problem.
Al Gore: Mandatory weekly drug testing for state prisoners & parolees.
Al Gore: Drug treatment programs for every addict who wants one.
Al Gore: Pot use in 60s was like moonshine in 20s.
Elizabeth Dole: Double the Mexican border patrol to keep drugs out.
Elizabeth Dole: End aid to Colombia until they wipe out narco-guerillas.
George W. Bush: Full background checks on drug use for all appointees.
Mitt Romney: God created universe, but evolution created human body.
Bret Schundler: Allow parental choice; weaken teacher tenure.
Rudy Giuliani: Open schools on weekends for remedial catch-up.
Al Gore: Bush’s vouchers are “educational roulette”.
George W. Bush: Improve education with local control, accountability.
Dick Cheney: Money from failed schools can be used as parents decide best.
Al Gore: $170B on education over next 10 years.
Al Gore: Voluntary school prayer is ok, if teachers aren’t involved.
Rick Lazio: $97 Billion Education Plan.
Joseph Lieberman: Non-sectarian moment of silence OK in public schools.
Dick Cheney: Teach reading, writing, and values.
George W. Bush: Education is most important campaign issue.
George W. Bush: $310M for “impact aid” schools near military bases.
George W. Bush: $900M to improve Indian schools.
Joseph Lieberman: Choice won’t “ruin” schools; they’re already in ruins.
George W. Bush: $400M more for after-school programs, via block grants.
Robert Reich: New economy skills not measured by standardized tests.
Rick Lazio: Vouchers for private school tuition.
Hillary Clinton: Opposes merit pay for individual teachers.
Hillary Clinton: Supports merit pay for entire schools.
Hillary Clinton: City schools are overcrowded and falling apart.
Hillary Clinton: Scholarships for teachers who go to urban schools.
Hillary Clinton: Increase resources to meet increased standards.
Hillary Clinton: Fight with Gore for public schools; no voucher “gimmicks”.
Al Gore: Use budget surplus for teacher bonuses & more pre-school.
Bill Bradley: Use budget surplus for more teachers & more Head Start.
George W. Bush: Link block grants & vouchers to student testing.
George W. Bush: If schools fail for 3 years, funding becomes “portable”.
John McCain: Unrestricted block grants--let states decide spending.
John McCain: Let states decide if they link vouchers to student testing.
Al Gore: Education plan: $115B over 10 years.
Bill Bradley: Education plan: $90B over 10 years.
Bill Bradley: Vouchers are not the solution to schools’ problems.
George W. Bush: Praise and reward successful schools; shame failures.
Energy & Oil
Richard Tarrant: Study & implement hydrogen cars & eco-friendly products.
Thomas Kean Jr.: Wean America off of fossil fuels altogether.
George W. Bush: Natural gas is hemispheric; find it in our own neighborhood.
Ralph Nader: Kyoto treaty is so watered down there’s nothing to fight for.
George W. Bush: OPEC will increase oil supply out of respect for Bush.
Rick Lazio: Support EPA and CWA; but allow drilling in ANWR.
Rudy Giuliani: Open Strategic Petroleum Reserve to battle high oil prices.
George W. Bush: Opposes Kyoto treaty, ESA, & other intrusive regulations.
Dale Groutage: Allow hunting on public lands, but not drilling.
James Webb: More funding to reduce traffic congestion.
Ned Lamont: Vigilance in protecting Clean Water Act.
Richard Tarrant: Promote environmentally friendly business practices.
Thomas Kean Jr.: Supports the Polluter Pays Principle.
Bret Schundler: Protect green spaces.
Jeb Bush: Drilling in Gulf of Mexico hurts Florida tourism industry.
Al Gore: Will protect Chicago from being as polluted as Houston.
Joseph Lieberman: Religion is the foundation of environmentalism.
George W. Bush: $4.9B to repair “crumbling” national parks.
Al Gore: Kinship with Rachel Carson on environment.
John McCain: Repeal ban on new roads in wilderness due to bad process.
John McCain: Use park visitor fees for park development bonds.
George W. Bush: Pushed voluntary compliance in Texas instead of mandates.
George W. Bush: Cooperate with industry, instead of lawsuits & regulations.
George W. Bush: Houston leads US in smog, but Texas is getting cleaner.
Al Gore: $10 billion for mass transit and open spaces.
Families & Children
Al Gore: Faith and family are America’s biggest strengths.
George W. Bush: Paying taxes hurts family time for middle class.
Joseph Lieberman: Parents are losing children to culture’s violence.
Al Gore: Hold entertainment industry accountable.
Al Gore: Focus on “working families” via tax cuts & education.
Joseph Lieberman: With Bill Bennett, “Silver Sewer Awards” for immoral videos.
George W. Bush: $75M to support veterans to mentor youth.
Rick Lazio: Require companies to allow unpaid family leave.
Al Gore: Use family courts to resolve Elian case.
George W. Bush: Troubled by use of force in Elian case.
Hillary Clinton: Leave politics out of Elian decision.
George W. Bush: Decide Elian’s case in Florida courts, not federal.
Foreign Policy
Claire McCaskill: Active role for US in solving Israeli/Palestinian conflict.
George Tenet: Study will focus on whether US overstated Iraqi threat.
Al Gore: Gore supports vigorous intervention abroad; Bush less so.
George W. Bush: Bush compromises between internationalists and isolationists.
Joseph Lieberman: US must not withdraw troops and retreat into isolationism.
Joseph Lieberman: Cuba Libre, Free Cuba!
Hillary Clinton: Engage in world affairs, including human rights.
Hillary Clinton: Human rights are central to our objectives abroad.
Hillary Clinton: Keep Cuban embargo; pay UN bills.
George W. Bush: Keep tradition of showing opposition to Castro.
Al Gore: UN treaties are effective means for US to help Third World.
George W. Bush: No strategic ambiguity: US will defend Taiwan against China.
Pat Buchanan: End all sanctions that hurt innocent people.
Pat Buchanan: Cuba: Siege mentality is pillar of power; end embargo.
Elizabeth Dole: Russia: Work with policies, not personalities.
Elizabeth Dole: N. Korea & other rogue regimes are not our equals.
Pat Buchanan: Fighting Hitler & WWII was a noble cause.
Pat Buchanan: Warns against unsustainable commitments of US forces abroad.
Pat Buchanan: Protecting Poland from Hitler protected USSR for Communism.
Pat Buchanan: American leaders obsessed with Jewish influence.
Pat Buchanan: Hitler was no direct threat to the US after 1940.
John Kasich: Engage internationally but choose missions carefully.
Free Trade
Mike Bloomberg: Staunchly for free trade and against protectionism.
Hillary Clinton: Supports MFN for China, despite concerns over human rights.
George W. Bush: Supports congressional vote for China NTR & WTO.
George W. Bush: No trade barriers from Alaska to the tip of Cape Horn.
George W. Bush: Against WTO on foreign sales corp (for offshore tax breaks).
John McCain: Against foreign sales corporations (offshore tax breaks).
Elizabeth Dole: China: Two-track policy: Open markets + political reforms.
George W. Bush: Admit China to WTO.
Government Reform
Bob Corker: Legislature should make law, not judges via consent decrees.
Dale Groutage: Campaign finance reform to limit special interests.
Bill Clinton: Presidential pardon is absolute right; all Presidents use it.
George W. Bush: Big government cannot be compassionate.
Al Gore: Promises weekly open meeting as President.
Al Gore: I don’t ever want to see another era of big government.
Al Gore: Begin second phase of reinvention: shrink federal govt.
George W. Bush: Gore would be “obstacle in chief” to reform.
George W. Bush: Claim that Gore grows government not backed by history.
Rick Lazio: Fully fund the National Endowment for the Arts.
Rick Lazio: Ban soft money & issue ads.
Rick Lazio: Supported a Term Limits constitutional amendment.
Al Gore: $7B public campaign finance fund.
John McCain: No term limits; they throw away the good with the bad.
Al Gore: Presidents must focus on many things at once.
John McCain: Lost Senate vote on soft-money ban.
Gun Control
Dick Zimmer: Endorsed by the NRA in 1990 and 1992.
Bret Schundler: Looser gun laws; allow concealed carry.
Al Gore: Less rhetoric on gun control from Gore.
Rick Lazio: Require criminal background checks at gun shows.
Rick Lazio: Against gun registration; for sportsmen’s rights.
Al Gore: Gore says Bush lets NRA make gun policy.
George W. Bush: Bush says Gore is more a member of NRA than Bush is.
John McCain: Voted against Brady Bill & assault weapon ban.
John McCain: Guns are a problem, but so are violent web sites & videos.
Pat Buchanan: Columbine shootings due to Hollywood, not guns.
Al Gore: Supports background checks at gun shows, in tie-breaker.
Elizabeth Dole: Limited right to bear arms.
Health Care
Hillary Clinton: Health care initiatives are her first priority in Senate.
George W. Bush: Gore a hop, skip, & jump away from Hillary-care.
Al Gore: Stronger penalties for HMOs who drop seniors.
George W. Bush: Invest $27B in NIH to cure Alzheimer’s & other diseases.
Al Gore: Private medical information should not be bought and sold.
Al Gore: Enforce HMO coverage of women’s cancer treatment.
George W. Bush: Government HMOs not the answer for Social Security.
Joseph Lieberman: Texas slow to register kids in federal health insurance.
George W. Bush: Medicare & drug benefit plan reveal suspicion of government.
Al Gore: 1997 Medicare cuts went too far-put back $339B.
Joseph Lieberman: Voted to cut Medicare & raise age; now would not.
Al Gore: Foster competition in drug research; companies misspend R&D.
Ralph Nader: Opposes assisted suicide laws for terminally ill.
Joseph Lieberman: Supports health insurance industry (based in Hartford CT).
Al Gore: Curb excess pharmaceutical profits made at consumer expense.
Rick Lazio: Opposes allowing patient lawsuits against HMOs.
Rick Lazio: Against allowing assisted suicide.
Rick Lazio: Hillary’s universal health care is “an abysmal disaster”.
Al Gore: Against assisted suicide; but leave it to the states.
Al Gore: Drug companies block generic drugs & cheaper sales.
Bill Bradley: Controlling smoking is key to health care reform.
Pat Buchanan: Self-finance Medicare by self-investing.
Bill Bradley: Universal health care & health insurance coverage.
Gary Bauer: Allowing suing HMOs.
Homeland Security
Bob Corker: Do more for intelligence gathering capability.
Robert Menendez: Battle terror without sacrificing our ideals.
Thomas Kean Jr.: After Sept. 11th, do whatever it takes to protect America.
KT McFarland: Challenging Clinton on a national security platform.
KT McFarland: War on terror is more difficult than the Cold War.
Howard Mills: Homeland security should not be normal pork-barrel spending.
George W. Bush: Listens to Europeans on SDI, but “intent on the right thing”.
Hillary Clinton: Supports funding research on missile defense.
George W. Bush: Redefine how war is fought and won.
Al Gore: Disparaging military sends wrong message to world.
Al Gore: No soldier should have to rely on food stamps.
George W. Bush: Increase military pay to increase morale.
George W. Bush: Restore military’s self-esteem with respect.
Joseph Lieberman: More $ for weapons; including SDI recently.
George W. Bush: Make nuclear secrets (like Los Alamos) secure again.
Al Gore: Nuclear unilateralism will hinder arms control.
George W. Bush: Lowest possible number of nukes consistent with security.
John McCain: Disagrees with Perot: No more POWs in Vietnam.
Al Gore: Appointees must ENFORCE allowing gays; not AGREE with policy.
Elizabeth Dole: Post-cold-war weapons buildup.
Elizabeth Dole: Abandon ABM treaty & Test Ban treaty.
John McCain: Pres. needs experience more than briefing books.
Dale Groutage: Define how immigrant become citizen in fair & timely manner.
James Webb: Secure the border first; them deal with other aspects.
Thomas Kean Jr.: Illegal migration is a significant national security concern.
Anthony Kennedy: No judicial limit on detaining illegal immigrants.
Antonin Scalia: No judicial limit on detaining illegal immigrants.
Clarence Thomas: No judicial limit on detaining illegal immigrants.
David Souter: 6-month limit on detaining illegal immigrants.
John Paul Stevens: 6-month limit on detaining illegal immigrants.
Ruth Bader Ginsburg: 6-month limit on detaining illegal immigrants.
Sandra Day O`Connor: 6-month limit on detaining illegal immigrants.
Stephen Breyer: 6-month limit on detaining illegal immigrants.
William Rehnquist: No judicial limit on detaining illegal immigrants.
Jesse Helms: Work with new Mexican government to reduce immigration.
Bob Corker: Job growth by reducing taxation, litigation, and regulation.
Dale Groutage: Create a more diverse workforce for future jobs.
Richard Tarrant: More support and advocacy for farmers.
Ralph Nader: U.S. farm policy should focus on family farmers.
Joseph Lieberman: Commitment to labor & working families stressed.
Ralph Nader: Vote for a union supporter, not against Republicans.
Joseph Lieberman: For minimum wage; against labor on free trade.
Rick Lazio: Disallow hiring scabs during union strikes.
Rick Lazio: Tie minimum wage increase to business tax cut.
Al Gore: No timber sales in national forest roadless areas. Period.
Pat Buchanan: No minimum-wage increase.
Al Gore: Task force to study industrial needs.
Bill Bradley: Raise minimum wage; more unions; low-income tax cuts.
Principles & Values
Roger Wicker: OpEd: Ties Musgrove to Obama to demonstrate liberal record.
Ronnie Musgrove: OpEd: Distancing himself from Obama.
KT McFarland: Protege of Henry Kissinger & in Pentagon under Reagan.
KT McFarland: Calls herself a moderate Reagan Republican.
Marilyn O`Grady: Plans to serve a full term.
John Hagelin: Endorses Dennis Kucinich for President.
John Kerry: Ready to lead America: I was there and I led the fight.
Ralph Nader: Decision on run to be based on Kucinich & Dean’s standing.
Al Gore: I intend to rejoin the national debate; 2004 options open.
Bill Clinton: Clinton disbarred from Supreme Court.
Bret Schundler: Worked for Gary Hart as a Democrat in 1980.
Max Kennedy: Non-profit lawyer; never held elective office.
Joe Moakley: Enthusiastic about getting federal money for local purposes.
Bill Clinton: Rich pardon based on numerous foreign policy & legal reasons.
Bill Clinton: Opens post-Presidential office in Harlem.
Clarence Thomas: People who stand up for beliefs are culturally intimidated.
Pat Buchanan: Buchanan more spoiler than Nader, in state-based analysis.
Ralph Nader: Nader less spoiler than Buchanan, in state-based analysis.
Joseph Lieberman: Reconsider overseas military ballots, even if imperfect.
Al Gore: Thanks for allowing Clinton and me to bring change.
Ralph Nader: Waited 16 years; Dems no different than GOP about power.
Joseph Lieberman: Will not drop out of Connecticut Senate race.
Joseph Lieberman: Religion fills “vacuum of values” & provides common ground.
Al Gore: The purpose of life is to glorify God.
Ralph Nader: Vote conscience rather than choosing between drab and dreary.
Dick Cheney: Gore makes up stories to win votes.
Dick Cheney: Media distracts public with focus on trivia.
George W. Bush: “RATS” TV ad not an intentional subliminal message.
Al Gore: Voluntary school prayer is ok, if teachers aren’t involved.
Al Gore: Gore’s favorite things: Wheaties, Beatles, & kissing Tipper.
George W. Bush: Promises that there will be debates.
Dick Cheney: Personal charity is private and not a policy matter.
Joseph Lieberman: Advocates civil religion, not religiously based policy.
George W. Bush: US chosen by God to be a model among nations.
Al Gore: Focus on “specifics” questions Bush & favors wonkishness.
Al Gore: Populist tone to commitment to fight for the people.
Al Gore: Running on his agenda of last quarter century.
Joseph Lieberman: Continue to criticize Hollywood, but no Silver Sewer awards.
Dick Cheney: Cheney’s retirement package could be a conflict of interest.
Al Gore: Lieberman’s morality & Jewishness makes him a bold pick.
Joseph Lieberman: With GOP on defense & social issues; with Dems on budget.
Joseph Lieberman: Clinton’s affair was inappropriate, immoral, & harmful.
Joseph Lieberman: Tries to strike balance between conservative and liberal.
George W. Bush: No regrets for spontaneous personality.
Ralph Nader: One purpose of campaign is moving Democrats Left.
Ralph Nader: Gore defends record to the left to deter Nader supporters.
Al Gore: Whose side are you on? The people’s or the powerful?
John Hagelin: Alternative to Buchanan for Reform Party nomination.
Rick Lazio: With Dems on social issues; with GOP on taxes & impeachment.
Rick Lazio: Proud of his “mainstream record”.
George W. Bush: Good advisers better than knowing everything.
George W. Bush: Bush came through for Religious right in Texas.
Rudy Giuliani: Rudy discounts Bush’s impact on Senate race.
John McCain: Calls himself a “Reagan Republican”.
George W. Bush: Pledges to return honor to office of the Presidency.
John McCain: Calls himself conservative who attracts political center.
John McCain: Vote based on character, not issues.
Al Gore: Career in newspaper journalism before politics.
Al Gore: “Stay and fight!” invokes passion, loyalty, and purpose.
George W. Bush: Challenges the orthodoxy but is still a devout conservative.
George W. Bush: Focus on human problems, not just economy.
George W. Bush: No Gomorrah in America; no disdain of government.
George W. Bush: Church-based charity assures nobody is left behind.
Gary Bauer: Return power from Wall Street to America’s families.
John McCain: Give kids an example to emulate against cynicism.
Gary Bauer: Legislating morality ok, if it’s our best values.
John McCain: Public officials have failed to set example for society.
Social Security
Al Gore: Will Bush cut benefits or raise the retirement age?
Al Gore: Claim that Social Security will go bankrupt is misleading.
Joseph Lieberman: OK to invest in private markets, a little.
George W. Bush: No specifics like: What age? What percentage?
John McCain: Option to invest 20% of payroll taxes in private accounts.
Gary Bauer: Opposes privatization of Social Security.
Tax Reform
Bret Schundler: Moral responsibility to get taxes down.
Bob Graham: Estate tax repeal hurts federal-state relations.
Jeb Bush: Supports estate tax repeal, but not at states’ expense.
Al Gore: Bush’s tax plan is class warfare on behalf of billionaires.
George W. Bush: Gore’s convoluted “targeted cuts” exclude too many people.
Al Gore: Comparison of wealthy tax cut to middle class exaggerated.
George W. Bush: Claims lower income people benefit more than rich; untrue.
Louis Wein: Supports making income tax flatter & lower.
Dick Cheney: Use tax cuts to return part of surplus to American people.
Dick Cheney: Gore’s tax plan benefits interests, specific activities.
Al Gore: Yes, it’s your money-but it’s your programs too.
Al Gore: Too large a tax cut would wreck economy & military readiness.
George W. Bush: Tax cut for all is affordable and right thing to do.
Al Gore: Modest tax cuts will help the middle class.
George W. Bush: Cut taxes on income, children, & inheritance.
Rick Lazio: Supports a “significant tax cut”.
Al Gore: Bush’s tax plan is “economic snake oil”.
Al Gore: $250B over 10 years in targeted tax cuts.
Bill Bradley: Tax breaks for health insurance, working poor, & child care.
George W. Bush: It’s the people’s money, not the government’s.
George W. Bush: Biggest tax cuts to those who pay the biggest tax bills.
John McCain: Tax plan: $238B over 5 years; $500B over 10 years.
John McCain: Double child tax credit; add family incentives.
John McCain: “Balanced approach”, and starts a flat tax system.
John McCain: Middle-class tax cut: expand 15% tax bracket.
George W. Bush: Lower tax rate for poor as well as rich.
Gary Bauer: Return power from Wall St. to America’s families.
Bill Bradley: Veto $792B tax cut; surplus for health coverage & poverty.
Howard Mills: Favors building a stadium for the New York Jets.
George W. Bush: Internet a tool, not a crutch.
Al Gore: Online federal services: a “second American Revolution”.
Bill Bradley: Improve schools to remedy “digital divide”.
Al Gore: Triana satellite would inspire environmental consciousness.
War & Peace
Jim Gilmore: No troop increase without mission; but no timetable.
Claire McCaskill: Economic sanctions against Iran’s nuclear program.
Claire McCaskill: Talk to North Korea to renounce nuclear program.
Dale Groutage: Work toward a multi-nation solution in Iraq.
James Webb: No patriotism question when Eisenhower questioned Korean War.
John Kerry: Kerry now fully engaged in fighting Swift Boat Veterans.
John Kerry: Kerry releases Navy records to prove his version of Vietnam.
John Kerry: Caught off-guard in 2004 by unexpected attacks on war record.
KT McFarland: More troops should have been deployed in Iraq.
John Kerry: Condemned early Vietnam protests as “irresponsible”.
George W. Bush: Seeking $87B and UN Aid for Iraqi War Effort.
George W. Bush: Defeating terrorists in Iraq will require time and sacrifice.
George W. Bush: Seeking $87B and UN Aid for War Effort.
Rudy Giuliani: You are either with civilization or with terrorism.
Rudy Giuliani: No need to understand reasons for terrorism-just stop them.
Al Gore: Maintain presence in Balkans; Bush would destabilize NATO.
George W. Bush: Focus on core mission by removing US troops from Balkans.
Al Gore: Military’s role is nation building in Balkans and elsewhere.
George W. Bush: NATO: Europeans provide troops; US provides support only.
George W. Bush: Revise NATO; US out of Balkans; Europeans in.
Hillary Clinton: Yugoslav involvement good on both moral & strategic grounds.
Al Gore: Palestine: Arafat should restrain protest violence.
George W. Bush: Arafat should limit protests; terrorists should pay a price.
George W. Bush: Israel’s capital should be in Jerusalem.
Joseph Lieberman: Co-sponsored breaking the UN embargo on Bosnia.
Rick Lazio: Supported intervention in Kosovo.
Hillary Clinton: Support Israel in finding a safe and secure peace.
Rick Lazio: Follow Israel’s lead on independent Palestine.
Rudy Giuliani: Iraq: More inspections; counter OPEC’s oil production cuts.
Pat Buchanan: Iraq: Sanctions sow seeds of future terrorism.
Pat Buchanan: End sanctions that hurt innocent Serbs.
Pat Buchanan: War in Yugoslavia is none of our business.
John McCain: Authorize Clinton to send in ground troops in Kosovo.
John Kasich: Ground war not in humanitarian nor international interest.
John Kasich: Goals should be: help refugees & regional development.
John Kasich: Rambouillet goals breached sovereignty of Yugoslavia.
John Kasich: Use neutral mediators; be flexible on post-war force.
Welfare & Poverty
Mike Bloomberg: Count poverty based on all costs, minus welfare assistance.
Bret Schundler: Seniors shouldn’t worry about homes & food.
Ralph Nader: Message to Democrats: Don’t take labor for granted.
Al Gore: Second generation welfare: Responsibility and child support.
George W. Bush: Focus welfare on transition to work & responsibility.
Rick Lazio: Allow food stamps for legal immigrants.
Rick Lazio: Public housing: More work & service; less concentrated poor.
Al Gore: Build 180,000 low-income homes; subsidize 120,000 more.
George W. Bush: 50% tax credits for 20,000 home rehabs per year.
Al Gore: Investing in inner cities is good deed & good business.
Pat Buchanan: Welfare is a state and local responsibility.
Al Gore: Proposes sweeping Federal programs, $Billions, for needy.
George W. Bush: Churches provide “armies of compassion” to help the poor.
Bill Bradley: Welfare should not require mothers to work.
The above quotations are from Media coverage of political races in The New York Times, 2000-2009.