
Republican Party on War & Peace

Party Platform


Oppose need for Congress OK on Iran, ending Saudi support


Republicans: Mostly oppose requiring congressional approval for military action against Iran. Mostly oppose ending military support for Saudi Arabia.

Democrats: Require congressional approval for military action against Iran. 2020 war powers bill required congressional approval for military attacks on Iran except in emergency situations. Earlier 2019 bill ended U.S. military support for Saudi Arabia war in Yemen. President Trump vetoed.

Source: CampusElect on 2020 Major Party positions , Aug 30, 2020

Adopt a wartime approach to fight terrorism

We are at war. Terrorist groups are not on the run, as the president has argued. They are on the march. We have allowed radical Islamist groups to gain new momentum, growing from terrorist cells into full-fledged armies. House Republicans propose that the US:
Source: A Better Way: Our Vision for U.S. Security (GOP plan) , Jun 9, 2016

Prevent Iran from building and possessing nuclear weapons

Iran's pursuit of nuclear weapons capability threatens America, Israel, and the world. That threat has only become worse during the current Administration. A continuation of its failed engagement policy with Iran will lead to nuclear cascade. In solidarity with the international community, America must lead the effort to prevent Iran from building and possessing nuclear weapons capability.

We affirm the unanimous resolution of the U.S. Senate calling for "elections that are free, fair, and meet international standards" and "a representative and responsive democratic government that respects human rights, civil liberties, and the rule of law." We urge the next Republican President to unequivocally assert his support for the Iranian people as they protest their despotic regime. We must retain all options in dealing with a situation that gravely threatens our security, our interests, and the safety of our friends.

Source: 2012 Republican Party Platform , Aug 27, 2012

Party should stand by Bush doctrine of pre-emption

President Bush's most important principle is that after September 11, the US will act preemptively to protect its citizens. This principle was central to the war in Iraq, and because of failures in intelligence relative to Iraq's possession of weapons of mass destruction it is now subject to immense second-guessing and criticism.

As a party we should stand by the Bush doctrine of pre-emption. In a time when the greatest threat to our country is chemical or biological weapons in the hands of Islamic extremists who want to bring an end to the Western way of life, an unwillingness to act preemptively could result in a tragedy that could dwarf the destruction of the Twin Towers.

Source: Winning Right, by Ed Gillespie, p.236 , Sep 5, 2006

Terrorists seek weapons of mass destruction to kill us

On 9/11, we saw the cruelty of the terrorists, and we glimpsed the future they intend for us. They intend to strike the United States to the limits of their power. They seek weapons of mass destruction to kill Americans on an even greater scale. This danger is increased when outlaw regimes build or acquire weapons of mass destruction and maintain ties to terrorist groups.
Source: 2004 Republican Party Platform, p. 4 , Sep 7, 2004

Shrink the space in which the terrorists can operate

Terrorists long ago declared war on America, and now America has declared war against terrorists. We are defending the peace by taking the fight to the enemy. We are confronting terrorists overseas so we do not have to confront them here at home. We are destroying the leadership of terrorist networks in sudden raids, disrupting their planning and financing, and keeping them on the run. We are shrinking the space in which they can freely operate, by denying them territory and the support of governments.
Source: 2004 Republican Party Platform, p. 5 , Sep 7, 2004

Total and complete destruction of terrorism is needed

There is no negotiation with terrorists. No form of therapy or coercion will turn them from their murderous ways. Only total & complete destruction of terrorism will allow freedom to flourish. We will extend the peace by supporting the rise of democracy, and the hope and progress that democracy brings, as the alternative to hatred and terror in the Middle East. In democratic societies, people do not swear allegiance to malcontents and murderers; they turn their hearts and labor to building better lives.
Source: 2004 Republican Party Platform, p. 6 , Sep 7, 2004

Afghanistan is liberated and the American people are safer

Today, Afghanistan is a world away from the nightmare of the Taliban. Twenty-eight million people are free. That country has a good and just president. Boys and girls are being educated. Women are respected. Many refugees have returned home to rebuild their country, and a presidential election is scheduled for this fall. The terror camps are closed and the Afghan government is helping us to hunt the Taliban and terrorists in remote regions. A threat has been removed, and the American people are safer.
Source: 2004 Republican Party Platform, p. 6 , Sep 7, 2004

Saddam had capability to reconstitute his weapons programs

While the stockpiles of weapons of mass destruction we expected to find in Iraq have not yet materialized, we have confirmed that Saddam Hussein had the capability to reconstitute his weapons programs and the desire to do so. Our nation did the right thing, and the American people are now safer because we and our allies ended the brutal dictatorship of Saddam Hussein, halting his decades-long pursuit of chemical, biological, and nuclear weapons.
Source: 2004 Republican Party Platform, p. 8 , Sep 7, 2004

Promote peace, reduce threat of war, protect Israel

    We have four priorities for the Middle East.
  1. we seek to promote and maintain peace throughout the region
  2. we must ensure that Israel remains safe and secure
  3. we must protect our economic interests and ensure the reliable flow of oil from the Persian Gulf
  4. we must reduce the threat of weapons of mass destruction in the region.US policy must rest on leadership that can build strong coalitions of like-minded states and hold them together to achieve common aims.
    Source: Republican Platform adopted at GOP National Convention , Aug 12, 2000

    Contribute in Balkans, but let NATO run it

    The U.S. is contributing to NATO’s peacekeeping efforts in Bosnia-Herzegovina and Kosovo. Those troops cannot stay indefinitely without jeopardizing the American ability to defend other important interests. Over time European troops should take the place of American forces under the NATO umbrella as the United States and its allies work together to bring peace and democracy to the Balkans. The next Republican president will not negotiate with indicted war criminals such as Slobodan Milosevic.
    Source: Republican Platform adopted at GOP National Convention , Aug 12, 2000

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    Other political parties on War & Peace: Republican Party on other issues:
    Political Parties:
    Democratic Party
    Republican Party
    Libertarian Party
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    Natural Law Party
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    Constitution Party

    Former Presidents:
    Barack Obama(D,2009-2017)
    George W. Bush(R,2001-2009)
    Bill Clinton(D,1993-2001)
    George Bush Sr.(R,1989-1993)
    Ronald Reagan(R,1981-1989)
    Jimmy Carter(D,1977-1981)
    Gerald Ford(R,1974-1977)
    Richard Nixon(R,1969-1974)
    Lyndon Johnson(D,1963-1969)
    John F. Kennedy(D,1961-1963)
    Dwight Eisenhower(R,1953-1961)
    Harry S Truman(D,1945-1953)

    Political Thinkers:
    American Civil Liberties Union
    Cato Institute
    Noam Chomsky
    Milton Friedman
    Heritage Foundation
    Rush Limbaugh
    Ayn Rand
    Secy.Robert Reich
    Sierra Club
    Civil Rights
    Foreign Policy
    Free Trade
    Govt. Reform
    Gun Control
    Health Care
    Homeland Security
    Social Security
    Tax Reform

    Page last updated: May 05, 2021