Books by and about 2020 presidential candidates |
Crippled America, by Donald J. Trump (2015) |
Fire and Fury, by Michael Wolff (2018) |
Trump Revealed, by Michael Kranish and Marc Fisher (2016) |
The Making of Donald Trump, by David Cay Johnston (2016) |
Promise Me, Dad , by Joe Biden (2017) |
The Book of Joe , by Jeff Wilser (2019; biography of Joe Biden) |
The Truths We Hold, by Kamala Harris (2019) |
Smart on Crime, by Kamala Harris (2010) |
Guide to Political Revolution, by Bernie Sanders (2017) |
Where We Go From Here, by Bernie Sanders (2018) |
Our Revolution, by Bernie Sanders (2016) |
This Fight Is Our Fight, by Elizabeth Warren (2017) |
United, by Cory Booker (2016) |
Conscience of a Conservative, by Jeff Flake (2017) |
Two Paths, by Gov. John Kasich (2017) |
Every Other Monday, by Rep. John Kasich (2010) |
Courage is Contagious, by John Kasich (1998) |
Shortest Way Home, by Pete Buttigieg (2019) |
Becoming, by Michelle Obama (2018) |
Higher Loyalty, by James Comey (2018) |
The Making of Donald Trump, by David Cay Johnston (2017) |
Higher Loyalty , by James Comey (2018) |
Trump vs. Hillary On The Issues , by Jesse Gordon (2016) |
Outsider in the White House, by Bernie Sanders (2015) |
Book Reviews |
(from Amazon.com) |
(click a book cover for a review or other books by or about the presidency from Amazon.com)
Legislative voting records for Iowa House and Senate
(Click for external website)
Click on a participant to pop-up their full list of quotations from IA legislative records (number of quotes indicated):
- Abby Finkenauer (2) Democrat U.S. Rep Iowa-1
- ACLU (1)
- Ashley Hinson (1) Republican U.S. Rep Iowa-1
- Chet Culver (6) Iowa Democratic Gubernatorial Challenger
- Jim Carlin (4) Senate candidate Iowa
- Kim Reynolds (4) Iowa Republican
- Nate Boulton (6) Iowa Democratic candidate for Iowa Gov
- Randy Feenstra (2) Republican U.S. Rep Iowa-4
- Ras Smith (5) Iowa Democratic challenger for Governor
- Rob Hogg (16) Democratic Senate challenger Iowa
- Terry Branstad (5) Iowa Former Ambassador to China
- Tom Fiegen (1) Democratic Senate challenger Iowa
- Zach Nunn (6) Republican U.S. Rep Iowa-3
OR click on an issue category below for a subset. |
Iowa state legislative voting records, including these candidates:
- R-IA Zach Nunn - U.S. House of Representatives, CD-3, since 2023
Member of the Iowa Senate, 15th district, 2019 - 2022
Member of the Iowa House of Representatives, 30th district, 2015-2019
- IA-D Ras Smith
Member of the Iowa House of Representatives, 62nd district, 2017 –
- R-IA Jim Carlin - 2022 candidate for U.S. Senate
State senate, 3rd district, since 2017
State house of representatives, 6th district, 2017
- IA-R Ashley Hinson - Elected to U.S. House 2020, district IA-1
State Rep, IA-67, 2017-2020
- IA-D Abby Finkenauer - Elected 2018 to U.S.House (D-IA-1)
Member of the Iowa House of Representatives from the 99th district (2015-2018)
- IA-R Randy Feenstra - Elected to U.S. House 2020, district IA-4
Member of the Iowa Senate, 2nd district, 2009-2020
Treasurer of Sioux County, 2006-2008
- IA-D Chet Culver Iowa Democratic Gubernatorial Challenger
41st Governor of Iowa, Jan.12, 2007 – Jan.14, 2011
29th Secretary of State of Iowa, Jan.15, 1999-Jan.12, 2007
- IA-R Kim Reynolds - Governor since 2018
- Lt. Governor 2011-2017; Acting Governor May 24, 2017
Previously served as State Senator, 48th district, 2009-2010
- IA-D Bob Krause - 2016 candidate for U.S. Senate
2010 candidate for Senate
State rep, 7th district, 1973-1978
- IA-R Terry Branstad - Governor 2011-2017
Resigned governorship July 12, 2017 to become United States Ambassador to China
Previously served as governor 1983-1999
Lt. Gov. 1979-1983
State rep, 8th district, 1973-1978
- IA-D Rob Hogg - 2016 candidate for U.S. Senate
Member of the Iowa Senate from the 19th district, since 2007
Member of the Iowa House of Representatives, 2003-2007
- IA-D Tom Fiegen - 2016 candidate for U.S. Senate
Member of the Iowa Senate, 2001-2003
- IA-D Nate Boulton - 2018 candidate for Governor
Member of the Iowa Senate from the 16th district, since 2017
OnTheIssues.org excerpts: (click on issues for details)
Zach Nunn: Voted YES on making abortion illegal at 20 weeks.
Zach Nunn: Vote for abortion ban at 6 weeks when heartbeat is heard.
Abby Finkenauer: Voted NO on making abortion illegal at 20 weeks.
ACLU: Fight ban on abortion when heartbeat is heard, at 6 weeks.
Ashley Hinson: Voted YES on making abortion illegal at 20 weeks.
Jim Carlin: Vote for abortion ban at 6 weeks when heartbeat is heard.
Jim Carlin: Voted YES on making abortion illegal at 20 weeks.
Kim Reynolds: Ban abortion after heartbeat is heard, at 6 weeks.
Nate Boulton: Voted NO on making abortion illegal at 20 weeks.
Randy Feenstra: Voted YES on making abortion illegal at 20 weeks.
Ras Smith: Vote against abortion ban at 6 weeks when heartbeat is heard.
Ras Smith: Voted NO on making abortion illegal at 20 weeks.
Rob Hogg: Vote against abortion ban at 6 weeks when heartbeat is heard.
Rob Hogg: Voted NO on making abortion illegal at 20 weeks.
Terry Branstad: Signed law making abortion illegal at 20 weeks.
Tom Fiegen: Vote against abortion ban at 6 weeks when heartbeat is heard.
Chet Culver: $205M for new prison & improving old prison infrastructure.
Randy Feenstra: Helped pass bill to crack down on police violence.
Rob Hogg: $205M for new prison & improving old prison infrastructure.
Rob Hogg: Retroactively allow DNA evidence for all felony convictions.
Terry Branstad: Retroactively allow DNA evidence for all felony convictions.
Nate Boulton: Reclassify marijuana from Schedule I to Schedule II.
Rob Hogg: Reclassify marijuana from Schedule I to Schedule II.
Zach Nunn: $40M more for schools; $150M more for teachers.
Chet Culver: Include financial literacy in core statewide curriculum.
Jim Carlin: $40M more for schools; $150M more for teachers.
Kim Reynolds: $40M more for schools; $150M more for teachers.
Rob Hogg: $45M for teacher salary increases plus 4-year-old preschool.
Rob Hogg: Include financial literacy in core statewide curriculum.
Terry Branstad: $40m more for schools despite budget cuts elsewhere.
Ras Smith: Voted NO on $40M more for schools; $150M more for teachers.
Government Reform
Zach Nunn: Require identification to vote.
Abby Finkenauer: Opposed requiring identification to vote.
Jim Carlin: Require identification to vote.
Nate Boulton: Opposed requiring identification to vote.
Rob Hogg: Require identification to vote.
Terry Branstad: Require identification to vote.
Ras Smith: Opposed requiring identification to vote.
Gun Control
Zach Nunn: Kids over age 14 can use guns with parental approval.
Chet Culver: Reduce barriers to issuing concealed carry permits.
Kim Reynolds: Concealed carry at statehouse okay.
Nate Boulton: No guns for 14-year-olds, even with parental approval.
Rob Hogg: Reduce barriers to issuing concealed carry permits.
Rob Hogg: No guns for 14-year-olds, even with parental approval.
Terry Branstad: Kids over age 14 can use guns with parental approval.
Ras Smith: No guns for 14-year-olds, even with parental approval.
Rob Hogg: No home mortgages for illegal immigrants.
Rob Hogg: Civil penalties for employing unauthorized aliens.
Zach Nunn: Pay discrimination threatens morale as well as society.
Chet Culver: No wage discrimination due to gender, race, or orientation.
Chet Culver: End wage discrimination based on gender identity.
Kim Reynolds: Voting NAY on ending gender identity wage discrimination.
Nate Boulton: Equal pay for equal work.
Rob Hogg: No wage discrimination due to gender, race, or orientation.
Rob Hogg: Pay discrimination threatens morale as well as society.
Social Security
Chet Culver: More employee & employer contributions to public retirement.
Nate Boulton: Expand retirement savings options & make them portable.
Rob Hogg: More employee & employer contributions to public retirement.
Tax Reform
Rob Hogg: Increase the earned income tax credit (EITC).
The above quotations are from Legislative voting records for Iowa House and Senate.
Legislation citations (from news media or state archives):
- HF2647: Iowa State Daily, "Randy Feenstra, Republican Candidate for the 4th Congressional District," by Cody Neeper-Burris, 10/8/2020
- Des Moines Register on SF 359, on ACLU abortion vs. heartbeat, 5/4/2018
- BoultonForIowa.com on Iowa SF 340, SF 2087 & SF 2088, (Nate Boulton), 3/21/2018
- WHO-TV coverage of Iowa gubernatorial race, on concealed carry, (Lt.Gov.Kim Reynolds) Jun 15, 2017
- BillTrack50 on Iowa SF205, on reclassifying marijuana, (Nate Boulton & Rob Hogg), 5/12/2017
- Iowa HF 517, on guns for 14-year-olds, (Nate Boulton & Rob Hogg), 4/4/2017
- Iowa HF 516, on voter identification, (Nate Boulton & Rob Hogg), 4/3/2017
- SF471: Des Moines Register, "20-week abortion ban advances as 'personhood' advocates continue push," by Brianne Pfannenstiel, March 22, 2017
- Governor's Press Release on Iowa SF166, on $40M more for schools; (Kim Reynolds), 2/8/2017
- Iowa H.F.2459, on pay discrimination, (Rob Hogg), 4/19/2016
- Iowa H.F. 527, on DNA evidence, (Rob Hogg & Terry Branstad), 5/15/2013
- Iowa SF 2379, on concealed carry, (Chet Culver & Rob Hogg), 3/29/2010
- Iowa SF.137, on gender identity wage discrimination, (Chet Culver, Rob Hogg, & Kim Reynolds), 2/16/2009
- Iowa SF 2432, on prison infrastructure, (Chet Culver & Rob Hogg), 4/24/2008
- Iowa S.F. 2216, on financial literacy, (Chet Culver & Rob Hogg), 2/26/2008
- Iowa H.F. 2671, on employing unauthorized aliens, (Rob Hogg), 3/16/2006