Mike Pence on Energy & Oil
Republian nominee for Vice President; Governor of Indiana; former Representative (IN-6)
Climate changing, but don't put undue burden on Americans
Clearly, the climate is changing, not as dramatically as the radical environmentalists like to present, but there's change. Over the next century, there'll be modest changes in temperatures. What we have to do in dealing with this, I think, is bring
American innovation to it. We've got to make sure that whatever we do with regard to being stewards of the land, and air, and water, cannot be done in a way that puts an undue burden on American families or American businesses.
Source: CNN Town Hall: interviews of 2024 presidential candidates
, Jun 7, 2023
Biden's plan is a $2 trillion version of Green New Deal
PENCE: Joe Biden said, "I guarantee that we will abolish fossil fuels." They have a $2 trillion version of the Green New Deal, that USA Today said really wasn't that very different from the original Green New Deal. More taxes, more regulation, banning
fracking, abolishing fossil fuel, crushing American energy and economic surrender to China is a prescription for economic decline. President Trump and I will keep America growing.HARRIS: Joe Biden will not end fracking, he has been very clear about
PENCE: Joe Biden and Kamala Harris would put us back in the Paris Climate Accord. They'd impose the Green New Deal, which would crush American energy and would crush American jobs. President Trump and I believe the progress we have made in a
cleaner environment has been happening because we have a free market economy. What's remarkable is the United States has reduced CO2 more than the countries that are still in the Paris Climate Accord, but we've done it through innovation.
Source: 2020 Vice-Presidential Debate in Utah
, Oct 7, 2020
Cap and trade would raise home utility rates more than $3100
[NUVO, 9/27/12]: "I'm concerned about policies like a national energy tax that would work such a hardship on Hoosier utility ratepayers. I think the issue of climate change -- and the cause of any climate change that's occurring -- is a subject
of scientific debate. And I think the science should always drive that debate, but I strongly oppose efforts to enact cap and trade legislation at the national level." [Federal News Service, 4/20/09]: "Now, you've got the
EPA essentially saying that carbon dioxide represents a threat to the environment and that's going to set into motion, Democrats on Capitol Hill and this administration, bringing forward a cap and trade bill,
which literally could see the utility rates of every American household go up by more than $3,100 per year."
Source: FactCheck on 2020 Trump Research Book
, Sep 22, 2020
Build Keystone XL; drill ANWR
[Star Press, 8/7/08]: "It's likely that Congress will vote on a comprehensive energy bill this fall, but Pence is asking, 'Why wait?' Pence supports oil drilling in the
Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, the Gulf of Mexico, and in the Pacific and Atlantic oceans off the East Coast and West Coast."
[Office of Rep. Mike Pence, 1/18/12]: "With unemployment at a heartbreaking 8.5 percent, I am profoundly disappointed that the president has rejected the permit for the Keystone XL pipeline. In saying 'no' to the
Keystone XL pipeline, the president is saying no to energy independence and to thousands of good-paying new jobs. I urge the president to reconsider his opposition to this job-creating pipeline.'"
Source: FactCheck on 2020 Trump Research Book
, Sep 22, 2020
Global warming is a myth; treaty is a disaster
[Mike Pence For Congress via Wayback Machine, 2000]: "Global warming is a myth. The global warming treaty is a disaster. There, I said it. Just like the 'new ice age' scare of the 1970's, the environmental movement has found a new chant for their latest
'chicken little' attempt to raise taxes & grow centralized governmental power. The chant is 'the sky is warming! the sky is warming!'" [Star Press, 1/7/10]: "On nuclear power: 'I think we ought to build 100 new nuclear plants in the next 20 years.'"
Source: FactCheck on 2020 Trump Research Book
, Sep 22, 2020
AdWatch 1990: "Thanks, America, for buying so much Arab Oil"
Pence was a great Saturday Night Live fan, and he had an SNL-type [TV ad idea]. They would open with a head-on shot of a man wearing a keffiyeh, a head scarf, and a traditional Arabic tunic. The man would wear aviator sunglasses and thank [Pence's
opponent Rep.] Phil Sharp for sending so much money to Saudi Arabia.On October 4, 1990, Pence let er' rip. "My people would like to thank you Americans for buying so much oil," Pence's Arab says. Then he clasps his ring fingers together, shakes them
in the air, and exclaims ,"Oh thank you Phil Sharp!"
"Congressional candidate Mike Pence's television ad with the phony Arab is so bad it's perversely delightful," the Indianapolis Star declared. But protests crept up. Pence acted like nothing was
wrong: "If I felt the ad was racist, or I felt it was playing to stereotypes, I wasn't going to run it. So, they made sure the dignity of Arabs was preserved. It does not invite you to laugh at Arabs, but it does invite you to laugh."
Source: Ad-Watch in Piety & Power, by Tom LoBianco, p. 74-5
, Sep 14, 2019
Fighting climate change should not increase utility rates
Q: Do you believe think human-induced climate emergency is a threat to the United States?Pence: We will always follow the science on that in this administration. What we won't do -- and the Clean Power Plan was all about that -- was hamstring
energy in this country, raising the cost of utility rates for working families across this country while other nations like China and India absolutely do nothing or make illusory promises decades down the road to deal with it.
Source: CNN State of the Union 2019 interview
, Jun 23, 2019
Climate change is not an emergency
Q: Do you believe think human-induced climate emergency is a threat to the United States?PENCE: What I will tell you is that we will always follow the science on that in this administration.
Q: The science says it is.
PENCE: What we won't do --
and the Clean Power Plan was all about that -- was hamstringing energy in this country, raising the cost of utility rates for working families across this country...
Q: But is it a threat?
PENCE: What we have said is that we're not going to raise utility rates. America has the cleanest air and water in the world.
Q: That is not true. We don't have the cleanest air and water in the world.
PENCE: We're making progress on reducing carbon emissions. The answer, though, is not to raise the utility rates of millions of utility rate payers across the country.
Source: CNN "SOTU" 2019 interview series
, Jun 23, 2019
Support wind, nuclear, fracking, and offshore drilling
Q: Should the government give tax credits and subsidies to the wind power industry?Mike Pence's answer: Yes
Evan McMullin's answer: No
Tim Kaine's answer: Yes
Donald Trump's answer: No, and the government should never support unproven
Gary Johnson's answer: No
Q: Do you support the use of hydraulic fracking to extract oil and natural gas resources?
Mike Pence's answer: Yes
Evan McMullin's answer: Yes
Tim Kaine's answer: Yes
Gary Johnson's answer:
Yes, but increase oversight
Donald Trump's answer: Yes
Q: Should the U.S. expand offshore oil drilling?
Mike Pence's answer: Yes
Evan McMullin's answer: Yes
Tim Kaine's answer: Yes
Donald Trump's answer: Yes
Gary Johnson's answer: Yes, and deregulate the energy sector
Q: Do you support the use of nuclear energy?
Mike Pence's answer: Yes
Evan McMullin's answer: Yes
Tim Kaine's answer: Yes
Source: iSideWith.com analysis of 2016 presidential hopefuls
, Nov 1, 2016
Coal miners want an American energy policy
Union members don't want a president who promises to put a lot of coal miners and coal companies out of business.
Those miners want an American energy policy, and they know that Donald Trump digs coal.
Source: Speech at the 2016 Republican National Convention
, Jul 20, 2016
Climate change is not a resolved issue in science
Pence was asked if he is "convinced that climate change is man-made." Pence responded: "I don't know that that is a resolved issue in science today. Just a few years ago, we were talking about global warming. We haven't seen a lot of warming lately.
I remember back in the '70s we were talking about the coming ice age." [MSNBC.com, 2/21/14] Pence similarly stated on the May 5, 2009, edition of MSNBC's Hardball that "I think the science is very mixed on the subject of global warming."
In July 2014, Pence sent a letter to Indiana's congressional delegation encouraging them to defund the Environmental Protection Agency's Clean Power Plan, which fights climate change by placing the first-ever federal limits on carbon pollution from power
plants. Pence has since indicated that he will comply with the Clean Power Plan if it is upheld by the Supreme Court, but Indiana remains one of the states challenging the plan's legality. [The Hill, 7/10/14; Post-Tribune, 6/25/16; ClimateWire, 2/26/16]
Source: Media Matters, "What Media Should Know," on 2016 Veepstakes
, Jul 14, 2016
Sued Obama administration on Clean Energy Plan
Indiana needs to reduce carbon dioxide energy emissions by 37% over the next 15 years to meet CO2 reduction goals. However, Gov. Mike Pence is again in the way.Instead of being proactive and taking the responsibility for the rapid transition to
renewable energy, Pence is suing the Obama administration's Clean Energy Plan. Pence [prefers] procrastination and nuclear power. This is a needless delay and outright abdication of our energy future to private gain over a public emergency.
The federal energy plan should restructure our energy industry to go around state and private corporate impediments to clean renewable power.
By democratizing Indiana Michigan Power Co. and other antiquated power organizations with public and
cooperative majority ownership we can exceed our federal energy goals. By 2030 we can extend 3 planned direct current power transmission lines from the wind energy belt across Indiana and greatly reduce our dependence on coal. [Pence opposes those].
Source: Fort Wayne News-Sentinel, "Letter to the editor"
, Jan 4, 2016
Against Obama's plan to battle climate change
Indiana will not comply with President Barack Obama's plan to battle climate change by requiring reductions in emissions from coal-fired power plants, Republican Gov. Mike Pence said Wednesday.
The proposal as currently written, known as the Clean Power Plan, will make Indiana electricity more expensive and less reliable and hurt economic growth in Indiana and across the nation, Pence wrote in a letter to Obama.
Source: Orange County Register on 2016 Indiana Governor race
, Jun 24, 2015
All-of-the-above energy strategy instead of EPA over-reach
Because low-cost energy is vital to our economy, we need an all-of-the-above energy strategy, including energy efficiency.
But know this, Indiana is a pro-coal state, and we must continue to oppose the overreaching schemes of the EPA until we bring this war on coal to an end.
Source: State of the State address to 2015 Indiana Legislature
, Jan 13, 2015
All-of-the-above American-made energy strategy
The American people deserve more access to American energy. High energy prices hurt everyone, especially those with low incomes, and weaken our overall economy. I support an "all of the above" energy strategy that reduces prices at the pump and
the cost of utilities in homes and businesses. It would increase the supply of American-made energy, improve conservation and efficiency, and promote new and expanding energy technologies.
An "all of the above" approach will solve our energy crisis by unlocking our nation's rich natural resources.Creating a national energy tax through cap and trade legislation will not lower energy costs or create a cleaner environment.
A true energy solution will allow the American people to utilize all of our domestic resources, while developing new technologies. Such a plan would lower energy costs and put the American people back to work.
Source: House of Representatives website mikepence.house.gov
, Jan 8, 2012
Rated 0% by the CAF, indicating opposition to energy independence.
Pence scores 0% by CAF on energy issues
OnTheIssues.org interprets the 2005-2006 CAF scores as follows:
- 0% - 30%: opposition of energy independence (approx. 206 members)
- 30% - 70%: mixed record on energy independence (approx. 77 members)
- 70%-100%: support for energy independence (approx. 183 members)
About the CAF (from their website, www.ourfuture.org): The Campaign for America`s Future (CAF) is a center for ideas and action that works to build an enduring majority for progressive change. The Campaign advances a progressive economic agenda and a vision of the future that works for the many, not simply the few. The Campaign is leading the fight for America`s priorities--against privatization of Social Security, for investment in energy independence, good jobs and a sustainable economy, for an ethical and accountable Congress and for high quality public education.
About the CAF report, `Energy Independence: Record vs. Rhetoric`:
Energy independence has surfaced as a defining issue in the current elections. Are most candidates and both parties truly committed? To help distinguish the demonstrated level of support for homegrown, clean energy alternatives, we examined the voting records of current U.S. Representatives and Senators on bills vital to promoting those interests. Key pieces of legislation included goals for independence, and subsidies for the development of alternatives compared to subsidies for drilling and digging. We then compared votes on these issues with campaign contributions from major oil interests. The results show strong inverse correlations between political contributions from big oil and votes for energy independence.
Source: CAF "Energy Independence" Report 06n-CAF on Dec 31, 2006
Bar greenhouse gases from Clean Air Act rules.
Pence signed H.R.391
Amends the Clean Air Act to:- exclude from the definition of the term `air pollutant` carbon dioxide, water vapor, methane, nitrous oxide, hydrofluorocarbons, perfluorocarbons, or sulfur hexafluoride; and
- declare that nothing in the Act shall be treated as authorizing or requiring the regulation of climate change or global warming.
Source: Clean Air Act Amendment 09-HR391 on Jan 9, 2009
Signed the No Climate Tax Pledge by AFP.
Pence signed the No Climate Tax Pledge
No Climate Tax Pledge: `I pledge to the taxpayers of my state, and to the American people, that I will oppose any legislation relating to climate change that includes a net increase in government revenue.`
Sponsoring organizations: Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEU); National Taxpayers Union (NTU); Institute for Liberty Americans for Prosperity (AFP) is a nationwide organization of citizen-leaders committed to advancing every individual`s right to economic freedom and opportunity. AFP believes reducing the size and intrusiveness of government is the best way to promote individual productivity and prosperity for all Americans.
Source: AFP website 10-AFP on Nov 2, 2010
No EPA regulation of greenhouse gases.
Pence co-sponsored Free Industry Act
Congressional Summary of H.R.97:
Amends the Clean Air Act to:- exclude from the definition of the term `air pollutant` carbon dioxide, water vapor, methane, nitrous oxide, hydrofluorocarbons, perfluorocarbons, or sulfur hexafluoride; and
- declare that nothing in the Act shall be treated as authorizing or requiring the regulation of climate change or global warming.
Congressional Summary of H.R.153, `Ensuring Affordable Energy Act`:
Prohibits any funds appropriated or otherwise available for the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) from being used to implement or enforce:- a cap-and-trade program (any regulatory program that provides for the sale, auction, or other distribution of a limited amount of allowances that permit the emission of one or more greenhouse gases); or
- any statutory or regulatory requirement pertaining to emissions of one or more greenhouse gases from stationary sources that is issued after
January 1, 2011.
OnTheIssues Explanation:These two related bills exclude the EPA from taking on global warming by defining greenhouse gases as a `pollutant.` These bills do not directly oppose regulating greenhouse gases nor cap-and-trade; either could still be accomplished by an act of Congress. Instead, they REQUIRE an act of Congress, rather than letting the President and the EPA bypass Congress by regulatory implementation instead of legislative implementation.
Source: HR97&HR153 11-HR097 on Jan 5, 2011
Drill the Outer Continental Shelf; & license new nuke plants.
Pence signed Roadmap for America's Energy Future
A Roadmap for America`s Energy Future:- Directs the Secretary of the Interior to conduct a lease sale every 270 days in each outer Continental Shelf (OCS) planning region for which there is a commercial interest in purchasing federal oil and gas leases for OCS production.
- Requires the federal share of proceeds of lease sales from newly open areas to be deposited in the American-Made Energy Trust Fund (established by this Act).
- Requires the Secretary to accept, in satisfaction of mitigation requirements, proposals for mitigation measures on a site away from the area impacted by exploration and production activities.
- Directs the Secretary to establish a leasing program for oil, gas and oil shale within the Alaska Coastal Plain (ANWR).
- Requires the Secretary to hold a lease sale offering an additional 10 parcels for lease for oil shale development.
- Directs the Secretary of Defense (DOD) to develop, construct, and operate a coal-to-liquid facility.
States it is the policy of the United States to facilitate the continued development and growth of a safe and clean nuclear energy industry through reductions in financial, regulatory, and technical barriers to construction and operation.
- Directs the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) to issue operating permits for 200 new commercial nuclear reactors.
- Removes all current statutory limitations upon the amount of radiological material that can be placed in Yucca Mountain. Requires the NRC to replace them with new limits based on scientific and technical analysis of the full capacity of Yucca Mountain for the storage of radiological material.
- Prohibits the President from blocking or hindering spent nuclear fuel recycling activities.
- Amends the Endangered Species Act of 1973 to prohibit consideration of the climate change-related impact of a greenhouse gas upon any species of fish, wildlife, or plant.
Source: H.R.909 11-HR909 on Mar 3, 2011
Set goal of 25% renewable energy by 2025.
Pence co-sponsored setting goal of 25% renewable energy by 2025
A resolution that it is the goal of the United States that, not later than January 1, 2025, the agricultural, forestry, and working land of the US should provide from renewable resources not less than 25% of the total energy consumed and continue to produce safe, abundant, and affordable food, feed, and fiber. [Governors also signed letters of endorsement at www.25x25.org]
Rep. SALAZAR: `Our resolution establishes a national goal of producing 25% of America`s energy from renewable sources--like solar, wind and biofuels--by 2025. The `25x`25` vision is widely endorsed, bold, and fully attainable. If implemented, it would dramatically improve our energy security, our economy, and our ability to protect the environment.
`I am pleased that more than 20 of my colleagues in the Senate, from both sides of the aisle, are cosponsoring this resolution.
In addition, the `25x`25` vision has been endorsed by 22 current and former governors and several State legislatures across the country. The Big Three automobile manufacturers--Ford, Chrysler, and General Motors--are all behind `25x`25` So are many agricultural organizations, environmental groups, scientists, and businesses, ranging from the Natural Resources Defense Council to John Deere.
`These Americans understand that we cannot continue to import 60% of our oil from foreign countries, many of which are hostile to the US, if we aim to be strong and secure in the world. They know that we will have to build a clean energy economy if we are to reduce our dependence on foreign oil. It is time for Congress to take a more active role in our clean energy future. Establishing a national goal--`25x`25` is the first step.`
Source: 25x'25 Act (S.CON.RES.3 / H.CON.RES.25) 2007-SC03 on Jan 17, 2007
Page last updated: Jan 01, 2025; copyright 1999-2022 Jesse Gordon and OnTheIssues.org