Marianne Williamson on Energy & Oil
Author & Democratic Presidential Challenger
I will treat global warming problem holistically
As president, I will treat the problem holistically. Global warming harms the weather patterns which harms agriculture and animals which harms people's capacity to live in certain areas which harms the city-to-rural
ratio which harms social stability which creates a refugee crisis which all together lead toward untold catastrophe. What is imperative is that we awaken now and take immediate, bold steps to change course.
Source: 2024 Presidential campaign website Marianne2024.com
, Jun 6, 2023
Invest in renewable energy, both in US and abroad
We have the opportunity to leapfrog over fossil fuels and dirty energy and build clean renewable energy systems in developing countries.
The US should redirect subsidies away from fossil fuels including coal and invest them in building renewable energy power, both in the US and abroad.
Source: Council on Foreign Relations on 2020 presidential primary
, Aug 16, 2019
Ban fracking
Williamson on Fossil Fuels vs. Renewable Energy: Ban fracking. 11 CANDIDATES HAVE SIMILAR VIEWS: Cory Booker; Peter Buttigieg; Bill de Blasio; Tulsi Gabbard; Kirsten Gillibrand; Jay Inslee; Wayne Messam; Bernard Sanders; Thomas Steyer;
Eric Swalwell; Elizabeth Warren.The rise of fracking has enabled energy companies to produce vast amounts of oil and gas from shale rock formations, but the process remains controversial because of the use of chemicals to crack the rock.
Source: Politico "2020Dems on the Issues"
, Jul 17, 2019
Nuclear energy may be part of "green" mix
"Nuclear energy is not ideal, by any stretch," said Williamson, one of those with reservations. "But it is
still head and shoulders above coal and natural gas."
Source: Mother Jones magazine on "2020 Dems on Climate Change"
, Apr 20, 2019
Broad-based federal carbon tax at $60 per ton
Q: Would you keep the US in the Paris Agreement and commit to more ambitious targets in 2020?Williamson: "Yes."
Q: Do you support a federal carbon tax?
Williamson: "I feel a federal carbon tax is important and is only one tool that we will need
to address this imminent threat. The challenge, of course, is how to implement such a tool without irreparably damaging the economy. Many scholars think that a tax should be about $49 or $50 per ton of CO2 -- not more than $60 per ton.
Any federal carbon tax should be spread across a broad sector as to not cause the effect to be carried by the consumer at the gas pump or electric meter. Natural gas production that produces methane, which is even worse than CO2 environmentally, should
carry some of the burden. The agriculture sector that produces large amounts of methane should carry some of the burden. Funds should be used to retire inefficient equipment, to incentivize zero-carbon-producing technologies and to spur a green economy."
Source: 2019 "Meet the Candidates" (NY Times.com)
, Apr 18, 2019
Transfer subsidies for dirty energy to develop clean energy
Q: Do you support new regulations to cut greenhouse gas emissions beyond what was in place under President Obama?Williamson: "The Obama regulations are too incremental to turn things around in ways that are necessary. I am a supporter of
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's Green New Deal, which seeks to meet 100 percent of the power demand in the United States through clean, renewable and zero-emission energy sources within the next 10 years.
I would end all subsidies for dirty energy and transfer them to subsidies for clean energy. I would prevent coal companies from using misleading marketing terms like 'clean coal,' and look for ways to move coal jobs to clean jobs, while closing coal
plants & opening clean energy plants. I would start a phase-out of production of fossil-fuel-related vehicles. I would require zero-deforestation supply chains--that's one of the more effective ways to help encourage healthy practices in other countries.
Source: 2019 "Meet the Candidates" (NY Times.com)
, Apr 18, 2019
Climate change biggest crisis of our time
On climate change: It is the greatest moral challenge of our age. We need carbon sequestration. We need the reforestation. We need to develop sustainable energy systems. We need new modes of electric transportation, et cetera.
Enough with these incremental changes here and these incremental changes there. The climate is a crisis. We have 12 years to deal with it.
Source: CNN Town Hall 2020 Democratic primary
, Apr 14, 2019
Supports Green New Deal
Green New Deal:
Source: Axios.com "What you need to know about 2020"
, Apr 14, 2019
Green energy instead of coal, fracking, and nuclear
When it comes to energy, we must: - Expand investments in clean, green energy.
- This Nation needs to set a goal to transition to cleaner energy as quickly as possible. This will send a message to the US market, large businesses, and utilities.
- Reinstate and expand energy and mileage efficiency investments.
- Extend federal incentives and rebates for renewable energy.
- Transition away from fossil fuel energy and halt all new fossil fuel projects.
- Restart the Clean Power Plan to
protect our health and clean air, while moving away from coal, which is costly, harmful to the air we breathe and to the land and water where it is mined and burned.
- Put a moratorium on all new fracking operations (oil and gas) while we study the
best way to transition away from and phase out these hazardous and extreme extraction techniques.
- Transition away from the domestic use of nuclear energy. We do not need nuclear energy to fulfill our energy needs.
Source: 2020 presidential campaign website Marianne2020.com
, Apr 8, 2019
Put a price on carbon to send a sustained market signal
When it comes to an economics of recarbonizing the Earth: Transitioning to an economy that keeps its focus squarely on reducing carbon emissions is not only one of the great moral challenges of our time, but it can also open a new era of
US innovation based on sustainable infrastructure, responsible resource management and meeting human needs. We need to explore every option to get there.
This includes putting a price on carbon to send a sustained market signal and pay for the external damage done by these fuels. Many progressives and environmentalists feel that carbon fees should be mandatory (not market-based) and dedicated to
achieving further reductions emissions to drive them down faster AND to protect lower income and people of color who have the least protection against climate impacts. My Administration would be open to all these ideas.
Source: 2020 presidential campaign website Marianne2020.com
, Apr 8, 2019
Supports Green New Deal and green jobs program
Under a Williamson administration, we will take a full systems approach. A Green New Deal would provide an overall strategy for how clean energy, sustainable infrastructure and transportation, and a national green jobs program can revitalize our economy
and utilize our innovative and human capacity to benefit all our people. While it doesn't cover the whole range of measures we must undertake to reverse global warming, it is an important step, therefore I support it.
Source: 2020 presidential campaign website Marianne2020.com
, Apr 8, 2019
Massive effort to combat effects of climate change
Climate change denial is moving irretrievably into the dustbin of history's worst ideas. American citizens--if not yet the majority of politicians currently in power--are ready to embark upon a massive effort to combat the effects not
only of catastrophic weather conditions, but also the effects of climate change denial on our environmental and political policies. The American people are being vastly underserved by America's rejection of the Paris Climate Accord.
Source: Healing the Soul of America, by Marianne Williamson, p.178
, Jul 24, 2018
Page last updated: Jan 01, 2025; copyright 1999-2022 Jesse Gordon and OnTheIssues.org