
Mike Pence on Environment

Republian nominee for Vice President; Governor of Indiana; former Representative (IN-6)


Our water and air are cleaner than ever; proud of our record

I'm very proud of our record on the environment. Our air and land are cleaner than any time ever recorded. Our water is among the cleanest in the world. The president signed the Outdoors Act. It's the largest investment in our public lands and public parks in 100 years. So President Trump has made a commitment to conservation and to the environment.
Source: 2020 Vice-Presidential Debate in Utah , Oct 7, 2020

Won't comply with EPA rules on toxic mercury

[Editorial--Fort Wayne Gazette, 7/6/15]: "Indiana was one of almost two dozen states that brought the suit that forced the Environmental Protection Agency back to the drawing board on air pollution regulations related to mercury and other toxic emissions. Pence has put Indiana in the forefront of every recent fight to defend the coal industry from what the state considers undue interference from pollution regulators."

[The Hill, 7/14/14]: "Indiana Gov. Mike Pence is calling on his former colleagues in Congress to defund proposed Environmental Protection Agency regulations at the heart of President Obama's climate change initiative. 'Using the power of the purse, Congress has the ability to block or prevent implementation of the EPA's proposed regulations on new and existing power plants,' Pence wrote. 'I respectfully urge you to support legislative efforts to do so."

Source: FactCheck on 2020 Trump Research Book , Sep 22, 2020

Regional Cities Initiative: enhance community appeal

The governor seemed to remain determined to be a friend to South Bend. Pence championed a visionary economic development effort called the Regional Cities Initiative, which helped change how we position our cities for growth.

The basic idea behind Regional Cities was that economic development is no longer just a game of luring factories--what some call "smokestack chasing"--from other locations, using tax incentives to essentially buy jobs. Instead, at a time when many people first choose where they want to live and then start looking for a job, it makes sense to recruit people, not just employers. The best way to do that is to enhance the appeal of the community, often called the 'quality of place,' and the initiatives focus was on supporting projects that would do just that.

Source: Shortest Way Home, by Pete Buttigieg, p.206-7 , Feb 12, 2019

Veto climate bill compromise by industry & environmentalists

A bill that originally would have required "no more stringent" regulations than federal rules was vetoed by Gov. Mike Pence, despite a compromise on the bill agreed to by both industry and environmental groups. Under the compromise on HEA 1082, IDEM could propose regulations more stringent than the federal government, but would have been required to report them to the General Assembly. The regulations would not have taken effect until the conclusion of the following legislative session.
Source: HECweb.org "Pence Vetoes" on Indiana Voting Records HEA 1082 , Apr 4, 2016

Signed a bill that allows for more usage of eminent domain

State Summary of EMINENT DOMAIN ACTIONS (ZENT D for INDOT, Indiana Department of Transportation): Reduces from six to three years the deadline by which the Indiana department of transportation or any other person seeking to acquire property for road construction must file a complaint to acquire the property by the exercise of eminent domain following the rejection of an offer to purchase by the owner of the property. Requires a court to conduct an expedited hearing of the complaint. Provides that a party to the court proceeding is entitled to an expedited appeal of the court's final ruling under rules to be adopted by the supreme court." Signed by Governor Pence on 3/13/2014.
Source: Indiana legislative voting record for HB.1076 for INDOT , Mar 13, 2014

Rated 10% by the LCV, indicating anti-environment votes.

Pence scores 10% by the LCV on environmental issues

The League of Conservation Voters (LCV) is the political voice of the national environmental movement and the only organization devoted full-time to shaping a pro-environment Congress and White House. We run tough and effective campaigns to defeat anti-environment candidates, and support those leaders who stand up for a clean, healthy future for America. Through our National Environmental Scorecard and Presidential Report Card we hold Congress and the Administration accountable for their actions on the environment. Through regional offices, we build coalitions, promote grassroots power, and train the next generation of environmental leaders. The 2003 National Environmental Scorecard provides objective, factual information about the environmental voting records of all Members of the first session of the 108th Congress. This Scorecard represents the consensus of experts from 20 respected environmental and conservation organizations who selected the key votes on which Members of Congress should be graded. LCV scores votes on the most important issues of the year, including environmental health and safety protections, resource conservation, and spending for environmental programs. Scores are calculated by dividing the number of pro-environment votes by the total number of votes scored. The votes included in this Scorecard presented Members of Congress with a real choice on protecting the environment and help distinguish which legislators are working for environmental protection. Except in rare circumstances, the Scorecard excludes consensus action on the environment and issues on which no recorded votes occurred.

Source: LCV website 03n-LCV on Dec 31, 2003

Stop considering manure as pollutant or hazardous.

Pence co-sponsored Superfund Common Sense Act

Congressional Summary:Amends the Comprehensive Environmental Response Compensation and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA) to exclude manure from the definition of `hazardous substance` and `pollutant or contaminant` for purposes of such Act. Defines `manure` to mean:

  1. digestive emissions, feces, urine, urea and other excrement from livestock;
  2. any associated bedding, compost, raw materials or other materials commingled with such excrement from livestock;
  3. any process water associated with such items; and
  4. any byproducts, constituents, or substances contained in, or originating from, such items or any emissions relating to such items.
Amends the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986 to exempt from notification requirements releases associated with manure.

Opponent`s Comments (Jim Ruen on AgProfessional.com, Oct. 3, 2011): Since when can a fertilizer dealer operate without concern for environmental regulation and impact? Let`s face it, we aren`t talking about Ma and Pa Kettle with their six milk cows and three sows here spreading a load of manure on the back 40. We are talking about CAFO units with thousands of animals and tens of thousands or more tons/gallons of manure. While a few maybe spreading on their own land, most are selling it to area farmers. At a time when fertilizer dealers and companies have to be conspicuously careful with how they handle product, why shouldn`t mega-livestock operators be equally regulated as they sell their `waste` product for its nutrient and soil building value. Since when do commercial N, P and K producers or handlers get a free ride from the EPA...or Congress?

Source: H2997/S1729 11-H2997 on Sep 21, 2011

Rated 0% by HSLF, indicating an anti-animal welfare voting record.

Pence scores 0% by the Humane Society on animal rights issues

112th Mid-Term Humane Scorecard: The Humane Society Legislative Fund has posted the final version of the 2011 Humane Scorecard, where you can track the performance of your federal lawmakers on key animal protection issues during last year. We rated legislators based on their voting behavior on measures such as agribusiness subsidies, lethal predator control, and the Endangered Species Act; their cosponsorship of priority bills on puppy mills, horse slaughter, animal fighting, and chimps in research; their support for funding the enforcement of animal welfare laws; and their leadership on animal protection. All of the priority bills whose cosponsorships we`re counting enjoy strong bipartisan support; in the House, each of the four now has more than 150 cosponsors.

The Humane Scorecard is not a perfect measuring tool, but creating some reasonable yardstick and allowing citizens to hold lawmakers accountable is central to our work. When the Humane Scorecard comes out each year, it helps clarify how the animal protection movement is doing geographically, by party affiliation, and in other categories. It helps us chart our course for animals by seeing where we have been effective, and where we need to improve.

Source: HSLF website 12-HumaneH on Jan 13, 2012

Strengthen prohibitions against animal fighting.

Pence co-sponsored strengthening prohibitions against animal fighting

Sen. CANTWELL. I reintroduce today the Animal Fighting Prohibition Enforcement Act of 2007. This legislation has won the unanimous approval of the Senate several times, but unfortunately has not yet reached the finish line.

There is no doubt, animal fighting is terribly cruel. Dogs and roosters are drugged to make them hyper-aggressive and forced to keep fighting even after suffering severe injuries such as punctured eyes and pierced lungs. It`s all done for `entertainment` and illegal gambling. Some dogfighters steal pets to use as bait for training their dogs, while others allow trained fighting dogs to roam neighborhoods and endanger the public.

The Animal Fighting Prohibition Enforcement Act will strengthen current law by making the interstate transport of animals for the purpose of fighting a felony and increase the punishment to three years of jail time. This is necessary because the current misdemeanor penalty has proven ineffective--considered a `cost of doing business` by those in the animal fighting industry which continues unabated nationwide.

These enterprises depend on interstate commerce, as evidenced by the animal fighting magazines that advertise and promote them. Our bill also makes it a felony to move cockfighting implements in interstate or foreign commerce. These are razor-sharp knives known as `slashers` and ice pick-like gaffs designed exclusively for cockfights and attached to the birds` legs for fighting.

This is long overdue legislation. It`s time to get this felony animal fighting language enacted. It`s time for Congress to strengthen the federal law so that it can provide as a meaningful deterrent against animal fighting. Our legislation does not expand the federal government`s reach into a new area, but simply aims to make current law more effective. It is explicitly limited to interstate and foreign commerce, so it protects states` rights in the two states where cockfighting is still allowed.

Source: Animal Fighting Prohibition Enforcement Act (S.261/H.R.137) 2007-S261 on Jan 4, 2007

Other candidates on Environment: Mike Pence on other issues:
2024 Republican Presidential Candidates:
Former Pres.Donald Trump (R nominee)
Ohio Senator J.D. Vance (VP nominee)
Ryan Binkley (R-TX)
Gov. Doug Burgum (R-ND)
Gov. Chris Christie (R-NJ)
Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-FL)
Larry Elder (R-CA;withdrew)
Gov. Nikki Haley (R-SC)
Rep. Will Hurd (R-FL;withdrew)
Gov. Asa Hutchinson (R-AR)
Perry Johnson (R-IL)
Mayor Steve Laffey (R-RI)
Former V.P.Mike Pence (R-IN;withdrew)
Vivek Ramaswamy (R-OH)
Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC)
Secy. Corey Stapleton (R-MT)
Mayor Francis Suarez (R-FL;withdrew)

2024 Democratic and 3rd-party primary candidates:
V.P.Kamala Harris (D nominee)
MN Gov Tim Walz (VP nominee)
Pres. Joe Biden (D-DE,retiring)
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. (I-NY)
Chase Oliver (L-GA)
Rep.Dean Phillips (D-MN)
Jill Stein (Green)
Cornel West (Green Party)
Kanye West (Birthday Party)
Marianne Williamson (D-CA)
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Page last updated: Jan 01, 2025; copyright 1999-2022 Jesse Gordon and OnTheIssues.org