Books by and about 2020 presidential candidates |
Crippled America, by Donald J. Trump (2015) |
United, by Cory Booker (2016) |
The Truths We Hold, by Kamala Harris (2019) |
Smart on Crime, by Kamala Harris (2010) |
Guide to Political Revolution, by Bernie Sanders (2017) |
Where We Go From Here, by Bernie Sanders (2018) |
Promise Me, Dad , by Joe Biden (2017) |
Conscience of a Conservative, by Jeff Flake (2017) |
Two Paths, by Gov. John Kasich (2017) |
Every Other Monday, by Rep. John Kasich (2010) |
Courage is Contagious, by John Kasich (1998) |
Shortest Way Home, by Pete Buttigieg (2019) |
The Book of Joe , by Jeff Wilser (2019; biography of Joe Biden) |
Becoming, by Michelle Obama (2018) |
Our Revolution, by Bernie Sanders (2016) |
This Fight Is Our Fight, by Elizabeth Warren (2017) |
Higher Loyalty, by James Comey (2018) |
The Making of Donald Trump, by David Cay Johnston (2017) |
Books by and about the 2016 presidential election |
What Happened , by Hillary Clinton (2017) |
Higher Loyalty , by James Comey (2018) |
Trump vs. Hillary On The Issues , by Jesse Gordon (2016) |
Hard Choices, by Hillary Clinton (2014) |
Becoming , by Michelle Obama (2018) |
Outsider in the White House, by Bernie Sanders (2015) |
Book Reviews |
(from Amazon.com) |
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2016 Missouri Gubernatorial race: debates and news coverage
 (Click for external website)
Click on a participant to pop-up their full list of quotations from 2016 MO Governor's race (number of quotes indicated):
- Catherine Hanaway (2) Missouri Republican 2016 Gubernatorial candidate
- Chris Koster (20) Missouri Democratic challenger for Governor
- Eric Greitens (16) Missouri Republican Governor (resigned)
- Jay Nixon (1) Missouri Democratic Governor (term-limited 2016)
- John Brunner (9) Missouri Republican 2016 Gubernatorial candidate
- Peter Kinder (14) Missouri Republican challenger for Governor
OR click on an issue category below for a subset. |
Missouri Gubernatorial debates and race coverage:
- Associated Press in Washington Post, "Governor hopefuls distancing themselves from Clinton & Trump", by David A. Lieb, October 1 2016
- NevadaDailyMail.com, "Greitens talks about Muslim immigrants and public safety", by Johannes Brann, July 20th, 2016
- PolitiFact.com, "Koster right about $50 million on the line with tobacco loophole", by Andrew Kessel, May 6th, 2016
- Facebook post, "Right-to-work is an attack on working people", on MissouriansForKoster, April 24th, 2016
- Kansas City Star, "SJR 39 religious freedom measure," by Steve Kraske, April 19, 2016
- Buffalo Reflex, "Lt. Gov. Peter Kinder on SJR 39: ‘Let the people decide’ ", April 14, 2016
- KOMU.com, "Missouri GOP candidates answer viewer questions in debate", by KOMU staff, March 18th, 2016
- LtGov.mo.gov, "Lt. Governor Kinder calls on Gov. Nixon to halt immigration of Syrians to Missouri", by Peter Kinder, November 16th, 2015
- Attorney General's office press release, "Lawsuit challenging EPA's new carbon emission regulations", 10/9/2015
- Kansas City Star, "Attorney General's report on Planned Parenthood of the St. Louis Region and Southwest Missouri", by Barbara Shelly, 9/28/15
- The Missouri Times, "Hold Hearings On Planned Parenthood", press release by Peter Kinder campaign, July 16, 2015
- The Missouri Times, "Koster sues EPA over new 'waters' rule", by Colin Reischmann, June 29, 2015
- Associated Press, "Guilty on Medicaid abuse", June 18, 2015
- St. Louis Public Radio, "Politically Speaking: After 2012 loss, John Brunner talks", May 3, 2015
- St. Louis Riverfront Times, "Abortions, Unwed Mothers Lead to Child Pornography", by Lindsay Toler, February 4, 2015
- Kansas City Star, by Steve Kraske, October 17, 2014
- St. Louis Today, "Business friendly state", by Chris Koster, February 18, 2014
- Kansas City Star, "Anti-meth effort takes aim", 3/13/2013
- StLBeacon.org, "Major figures, major money swoop into Missouri's hot GOP Senate contest", by Jo Mannies, August 3rd, 2012
- Ozarks First, "Koster files brief on Arizona immigration law", 11/4/2010
- StLBeacon.org, "To spend or not to spend? Stimulus money puts Missouri GOP in a quandary", by Jason Rosenbaum, February 20th, 2009
- PatriotLedger.com, "Missourians urged to continue alternative energy efforts", by Wes Franklin, November 29th, 2007
OnTheIssues.org excerpts: (click on issues for details)
John Brunner: Fight back against judges dictating values on our churches.
Eric Greitens: Every life is precious; defend & promote life.
Chris Koster: Planned Parenthood didn't illegally dispose of fetal tissue.
Peter Kinder: Investigate organizations harvesting aborted babies' parts.
Budget & Economy
Chris Koster: Invest $2 billion and create up to 40,000 new jobs.
Peter Kinder: Make Missouri competitive again, by cutting spending.
Eric Greitens: Government over-regulates, over-spends, & over-reaches.
Civil Rights
Peter Kinder: No federal say over trans-gendered bathroom laws.
Catherine Hanaway: Support SJR39: Religious liberty trumps gay marriage.
Chris Koster: Oppose SJR39: gay discrimination isn't religious liberty.
Eric Greitens: Anti-gay "religious liberty" amendment threatens jobs.
John Brunner: Let clergy choose to decline to perform gay marriages.
Chris Koster: Equality and inclusion should include same-sex couples.
Chris Koster: Gay marriage is another step toward inclusion and equality.
Jay Nixon: Same-sex marriage is a major victory for equality.
Chris Koster: Judges can allow same-sex marriage despite voter amendment.
Peter Kinder: Work together to try and make the stimulus work for Missouri.
Eric Greitens: Get first responders needed training, equipment, & support.
Chris Koster: Deliver justice to those who break our laws.
Peter Kinder: Preserve law & order, even when there are riots & looting.
Eric Greitens: Supports legalizing medical marijuana for kids with epilepsy.
John Brunner: Open to more research about marijuana, nut not legalization.
Peter Kinder: Supports legalizing medical marijuana under a doctor's order.
Chris Koster: Helping meth cooks get ingredients leads to jail.
Chris Koster: Increase our investment in education.
John Brunner: Reject federal Common Core standards.
Eric Greitens: Strongly oppose Common Core; no bureaucrats in charge.
Chris Koster: 2007: Left GOP to support high-quality public schools.
Peter Kinder: Fight for school choice & charter schools.
Energy & Oil
Chris Koster: New EPA regulations on CO2 emissions are federal overreach.
Peter Kinder: The world has embraced renewable energy; this is the future.
Peter Kinder: The EPA should respect the limits set by Congress.
Eric Greitens: EPA overreach hurts family farms.
Chris Koster: Sue the EPA for over-expanding Clean Water Act.
Families & Children
Catherine Hanaway: Children before marriage has impoverished women & children.
Government Reform
Eric Greitens: Cut red tape, cut back regulations.
John Brunner: Eliminate inefficient, outdated and ineffective programs.
Eric Greitens: Ban gifts from lobbyists; close revolving door; limit terms.
Gun Control
Chris Koster: Endorsed by NRA; overrode veto of gun rights.
Eric Greitens: Protect our freedoms, including the Second Amendment.
Eric Greitens: Defend right of law-abiding citizens to bear arms.
Peter Kinder: Led fight to pass right to carry law.
Chris Koster: Supported voter amendment on right to bear arms.
Health Care
John Brunner: Spur competition instead of ObamaCare.
Chris Koster: Closed "tobacco loophole": $50M more in cigarette settlement.
Peter Kinder: Led lawsuit by 21 states against ObamaCare.
Chris Koster: ObamaCare generates jobs as well as cuts healthcare costs.
Chris Koster: Expanding Medicaid provides immediate fiscal stimulus.
Homeland Security
Peter Kinder: Keep Guantanamo open; terrorists are not typical criminals.
Eric Greitens: Make Missouri the best state in America for veterans.
Eric Greitens: Gave examples of Muslim immigration that has been positive.
Peter Kinder: Ask to halt immigration of Syrians to Missouri.
Chris Koster: Strengthen laws against hiring illegal aliens.
Chris Koster: Right-to-work is an attack on working people.
Principles & Values
Peter Kinder: Amend constitution to protect religious liberties.
Eric Greitens: Protect the religious liberties of all Missourians.
John Brunner: Lost 2012 primary to Todd Akin, who then lost Senate race.
Social Security
John Brunner: Gradually raise the Social Security retirement age.
Tax Reform
Eric Greitens: Simplify the tax code; close special interest loopholes.
Chris Koster: Cut personal income tax, capital gains, and tax on dividends.
Welfare & Poverty
John Brunner: Make welfare temporary, not permanent.
Eric Greitens: Current welfare system is broken; it traps people in poverty.
Click for quotations from other sources by:
- Catherine Hanaway Missouri Republican 2016 Gubernatorial candidate
- Chris Koster Missouri Democratic challenger for Governor
- Eric Greitens Missouri Republican Governor (resigned)
- Jay Nixon Missouri Democratic Governor (term-limited 2016)
- John Brunner Missouri Republican 2016 Gubernatorial candidate
- Peter Kinder Missouri Republican challenger for Governor
The above quotations are from 2016 Missouri Gubernatorial race: debates and news coverage.
2014-15 Governors' book excerpts:
- Power Lines, by Gubernatorial candidate Jason Carter (D,GA)
- Dialogues, by Governor Jerry Brown (D,CA)
- A Return to Values:, by Gubernatorial candidate Bob Beauprez (R,CO)
- The Party's Over, by Gubernatorial candidate Charlie Crist (D,FL)
- A State of Opportunity, by Gubernatorial candidate Eliot Cutler (I,ME)
- Scorpions for Breakfast, by Gov. Jan Brewer (R,AZ)
- In Mortal Danger, by 2014 gubernatorial candidate Tom Tancredo (R,CO)
- From Power to Purpose, by Gov. Sam Brownback (R,KS)
- Leadership and Crisis, by Gov. Bobby Jindal (R,LA)
- A Reason to Believe, by Gov. Deval Patrick (D,MA)
- Governor`s Travels, by Gov. Angus King (I,ME)
- Crossroads, by Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D,NY)
- Stand For Something, by Gov. John Kasich (R,OH)
- Against the Tide, by Gov. Linc Chafee (I,RI)
- Fed Up!, by Gov. Rick Perry (R,TX)
- What A Party!, by 2013 gubernatorial candidate Terry McAuliffe (D,VA)
- Last Line of Defense, by 2013 gubernatorial candidate Ken Cuccinelli (R,VA)