Richard Randall on Social Security
Social Security is a bankrupt pyramid-scheme
Social Security is a bankrupt, immoral pyramid-scheme that has trillions of dollars of unfunded liabilities and yields below average returns for those trapped in it. In a free society, retirement planning is the responsibility of the individual,
not the government.Every year, the government takes 12.4% of your income to prop up the failed Social Security system-a system that is heading toward bankruptcy. If you are an American earning the median income of $31,695 per year,
and were given the option of investing that same amount of money in a stock mutual fund, you would retire a millionaire-without winning the lottery or a TV game show. That million dollars would provide you with a retirement income of over $100,000
per year-about five times what you could expect from Social Security. Even a very conservative investment strategy would yield three times the benefits promised by Social Security.
Source: Campaign website,, "Issues"
Oct 14, 2004
Opt out of Social Security and allow private investing
Libertarians believe you should be able to opt out of Social Security and invest your money in your own personal retirement account. An account that you own and control-one that politicians can't get their hands on. Republicans and Democrats say
it can't be done-that your Social Security taxes are needed to pay benefits to today's retirees. Although most won't admit it publicly, their "solutions" to the Social Security crises all come down to some combination of tax increases and benefit cuts.
Source: Campaign website,, "Issues"
Oct 14, 2004