
Mike Huckabee on Government Reform

Republican AR Governor

Fundamental difference with McCain on campaign finance

Q: What is the biggest issue that separates you from John McCain?

A: I think the key issues are: that I support the human life amendment; that I don’t support human embryonic stem cell research; that I didn’t agree with the McCain-Feingold campaign finance act; and immigration. We have differences of opinion on how we ought to handle that. Those are the fundamental differences. And I think there are other, maybe, nuances. But you know, one of the things that I find interesting, the two most civil campaigns of the Republican primary are the ones still on their feet. And I do think that that says something about both the senator’s campaign and ours. It looks like Republicans really are responding to a more message-driven and positive campaign. I think that’s good for our party. I’d like to say I think it’s good for America.

Source: CNN Late Edition: 2008 presidential series with Wolf Blitzer , Feb 10, 2008

States should be laboratories of good government

Q: Gov. Schwarzenegger has proposed that California be allowed to implement much tougher emission requirements than apply to the rest of the country. Do you side with the governor or with the Bush administration?

A: Gov. Schwarzenegger ought to be able to carry out the plan. If he’s right, every other state is going to copy him. If he’s wrong, every other state is going to recruit the jobs that he lost in California to their own states. The genius of our system has always been that, if you have states acting as laboratories of good government, rather than mess it up for all 50 states, you get the chance to find out, does it work? If it does, we all copy it, and then we make a little change, and we claim it for our own. If it doesn’t work, we do everything we can to make sure that the jobs that maybe he loses we get in our own state. It’s the genius of our founding fathers when they had the idea of federalism. Jefferson was right, and Hamilton was wrong. That debate was settled.

Source: 2008 Republican debate at Reagan Library in Simi Valley , Jan 30, 2008

Transparency on spending will prune back Congress’ earmarks

I applaud the President’s efforts on behalf of an economic stimulus package--it’s a valuable first step. And I hope that the Democratic leadership in Congress will cooperate with the President in a swift and responsible manner. And I applaud the President’s determination to prune back Congressional earmarks--I have long believed that we need more transparency on spending. Moreover, I agree that we must hold the line on taxes, and we must make the Bush tax cuts permanent.
Source: Response to 2008 State of the Union address , Jan 28, 2008

Focus on uniting the country

Q: Your key focus areas?

A: The first priority of the next president is to be a president of all the US. We’ve got to quit even fighting among ourselves as conservatives and as Republicans, and start putting the better interest of our nation. If that doesn’t happen, we’ll get none of these things done. We’ve got to be the united people of the US, and a president has got to somehow remind us that we are a great, resilient nation that has to stick together to solve all of these problems.

Source: 2007 Des Moines Register Republican Debate , Dec 12, 2007

Allow DC residents to vote on getting Representatives

Q: Do you support giving the District of Columbia voting representation?

A: I believe that the people of DC should be able to vote for representation. That’s appropriate for the simple reason of equality & justice. If we need to amend the Constitution to make that possible, it should happen. I don’t care what color they are, I don’t care how they vote--they ought to be able to vote, and their color & their political affiliation ought to have nothing to do with the equality that we should give them.

Source: 2007 GOP Presidential Forum at Morgan State University , Sep 27, 2007

Require photo ID for voting, to avoid fraud

Q: Are you concerned that some eligible voters will be denied the right to vote simply because they don’t have a driver’s license?

A: I have to show photo ID to get on an airplane in my home town. I think it’s not asking too much to make sure that people who are voting are truly eligible voters. When you register to vote, let’s take your picture, and put it on a card. That way it doesn’t dilute the vote if a lot of people who aren’t registered voters try to fraudulently vote.

Source: 2007 GOP Presidential Forum at Morgan State University , Sep 27, 2007

Ok if church identifies candidates who favor its principles

Q: My church is currently under IRS investigation for “political involvement” due to my identifying politicians who support the destruction of innocent unborn children. Would you remove the gag rule from pastors like me & repeal the restrictions against churches from expressing our biblical convictions for or against a candidate?
Source: [Xref Cox] 2007 GOP Values Voter Presidential Debate , Sep 17, 2007

Attacking others’ integrity reflects people’s own immorality

I agree with the writer who said that “character is the person you are when no one is looking.” It’s the person you are when the cameras are off, the witnesses gone, and there’s no one to keep score.

I think we are all performers to some extent. But the real person is the one who is nearly the same behind closed doors as the public eye. We might say, “I’d never steal with someone watching me.” But would we steal if no one was watching?

It seems that the desire to see public officials fail the integrity test is at an all-time high. The reason is that by showing the flaws in other people, the public affirms that its own inadequacies are not so abnormal. As the character of America begins to plummet, we want to justify our own lack of morality by somehow showing that everyone is just as bad.

Our generation has learned to hold to the standard of each other instead of the standard of God. That is the travesty: God is no longer the standard; we are.

Source: Character Makes a Difference, by Mike Huckabee, p.103-105 , Jun 1, 2007

Govern by “Regnat Populus,” AR’s motto “The People Rule”

You are entitled to ask, “What kind of governor will you be?” I plan to be guided by certain principles that will form the basis of policies enabling every Arkansas citizen to claim our state truly as the “Land of Opportunity.”
  1. Those of us elected or employed to serve the citizen need to remember who the boss is
  2. Government should not penalize productivity and subsidize irresponsibility
  3. Let us establish policies for the family
  4. I believe that a good leader never asks of others what one is unwilling to do himself
  5. Government should welcome the participation of citizens from the private sector
  6. I believe the best government is the most local government
  7. In education, we cannot ignore the need for building character
  8. Government should facilitate rather than complicate life for those who create jobs by running a business.
  9. Our tax policies should be fair to those who work hard for paychecks.
We must always keep in mind our state motto: Regnat Populus (“The People Rule”).
Source: Character Makes a Difference, by Mike Huckabee, p.181-186 , Jun 1, 2007

Honor the Tenth Amendment & strengthen the states

Q: What mistakes do you see in the Bush administration?

A: I want to make sure that we went to a place where the states had more power and not centralized in the federal government. That’s been a mistake of this administration, I think an honest and sincere one, but a huge mistake. And instead, we need to honor the Tenth Amendment, we need to remember that we are a nation of strong states and weak federal government, not strong federal centralized government and weak states.

Source: 2007 GOP primary debate, at Reagan library, hosted by MSNBC , May 3, 2007

Supports term limits for state legislators

Q Do you support the current two-term eight-year limit for Arkansas governors?

A: Yes.

Q: Do you support two-term eight-year limit for Arkansas state senators?

A: Yes.

Q: Do you support the three-term six-year limit for Arkansas house representatives?

A: Yes.


Source: 2002 AR Gubernatorial National Political Awareness Test , Nov 1, 2002

Limit campaign contributions, but no public funding

Q: Do you support limiting individual contributions to state candidates?

A: Yes

Q: For PAC contributions?

A: Yes.

Q: For Corporate contributions?

A: Yes.

Q: For Political Parties?

A: Yes.

Q: Do you support requiring full and timely disclosure of campaign finance information?

A: Yes.

Q: Do you support imposing spending limits on state level political campaigns?

A: No.

Q: Do you support partial funding from state taxes for state level political campaigns?

A: No.

Source: 2002 AR Gubernatorial National Political Awareness Test , Nov 1, 2002

Not more government, but more efficient government

I don’t think we need a lot more government. We need the government we have to work more efficiently. We need it to work in ways that help our citizens rather than helping us to just grow more government. And, if the economy is slowing, then that’s all the more reason not to launch forth with a whole lot of new government programs but rather to scale back everywhere we can except for determining those things which we cannot scale back and then carrying out our responsibilities.
Source: 2001 State of the State address to the Arkansas legislature , Jan 9, 2001

Disclose political gifts, but don’t prohibit them

Public officials are confronted with rules on the giving and receiving of gifts. I think it’s a good idea to disclose to the public the types and scope of gifts. Voters should be able to evaluate the relationships that those in public office have and decide whether the givers are exerting too much influence.

But the trend in many states is to regulate and even prohibit normal giving and receiving among friends and relatives. These rules often are made by those who don’t understand that true giving is not about seeking to influence someone. In the true spirit of giving, the person who received the gift is not so much obligated to return the favor as he is to pass on a similar blessing to another. Thus, this transaction becomes an ever-expanding circle of compassion and generosity.

Source: Living Beyond Your Lifetime, by Mike Huckabee, p.132-133 , Oct 1, 2000

Negative campaigning works with some voters but not with God

Living life for the ultimate--living beyond our lifetime--requires that we think not in terms of getting rid of those who oppose us. Instead, we should overcome them with superior ideas and values.

My family has had to endure attacks I never would have imagined before running for office. Frivolous lawsuits instigated by political opponents who are unable to find real issues can create distractions. Some members of the media are willing to take baseless allegations and not only report them but repeat them over and over.

Although attacking others will sometimes work with voters, it will not work as we stand before God’s judgment seat. He will judge based on what he knows, not on what our critics have said about us.

Source: Living Beyond Your Lifetime, by Mike Huckabee, p. 20-34 , Oct 1, 2000

Decide based on next generation, not next election

No matter how idealistic a person is when entering the political arena, I can attest there’s always a temptation to make decisions that will affect the next election rather than chart the best course for the next generation. It’s easy to justify such an attitude by telling yourself that if you don’t get reelected, you won’t be able to have an impact. Our society increasingly demands measurable results in a short time.

The longer I serve as governor, the more I remind myself that my most important decisions are not those that will affect the next election. They are those that will affect the next generation. If public officials had fought for generational programs 50 years ago, my state might not be one of the poorest in the country.

As we work raise our children, and make daily decisions, we need to ask if they are for the immediate or for the ultimate good. Imagine the difference if we made decisions based on how they impacted the next generation rather than influenced the next election.

Source: Living Beyond Your Lifetime, by Mike Huckabee, p. 95-103 , Oct 1, 2000

As governor, recognize God's moral authority

Bill Clinton once said, "Character isn't the issue." Yet our government, welfare programs, schools, & everything else in our lives are shaped & directed according to our character. Everything hinges on the men & women we choose to establish public policy And their character depends on you. There IS something you can do: you can live a God-centered life of high moral character, and you can support candidates who share your Christian standards.

Character is the issue, and your character makes a difference every day--in the work you do, the people you vote for, the people you look to for leadership.

Seven years ago I was the pastor of a wonderful church in Texarkana. My views didn't make me any better than anyone else before God, but they struck a chord with people who were weary of living under a government that no longer respected what they thought was important. Today as governor of Arkansas, I recognize the same moral authority--God's authority--that I did as a pastor.

Source: Character IS the Issue, by Mike Huckabee, p. 1-2 , Sep 9, 1997

Pastors & politicians both need communication & volunteers

I do not believe there is a huge chasm between careers in church & politics. In fact, I would say there is no better preparation for public office than the pastoral ministry. Pastors and politicians must master the same four skills to succeed:
  1. The ability to communicate a message effectively. If you can't communicate, it doesn't matter how worthy your ideas are. They'll die on the vine.
  2. The ability to motivate volunteers. If you can't motivate volunteers, you can't lead a church and you can't run a campaign.
  3. A clear understanding of the media. You must know how the media works, how to use it effectively, how to harness its influence for your benefit.
  4. The ability to raise money. Churches and political campaigns are both built with voluntary contributions. If you can't raise money, you can't lead a church any more than you can win public office.
Source: Character IS the Issue, by Mike Huckabee, p. 55-56 , Sep 9, 1997

Term limits counter election skewed laws toward incumbents

I strongly advocate a constitutional amendment that would limit the terms of members of Congress. Election laws are skewed in favor of the incumbents. The power of incumbency is reflected in the franking privilege, the use of staff paid for by the taxpayers to do research, the advantage of media attention that is given to incumbents over challengers, and the ability of incumbents to come home at strategic times to announce various projects in order to continue the “aura” of the office. I would personally favor that no one be elected to the US Senate for more than two six-year terms, and that no one be elected to the Congress for more than three four-year terms.

As one who is attempting to challenge a long-term incumbent, it has become increasingly apparent that the current process is not adequate to remove members of Congress. Since we already limit the President to eight years, it seems ridiculous to give Congressmen and Senators long-term careers at taxpayer expense.

Source: Responses to Associated Press Questionnaire for AR Senate , Nov 1, 1992

Change House terms to 4 years, to avoid constant campaigning

Changing the House of Representatives’ term to four years from the current two-year term would give a Congressman more time on the job and less time having to campaign for reelection. It would also be possible to make the four-year terms of Congressmen fall in the middle of the presidential election cycle, which might be helpful in balancing the attention given to the various races taking place at any given time.
Source: Responses to Associated Press Questionnaire for AR Senate , Nov 1, 1992

Won’t vote for pay raise for myself as member of Congress

I would not vote for a pay raise for myself as a member of Congress as our incumbent has done on at least four occasions. There needs to be radical reform in the scandalous manner in which pay and perks are handled. With the enactment of a term-limitation act, the class of Congress that is ending its term should work with an independent commission to evaluate whether or not any adjustment in salaries should be considered for the next Congress.
Source: Responses to Associated Press Questionnaire for AR Senate , Nov 1, 1992

Reforms must respect state's rights to select electors.

adopted the National Governors Association position paper:

The Issue

In the wake of the United States presidential election in Florida, the Congress and the administration has expressed interest in federal standards for elections. Recognizing that Articles I and II of the United States Constitution grants states, not Congress, the authority to determine the manner of selecting presidential electors and conducting elections generally, most legislative proposals do not mandate federal standards. Rather, current proposals direct federal agencies or commissions to study and make recommendations concerning the election system. Nonetheless, the possibility of legislation in the 107th Congress requiring states to implement federal election standards remains. If enacted without adequate funding by the federal government, such legislation could also result in an unfunded mandate to the states.

NGA’s Position

Articles I and II of the United States Constitution grant states the authority to determine the manner of selecting presidential electors and provide that states are responsible for establishing election procedures generally. However, in the wake of the 2000 presidential election, the nation’s Governors recognize the need for election reform. NGA will continue to monitor federal legislation addressing this issue, but has not taken a position in support of or opposition to election reform efforts.
Source: National Governors Association "Issues / Positions" 01-NGA11 on Aug 1, 2001

2010 Governor, House and Senate candidates on Government Reform: Mike Huckabee on other issues:
AR Gubernatorial:
Mike Beebe
AR Senatorial:
John Boozman
Mark Pryor

2011 Special Elections:
CA-36:Jane Harman(D)
CA-36:Janice Hahn(D)
NV-2:Dean Heller(R)
NY-9:Anthony Weiner(D)
NY-26:Chris Lee(R)
NY-26:Kathleen Hochul(D)
Retiring 2012:
CA-6:Lynn Woolsey(D)
OK-2:Dan Boren(D)
MI-5:Dale Kildee(D)
TX-14:Ron Paul(R)
Running for Mayor:
CA-51:Bob Filner(D)
Running for Governor:
IN-6:Mike Pence(R)
WA-8:Dave Reichert(R)
Running for Senate:
AZ-1:Jeff Flake(R)
CT-5:Chris Murphy(R)
HI-2:Mazie Hirono(D)
IN-2:Joe Donnelly(D)
MO-2:Todd Akin(R)
MT-0:Dennis Rehberg(R)
ND-0:Rick Berg(D)
NM-1:Martin Heinrich(D)
NV-1:Shelley Berkley(D)
UT-3:Jason Chaffetz(R)
Dem. Freshmen
in 112th Congress:

AL-7:Terri Sewell
CA-33:Karen Bass
DE-0:John Carney
FL-17:Frederica Wilson
HI-1:Colleen Hanabusa
LA-2:Cedric Richmond
MA-10:Bill Keating
MI-13:Hansen Clarke
RI-1:David Cicilline
GOP Freshmen
in 112th Congress:

AL-2:Martha Roby
AL-5:Mo Brooks
AZ-1:Paul Gosar
AZ-3:Ben Quayle
AZ-5:David Schweikert
AR-1:Rick Crawford
AR-2:Tim Griffin
AR-3:Steve Womack
CA-19:Jeff Denham
CO-3:Scott Tipton
CO-4:Cory Gardner
FL-12:Dennis Ross
FL-2:Steve Southerland
FL-21:Mario Diaz-Balart
FL-22:Allen West
FL-24:Sandy Adams
FL-25:David Rivera
FL-5:Rich Nugent
FL-8:Dan Webster
GA-2:Mike Keown
GA-7:Rob Woodall
GA-8:Austin Scott
ID-1:Raul Labrador
IL-8:Joe Walsh
IL-10:Bob Dold
IL-11:Adam Kinzinger
IL-14:Randy Hultgren
IL-17:Bobby Schilling
IL-8:Joe Walsh
IN-3:Marlin Stutzman
IN-4:Todd Rokita
IN-8:Larry Bucshon
IN-9:Todd Young
KS-1:Tim Huelskamp
KS-3:Kevin Yoder
KS-5:Mike Pompeo
LA-3:Jeff Landry
MD-1:Andy Harris
MI-1:Dan Benishek
MI-2:Bill Huizenga
MI-3:Justin Amash
MI-7:Tim Walberg
MN-8:Chip Cravaack
MO-4:Vicky Hartzler
MO-7:Billy Long
MS-1:Alan Nunnelee
MS-4:Steven Palazzo
GOP Freshmen
in 111th Congress:

NC-2:Renee Ellmers
ND-0:Rick Berg
NH-2:Charlie Bass
NH-1:Frank Guinta
NJ-3:Jon Runyan
NM-2:Steve Pearce
NV-3:Joe Heck
NY-13:Michael Grimm
NY-19:Nan Hayworth
NY-20:Chris Gibson
NY-24:Richard Hanna
NY-25:Ann Marie Buerkle
NY-29:Tom Reed
OH-1:Steve Chabot
OH-15:Steve Stivers
OH-16:Jim Renacci
OH-18:Bob Gibbs
OH-6:Bill Johnson
OK-5:James Lankford
PA-10:Tom Marino
PA-11:Lou Barletta
PA-3:Mike Kelly
PA-7:Patrick Meehan
PA-8:Mike Fitzpatrick
SC-1:Tim Scott
SC-3:Jeff Duncan
SC-4:Trey Gowdy
SC-5:Mick Mulvaney
SD-0:Kristi Noem
TN-3:Chuck Fleischmann
TN-4:Scott DesJarlais
TN-6:Diane Black
TN-8:Stephen Fincher
TX-17:Bill Flores
TX-23:Quico Canseco
TX-27:Blake Farenthold
VA-2:Scott Rigell
VA-5:Robert Hurt
VA-9:Morgan Griffith
WA-3:Jaime Herrera
WI-7:Sean Duffy
WI-8:Reid Ribble
WV-1:David McKinley
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Page last updated: Nov 05, 2011