Marianne Williamson on Government Reform
Author & Democratic Presidential Challenger
We should know if food is made from GMOs: require labels
The United States has over 180 million acres of GMO crops under cultivation. We should at least know when we are eating food made from GMOs. While the Big 6 pesticide makers--particularly Monsanto and Dupont--
spent tens of millions of dollars to defeat GMO labeling propositions in both California and Washington State, as president I would seek to limit their power. I would work to label all GMOs, and to strengthen consumer protection by the FDA and USDA.
Source: 2024 Presidential campaign website Marianne2024.com
, Jun 6, 2023
For constitutional amendment for public funding of campaigns
Q: What about gun safety?Williamson: The issue of gun safety is that the NRA has us in a chokehold, but so do the pharmaceutical companies, so do the health insurance companies, so do the fossil fuel companies, and so do the defense contractors, and
none of this will change until we either pass a constitutional amendment or pass legislation that establishes public funding for federal campaigns. It is time for us to start over with people who have not taken donations from any of those corporations.
Source: July Democratic Primary debate (first night in Detroit)
, Jul 30, 2019
DC should have representation in Congress
In terms of D.C., of course, you should have representation. I think when the founders said that D.C. should not have representation, they simply did not foresee a time when the kind of population in
D.C. would exist as it does now. Absolutely D.C. should have representation.
Source: CNN Town Hall 2020 Democratic primary
, Apr 14, 2019
Must address election security & Russian interference
Contrary to the way this president behaves, I would actually listen to the U.S. intelligence agencies. The U.S. intelligence agencies have an uncommon uniformity on this issue. They're very clear that there has been Russian interference. I will make it
clear to the American people, number one, that I agree with our intelligence agencies that this is happening and, number two, that we're on it. In terms of the voting machines, we must have paper ballots. We absolutely must have paper ballots.
Source: CNN Town Hall 2020 Democratic primary
, Apr 14, 2019
No voter ID; no politicized gerrymandering
IF I'M ELECTED, MY ADMINISTRATION WILL SUPPORT THE FOLLOWING:- A state-by-state rejection of politicized gerrymandering.
- Elimination of unfounded restrictions on eligible voters, such as voter picture ID's.
- The institution of
automatic voter registration at the age of 18.
- Guarantees that our voting systems are secure from internal as well as external threats.
- Establishment of election day as a national holiday (or Saturday).
Source: 2020 presidential campaign website Marianne2020.com
, Apr 8, 2019
Establish public financing for federal campaigns
IF I'M ELECTED, MY ADMINISTRATION WILL SUPPORT THE FOLLOWING: - A Constitutional Amendment to establish public financing of our federal campaigns.
- Holding special interest and corporate lobbyists accountable to the rule of law.
A Williamson administration would work assiduously to address the above-mentioned external issues, and I would help the American people connect the dots, understand what has happened, and work in their own communities to save our democracy.
Source: 2020 presidential campaign website Marianne2020.com
, Apr 8, 2019
Page last updated: Jan 01, 2025; copyright 1999-2022 Jesse Gordon and OnTheIssues.org