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Books by and about 2020 presidential candidates
Crippled America,
by Donald J. Trump (2015)
by Cory Booker (2016)
The Truths We Hold,
by Kamala Harris (2019)
Smart on Crime,
by Kamala Harris (2010)
Guide to Political Revolution,
by Bernie Sanders (2017)
Where We Go From Here,
by Bernie Sanders (2018)
Promise Me, Dad ,
by Joe Biden (2017)
Conscience of a Conservative,
by Jeff Flake (2017)
Two Paths,
by Gov. John Kasich (2017)
Every Other Monday,
by Rep. John Kasich (2010)
Courage is Contagious,
by John Kasich (1998)
Shortest Way Home,
by Pete Buttigieg (2019)
The Book of Joe ,
by Jeff Wilser (2019; biography of Joe Biden)
by Michelle Obama (2018)
Our Revolution,
by Bernie Sanders (2016)
This Fight Is Our Fight,
by Elizabeth Warren (2017)
Higher Loyalty,
by James Comey (2018)
The Making of Donald Trump,
by David Cay Johnston (2017)
Books by and about the 2016 presidential election
What Happened ,
by Hillary Clinton (2017)
Higher Loyalty ,
by James Comey (2018)
Trump vs. Hillary On The Issues ,
by Jesse Gordon (2016)
Hard Choices,
by Hillary Clinton (2014)
Becoming ,
by Michelle Obama (2018)
Outsider in the White House,
by Bernie Sanders (2015)

Book Reviews

(from Amazon.com)

(click a book cover for a review or other books by or about the presidency from Amazon.com)

Winners and Losers
Senate candidates from Hawaii

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    Click on a participant to pop-up their full list of quotations
    from Past and present Senate candidates from Hawaii (number of quotes indicated):
  • Bob McDermott (3) Hawaii Republican candidate for governor
  • Brian Schatz (13) Democratic Jr Senator Hawaii
  • Cam Cavasso (13) Republican Challenger Hawaii
  • Colleen Hanabusa (6) Hawaii Democratic candidate for Hawaii Governor
  • Ed Case (2) Democratic challenger (2006); U.S. Rep. Hawaii
  • Eddie Pirkowski (15) Republican candidate for Hawaii U.S. Senator Hawaii
  • John Carroll (8) Hawaii Republican candidate for governor of Hawaii
  • Linda Lingle (4) Hawaii Former Republican Governor (2002-2010)
  • Mazie Hirono (7) Democratic Challenger Hawaii
  • Ron Curtis (15) Republican Senate candidate Hawaii
    OR click on an issue category below for a subset.
  • Hawaii News Now, "Republican state representative announces run against Schatz for US Senate," Jan. 18, 2022
  • Honolulu Civil Beat, "Candidate Q&A: State House District 40-Bob McDermott," September 26, 2020
  • Honolulu Civil Beat, "McDermott Wants Judge to Reconsider Gay Marriage Lawsuit," November 27, 2013
     OnTheIssues.org excerpts:  (click on issues for details)
        Bob McDermott: Opposed law disclosing abortion rights to women.
        Cam Cavasso: Human life begins at conception.
        Eddie Pirkowski: Human life begins at conception.
    Budget & Economy
        Ron Curtis: Balanced budget achievable: stop waste and reduce spending.
        Cam Cavasso: Balance the budget; don't pass it on to children.
        Eddie Pirkowski: Free enterprise is the key to national prosperity.
        Cam Cavasso: Government spending sucks oxygen out of the economy.
    Civil Rights
        Ron Curtis: Americans are equally entitled to Constitutional rights.
        John Carroll: Inclusive legislation to banish racism and intolerance.
        Cam Cavasso: Government shouldn't redefine marriage.
        Eddie Pirkowski: Government shouldn't redefine marriage.
        Eddie Pirkowski: Zero taxes would attract corporate headquarters.
        Mazie Hirono: US Chamber of Commerce does not reflect business community.
        John Carroll: Keep evidence from stops even without reasonable suspicion.
        Brian Schatz: Stop transferring military equipment to local police forces.
        John Carroll: Marijuana less damaging than alcohol; legalize it.
        Brian Schatz: Hawaii not ready for legal pot; needs national conversation.
        Colleen Hanabusa: States should determine marijuana legality.
        Ron Curtis: We can better serve students teaching them the "how" skills.
        Bob McDermott: Sues state over overcrowded school.
        Cam Cavasso: Oppose nationwide Common Core standards.
        Eddie Pirkowski: Oppose nationwide Common Core standards.
        Linda Lingle: I support PBS, but Big Bird is not essential to America.
    Energy & Oil
        Ron Curtis: Manage renewable electric power with smaller community farms.
        Eddie Pirkowski: Sustainable green development; reduce our carbon footprint.
        Brian Schatz: Use every weapon at our disposal to fight climate change.
        Brian Schatz: Work towards passage of carbon fee legislation.
        Cam Cavasso: No subsidies for wind and solar.
        Eddie Pirkowski: No subsidies for wind and solar.
        Brian Schatz: OpEd: Schatz promotes wind turbines requiring huge subsidies.
        Brian Schatz: FactCheck: Yes, 97% of Greenland ice surface melted in 2012.
        Ron Curtis: Protect environment with common sense daily routine changes.
        John Carroll: Eliminate air and water pollution in every state.
        Brian Schatz: Received perfect score from League of Conservation Voters.
        Brian Schatz: Genetically modified foods aren't unhealthy.
        Colleen Hanabusa: Genetically modified foods aren't unhealthy.
        Ed Case: Diversify tourism to include educational & eco-tourism.
        Mazie Hirono: Visit the USA Bill: attract 300,000 Chinese by easier visas.
    Families & Children
        Mazie Hirono: Family separation at the border traumatizes children.
    Free Trade
        John Carroll: America should be a leader in international commerce.
        Colleen Hanabusa: Supports 1920 Jones Act: only US ships HI to West Coast.
    Government Reform
        Ron Curtis: Take back our elections from lobbyists & special interests.
        John Carroll: Supports citizen's initiative process & multiparty democracy.
        Cam Cavasso: Photo ID for voting.
        Eddie Pirkowski: No photo ID for voting.
        Ed Case: Only 8% of my campaign money comes from PACs.
    Gun Control
        Ron Curtis: For mandatory background checks but wants minimum age 18.
        John Carroll: Hawaii has reasonable gun control laws; no federal bans.
        Cam Cavasso: Opposes more gun restrictions.
        Eddie Pirkowski: Opposes more gun restrictions.
        Cam Cavasso: Never diminish a citizen's right to protect themselves.
    Health Care
        Ron Curtis: Affordable health care for all calls for effective planning.
        Cam Cavasso: Repeal ObamaCare; it's not a government responsibility.
        Eddie Pirkowski: Repeal ObamaCare; it's not a government responsibility.
    Homeland Security
        Eddie Pirkowski: Cutting edge defensive and offensive security.
        Ron Curtis: Welcomes military presence in Hawaii, vital in today's world.
        Cam Cavasso: Maintain military: peace through strength.
        Brian Schatz: Feds stretched too far in snooping on everyday Americans.
        Brian Schatz: Reform FISA to protect our Fourth Amendment rights.
        Colleen Hanabusa: NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden should stand trial in US.
        Eddie Pirkowski: Maintain a superior nuclear arsenal.
        Linda Lingle: Don't let up on its defense spending, like pre-WWII.
        Mazie Hirono: Sensible compromise needed on $50 billion military cut.
        Ron Curtis: Base immigration policy on meeting job market needs.
        Mazie Hirono: Why do we treat children of illegal immigrants as criminals?
        Cam Cavasso: Protect the borders; prevent illegal entry.
        Eddie Pirkowski: Protect the borders; prevent illegal entry.
        Eddie Pirkowski: Responsible spending for jobs and stable growth.
        Linda Lingle: OpEd:Did nothing to save jobs when Aloha Airlines went under.
    Principles & Values
        Ron Curtis: Principles of campaign are liberty and limited government.
        Cam Cavasso: Judeo-Christian values established our government framework.
        Eddie Pirkowski: Judeo-Christian values established our government framework.
        Colleen Hanabusa: Lost campaigns in 2003 & 2006 before winning in 2010.
        Brian Schatz: Endorsed by progressive group "Democracy for America".
        Colleen Hanabusa: OpEd: Too old to build seniority to steer pork to Hawaii.
        Linda Lingle: Work with national Republicans to get things done for Hawaii.
        Mazie Hirono: OpEd: Missed twice as many votes as average Congress member.
    Social Security
        Ron Curtis: Make Social Security sustainable long into the future.
    Tax Reform
        Ron Curtis: Make tax cuts for individuals permanent; no expiration.
        Ron Curtis: Personal background in managing evolving technologies.
        Brian Schatz: Address transportation and coastal infrastructure priorities.
        Mazie Hirono: $6 million for new security screening at Hawaii airports.
    War & Peace
        Ron Curtis: War should be last resort but we need to always be prepared.
        John Carroll: Use US air power to enforce peace, but not ground troops.
    Welfare & Poverty
        Bob McDermott: Let homeless sleep in driveways.
        Brian Schatz: 100% score on the National Food Policy Scorecard.

    The above quotations are from Winners and Losers
    Senate candidates from Hawaii.

    Senatorial winners and losers in each state:

    AK -  AL -  AR -  AZ -  CA -  CO -  CT -  DE -  FL -  GA -  HI -  IA -  ID -  IL -  IN -  KS -  KY -  LA -  MA - 
    MD -  ME -  MI -  MN -  MO -  MS -  MT -  NC -  ND -  NE -  NH -  NJ -  NM -  NV -  NY - 
    OH -  OK -  OR -  PA -  RI -  SC -  SD -  TN -  TX -  UT -  VA -  VT -  WA -  WI -  WV -  WY - 

    U.S. House of Representatives winners and losers in each state:

    AK -  AL -  AR -  AZ -  CA -  CO -  CT -  DE -  FL -  GA -  HI -  IA -  ID -  IL -  IN -  KS -  KY -  LA -  MA - 
    MD -  ME -  MI -  MN -  MO -  MS -  MT -  NC -  ND -  NE -  NH -  NJ -  NM -  NV -  NY - 
    OH -  OK -  OR -  PA -  RI -  SC -  SD -  TN -  TX -  UT -  VA -  VT -  WA -  WI -  WV -  WY - 

    Gubernatorial winners and losers in each state:

    AK -  AL -  AR -  AZ -  CA -  CO -  CT -  DE -  FL -  GA -  HI -  IA -  ID -  IL -  IN -  KS -  KY -  LA -  MA - 
    MD -  ME -  MI -  MN -  MO -  MS -  MT -  NC -  ND -  NE -  NH -  NJ -  NM -  NV -  NY - 
    OH -  OK -  OR -  PA -  RI -  SC -  SD -  TN -  TX -  UT -  VA -  VT -  WA -  WI -  WV -  WY - 

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    by Jesse Gordon and OnTheIssues.org
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    Page last edited: Feb 22, 2019