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Jon Tester
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MT: Daines(R,incumbent) vs.Bullock(D) vs.Collins(D) vs.Driscoll(R) vs.Mues(D) vs.Geise(L)
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OK: Inhofe(R,incumbent) vs.Broyles(D) vs.Workman(D)
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WV: Capito(R,incumbent) vs.Swearengin(D) vs.Ojeda(D)
WY: Enzi(R,retiring) vs.Lummis(R) vs.Ben-David(D) vs.Ludwig(D)

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Jon Tester on Abortion
Click here for 11 full quotes on Abortion OR background on Abortion.
  • No 20-week ban on abortion. (Oct 2018)
  • Supports Stem Cell Research. (Oct 2006)
  • Pledges to focus on preventing abortions, not on attacking. (May 2006)
  • Ban anti-abortion limitations on abortion services. (Nov 2013)
  • Access safe, legal abortion without restrictions. (Jan 2015)
  • Keep federal funding for family planning clinics. (Mar 2017)
  • CC:Publicly fund abortions. (Jul 2018)
  • CC:No parental notification for abortions by minors. (Jul 2018)
  • Born-Alive Survivors bill tries to illegalize abortion. (Feb 2020)
  • Ensure access to and funding for contraception. (Feb 2007)
  • Focus on preventing pregnancy, plus emergency contraception. (Jan 2009)
Jon Tester on Budget & Economy
Click here for 7 full quotes on Budget & Economy OR background on Budget & Economy.
  • $787B in stimulus spending was step in the right direction. (Oct 2012)
  • Montana suffered from Burns' cuts in discretionary funding. (Oct 2006)
  • Borrow-and-spend policy puts burden on our children. (Sep 2006)
  • CC:No Balanced Budget Constitutional Amendment. (Jul 2018)
  • Ban abusive credit practices & enhance consumer disclosure. (Feb 2009)
  • Voted YES on $900 billion COVID relief package. (Dec 2020)
  • $1.9 trillion ARPA bill for COVID relief. (Mar 2021)
Jon Tester on Civil Rights
Click here for 4 full quotes on Civil Rights OR background on Civil Rights.
  • Opposes gay marriage; but not worth amending Constitution. (Sep 2006)
  • Endorsed as "preferred" by The Feminist Majority indicating pro-women's rights. (Aug 2012)
  • Enforce against wage discrimination based on gender. (Apr 2013)
  • Let states recognize same sex marriage. (Jan 2015)
Jon Tester on Corporations
Click here for 6 full quotes on Corporations OR background on Corporations.
  • Prevent abuses by "too-big-to-fail" banks on Wall Street. (Oct 2012)
  • Citizens United puts democracy at risk. (Jun 2012)
  • Energy plan was written by oil companies, so no renewables. (Oct 2006)
  • Rated 71% by UFCW, indicating a mixed management/labor voting record. (May 2012)
  • Regulatory relief for smaller banks stimulates growth. (Mar 2018)
  • Reducing tax rates balloons federal deficit & cuts programs. (Dec 2017)
Jon Tester on Crime
Click here for 2 full quotes on Crime OR background on Crime.
  • First step: reduce recidivism & mass incarceration. (Dec 2018)
  • Rated 73% by the NAPO, indicating a moderate stance on police issues. (Dec 2014)
Jon Tester on Drugs
Click here for 4 full quotes on Drugs OR background on Drugs.
  • Supports medical and recreational marijuana. (Jul 2019)
  • Medical marijuana ok; full legalization later. (Oct 2018)
  • Tough penalties for manufacturing & selling drugs. (Oct 2006)
  • Rated B+ by NORML, indicating a pro-drug-reform stance. (Nov 2016)
Jon Tester on Education
Click here for 5 full quotes on Education OR background on Education.
  • Ban cell-cultivated meat from school breakfast & lunch. (Jan 2024)
  • Privatizing public schools feeds destruction of democracy. (Oct 2018)
  • Restore year-round Pell Grants, & support Perkins Loans. (Oct 2018)
  • More tuition tax credits, low-interest loans, & Pell grants. (Oct 2006)
  • Public education is the backbone of our democracy. (Dec 2005)
Jon Tester on Energy & Oil
Click here for 8 full quotes on Energy & Oil OR background on Energy & Oil.
  • Agricultural oil sources are profitable and renewable. (Oct 2006)
  • Global warming is much more rapid now than historically. (Oct 2006)
  • Kyoto Accord needs worldwide communication & US leadership. (Oct 2006)
  • Long-term tax credits for wind power development. (Mar 2006)
  • 4-point plan for getting over America's oil addiction. (Mar 2006)
  • Affordable energy first in our resource-rich state. (Dec 2005)
  • Sign on to UN Framework Convention on Climate Change. (Jan 2007)
  • Set goal of 25% renewable energy by 2025. (Jan 2007)
Jon Tester on Environment
Click here for 8 full quotes on Environment OR background on Environment.
  • Sought removal of wolves from the endangered list. (Jun 2012)
  • Respects tribal sovereignty and supports trust reform. (Aug 2006)
  • Clean air & water are Montana's treasured resources. (Dec 2005)
  • Keep open access to public lands. (Dec 2005)
  • Make tax deduction permanent for conservation easements. (Mar 2009)
  • Rated 20% by HSLF, indicating an anti-animal welfare voting record. (Jan 2012)
  • Require labeling genetically engineered food. (Apr 2013)
  • Keep restrictive rules for predator control in Alaska. (Mar 2017)
Jon Tester on Families & Children
Click here for 2 full quotes on Families & Children OR background on Families & Children.
  • All couples should have same rights as heterosexual couples. (Oct 2018)
  • More funding & services for victims of domestic violence. (Jan 2013)
Jon Tester on Foreign Policy
Click here for 7 full quotes on Foreign Policy OR background on Foreign Policy.
  • Rated -1 by AAI, indicating a mixed Arab/Palestine voting record. (May 2012)
  • Vigorous support for State of Israel against Hamas in Gaza. (Nov 2012)
  • Disallow Palestine from joining ICC to threaten Israel. (Jan 2015)
  • Two-state solution despite Israeli settlements on West Bank. (Jan 2017)
  • CC:Keep alliance with Israel. (Jul 2018)
  • Allow travel between the United States and Cuba. (Feb 2009)
  • Ban imports from Xinjiang made by Uyghur forced labor. (Apr 2021)
Jon Tester on Free Trade
Click here for 9 full quotes on Free Trade OR background on Free Trade.
  • Tariffs on China harm our industries & drive up costs. (Oct 2018)
  • Recent trade agreements put our jobs & farms in jeopardy. (Oct 2006)
  • Federal farm subsidies are a necessary evil. (Aug 2006)
  • Extend trade restrictions on Burma to promote democracy. (Jun 2007)
  • Ban Argentine meat imports to avoid foot & mouth disease. (Jul 2008)
  • Insist on access to post-mad-cow Japanese beef markets. (Mar 2010)
  • Voted FOR reauthorizing Ex-Im Bank. (Oct 2015)
  • Implement USMCA for improved North American trade. (Jan 2020)
  • Rated 25% by the USAE, indicating support for trade sanctions. (Dec 2012)
Jon Tester on Government Reform
Click here for 20 full quotes on Government Reform OR background on Government Reform.
  • Spotlight Act: no dark money in campaigns. (Oct 2018)
  • Introduced bill to ensure Native American voting access. (Oct 2018)
  • Citizens United is scary for democracy. (Oct 2012)
  • Oppose Citizens United: limit corporate political spending. (Oct 2012)
  • Citizens United ruling puts democracy at risk. (Jun 2012)
  • Earmarks without transparency are wrong for democracy. (Oct 2006)
  • K-Street cronies control Congressional spending decisions. (Oct 2006)
  • End policymaking for those with the biggest campaign checks. (Aug 2006)
  • End the "pay-to-play" culture of Washington. (Jan 2006)
  • Ban lobbyist gifts, and more, starting with my own campaign. (Jan 2006)
  • Require Internet disclosure of all earmarks. (May 2010)
  • Matching fund for small donors, with debate requirements. (Feb 2013)
  • Public financing of federal campaigns by voter vouchers. (Feb 2015)
  • CC:Oppose strict Constitutionalist judges. (Jul 2018)
  • Sponsored bill for election holiday & easier voting access. (Mar 2019)
  • Repeal automatic Congressional pay raises. (Jan 2009)
  • Sponsored bill to expand voter registration and voter access. (Mar 2021)
  • Remove President Trump from office for inciting insurrection. (Jan 2021)
  • Sponsored bill for statehood for Washington D.C. (Mar 2021)
  • Voted YES on two articles of impeachment against Trump. (Feb 2020)
Jon Tester on Gun Control
Click here for 7 full quotes on Gun Control OR background on Gun Control.
  • Supports background checks & banning bump stocks. (Oct 2018)
  • AdWatch: Check if gun buyers are on terrorist watch-list. (Aug 2017)
  • Strongly believes in our Second Amendment rights. (Oct 2006)
  • National cross-state standard for concealed carry. (Jan 2009)
  • Sponsored veterans registering unlicensed guns from abroad. (Apr 2011)
  • Restrict right to bear arms, according to CC survey. (Jul 2018)
  • Ban gun registration & trigger lock law in Washington DC. (Mar 2007)
Jon Tester on Health Care
Click here for 10 full quotes on Health Care OR background on Health Care.
  • ObamaCare not perfect, but has helped. (Oct 2018)
  • Protect people with pre-existing medical conditions. (Oct 2012)
  • Families can't afford to get sick; that's not health care. (Oct 2006)
  • Negotiate for lower prescription drug prices. (Feb 2006)
  • Extend enrollment period for new Medicare. (Feb 2006)
  • People can't afford to get sick. (Dec 2005)
  • Merge Alzheimers diagnosis and care benefit. (Apr 2013)
  • Keep healthcare mandate, according to CC survey. (Jul 2018)
  • Preserve access to Medicaid & SCHIP during economic downturn. (Apr 2008)
  • Expand the National Health Service Corps. (Mar 2009)
Jon Tester on Homeland Security
Click here for 11 full quotes on Homeland Security OR background on Homeland Security.
  • Irresponsible to put two wars on credit card. (Oct 2012)
  • Build forces to fight terror cells; not take away our rights. (Oct 2006)
  • I don't want to weaken the Patriot Act--I want to repeal it. (Sep 2006)
  • Patriot Act has very little to do with the War on Terrorism. (Sep 2006)
  • Critical of President Bush on Patriot Act. (Aug 2006)
  • Study & address suicides among veterans. (Apr 2008)
  • Repeal Don't-Ask-Don't-Tell, and reinstate discharged gays. (Mar 2010)
  • Non-proliferation includes disposing of nuclear materials. (Aug 2014)
  • End bulk data collection under USA PATRIOT Act. (Oct 2013)
  • $515B for military plus $89B off sequester for wars. (Oct 2015)
  • Military spouses don't lose voting residency while abroad. (Feb 2009)
Jon Tester on Immigration
Click here for 6 full quotes on Immigration OR background on Immigration.
  • Bipartisan reform with earned path to citizenship. (Oct 2018)
  • FactCheck: Opposes sanctuary cities, but don't punish them. (Aug 2018)
  • Touts bipartisanship; voted against DREAM Act. (Jun 2012)
  • Secure borders and no amnesty for law breakers. (Apr 2006)
  • Opposes more border security, according to CC survey. (Jul 2018)
  • Terminate national emergency at the Southern border. (Mar 2019)
Jon Tester on Jobs
Click here for 5 full quotes on Jobs OR background on Jobs.
  • Raise minimum wage from $7.25/hr to $10.10. (Oct 2018)
  • Raise minimum wage to fair livable wage. (Oct 2006)
  • Minimum wage increase is long overdue. (Sep 2006)
  • Ban discriminatory compensation; allow 2 years to sue. (Jan 2009)
  • Sponsored bill for strengthening union organizing. (Feb 2021)
Jon Tester on Principles & Values
Click here for 10 full quotes on Principles & Values OR background on Principles & Values.
  • AdWatch: Voted with Trump 52%, but against key initiatives. (Aug 2018)
  • No safe haven for neo-Nazi white nationalists. (Dec 2016)
  • Voted with Democratic Party 88.6% of 324 votes. (Sep 2007)
  • Premature to call for impeachment proceedings against Bush. (Oct 2006)
  • Burns changed his votes due to Jack Abramoff donations. (Sep 2006)
  • Opposes flag-burning; but not worth amending Constitution. (Sep 2006)
  • Sen. Burns brings scandals like Abramoff & bridge-to-nowhere. (Aug 2006)
  • Campaign slogan: Real Montana, real change. (Aug 2006)
  • Certify 2020 Presidential election as fully & fairly counted. (Jan 2021)
  • Create Commission to investigate Jan. 6 Capitol riots. (Jun 2021)
Jon Tester on Social Security
Click here for 4 full quotes on Social Security OR background on Social Security.
  • Opposes any plan to privatize. (Oct 2018)
  • Privatization would end in massive debt or deep cuts. (Sep 2006)
  • Opposes privatization. (Dec 2005)
  • Rated 93% by ARA, indicating a pro-Trust Fund stance. (Jan 2013)
Jon Tester on Tax Reform
Click here for 9 full quotes on Tax Reform OR background on Tax Reform.
  • Trump tax cuts were a disastrous handout for jet-owners. (Oct 2018)
  • GOP tax plan saddles future generations with more debt. (Aug 2018)
  • Extend Bush exemption for inheritance tax up to $10M. (Oct 2012)
  • Limit inheritance tax to estates over $5 million. (Oct 2012)
  • Focus tax cuts on the middle class, not the rich. (Sep 2006)
  • Lowering state taxes shifts burden to local property tax. (Sep 2006)
  • Bush's tax cuts are irresponsible. (Feb 2006)
  • CC:Reverse federal income tax cuts. (Jul 2018)
  • CC:Keep the inhertiance tax. (Jul 2018)
Jon Tester on Technology
Click here for 6 full quotes on Technology OR background on Technology.
  • Lead the world in clean technology. (Oct 2018)
  • 2008 stimulus was necessary; invest more in infrastructure. (Oct 2018)
  • Repealing Net Neutrality handed Internet to corporations. (Oct 2018)
  • Stimulus for Going-to-the-Sun National Park roads. (Oct 2012)
  • Overturn FCC approval of media consolidation. (Mar 2008)
  • No performance royalties for radio music. (Mar 2009)
Jon Tester on War & Peace
Click here for 9 full quotes on War & Peace OR background on War & Peace.
  • Iran nuclear treaty is only option. (Oct 2018)
  • We need to be diligent on the war on terror; Iraq is not. (Sep 2006)
  • Critical of President Bush on Iraq war. (Aug 2006)
  • Support our troops with a plan to bring them home. (Dec 2005)
  • It's time for a clear exit strategy from Iraq. (Nov 2005)
  • Iranian nuclear weapons: prevention instead of containment. (May 2012)
  • Iran must accept long-term intrusive nuke inspection. (Mar 2014)
  • No military force against Iran without Congress approval. (Feb 2020)
  • Sponsored resolution to repeal 2002 AUMF against Iraq. (Jul 2021)
Jon Tester on Welfare & Poverty
Click here for background on Welfare & Poverty.
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VoteMatch Responses
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Based on these stances:
(Click on topic for excerpt & citation)
Strongly Favors topic 1:
Abortion is a woman's unrestricted right
(+5 points on Social scale)
Pledges to focus on preventing abortions, not on attacking: Favors topic 1
Supports Stem Cell Research: Favors topic 1
No 20-week ban on abortion: Strongly Favors topic 1
Ban anti-abortion limitations on abortion services: Strongly Favors topic 1
Access safe, legal abortion without restrictions: Strongly Favors topic 1
Keep federal funding for family planning clinics: Strongly Favors topic 1
CC:Oppose strict Constitutionalist judges: Favors topic 1
CC:Publicly fund abortions: Strongly Favors topic 1
CC:No parental notification for abortions by minors: Favors topic 1
Rated Born-Alive Survivors bill tries to illegalize abortion: Favors topic 1
Ensure access to and funding for contraception: Favors topic 1
Focus on preventing pregnancy, plus emergency contraception: Favors topic 1
Strongly Favors topic 2:
Legally require hiring women & minorities
(-5 points on Economic scale)
Endorsed as "preferred" by The Feminist Majority indicating pro-women's rights: Strongly Favors topic 2
More funding & services for victims of domestic violence: Strongly Favors topic 2
Enforce against wage discrimination based on gender: Strongly Favors topic 2
Ban discriminatory compensation; allow 2 years to sue: Favors topic 2
Strongly Favors topic 3:
Support transgender and LGBTQ+ rights
(+5 points on Social scale)
Opposes gay marriage; but not worth amending Constitution: Favors topic 3
All couples should have same rights as heterosexual couples: Strongly Favors topic 3
Repeal Don't-Ask-Don't-Tell, and reinstate discharged gays: Favors topic 3
Let states recognize same sex marriage: Favors topic 3
No opinion on topic 4:
America was founded on Christian values
(0 points on Social scale)
Opposes flag-burning; but not worth amending Constitution: Opposes topic 4
No safe haven for neo-Nazi white nationalists: Favors topic 4
Strongly Favors topic 5:
Expand ObamaCare
(-5 points on Economic scale)
Negotiate for lower prescription drug prices: Strongly Favors topic 5
Extend enrollment period for new Medicare: Favors topic 5
Protect people with pre-existing medical conditions: Strongly Favors topic 5
ObamaCare not perfect, but has helped: Favors topic 5
Merge Alzheimers diagnosis and care benefit: Favors topic 5
Keep healthcare mandate, according to CC survey: Strongly Favors topic 5
Preserve access to Medicaid & SCHIP during economic downturn: Strongly Favors topic 5
Expand the National Health Service Corps: Strongly Favors topic 5
Strongly Opposes topic 6:
Privatize Social Security
(-5 points on Economic scale)
Opposes privatization: Strongly Opposes topic 6
Privatization would end in massive debt or deep cuts: Strongly Opposes topic 6
Opposes any plan to privatize: Strongly Opposes topic 6
Rated 93% by ARA, indicating a pro-Trust Fund stance: Strongly Opposes topic 6
Strongly Opposes topic 7:
Vouchers for school choice
(-5 points on Economic scale)
Public education is the backbone of our democracy: Opposes topic 7
Privatizing public schools feeds destruction of democracy: Strongly Opposes topic 7
Opposes topic 8:
Businesses have a right to pollute
(+2 points on Social scale)
Ban cell-cultivated meat from school breakfast & lunch: Opposes topic 8
Global warming is much more rapid now than historically: Strongly Opposes topic 8
Clean air & water are Montana's treasured resources: Strongly Opposes topic 8
Keep open access to public lands: Strongly Opposes topic 8
Sought removal of wolves from the endangered list: Favors topic 8
Make tax deduction permanent for conservation easements: Opposes topic 8
Require labeling genetically engineered food: Opposes topic 8
Regulatory relief for smaller banks stimulates growth: Favors topic 8
Rated Keep restrictive rules for predator control in Alaska: Strongly Opposes topic 8
Opposes topic 9:
Stricter punishment reduces crime
(+2 points on Social scale)
First step: reduce recidivism & mass incarceration: Opposes topic 9
Rated 73% by the NAPO, indicating a moderate stance on police issues: Neutral on topic 9
Favors topic 10:
Absolute right to gun ownership
(+2 points on Economic scale)
Strongly believes in our Second Amendment rights: Favors topic 10
AdWatch: Check if gun buyers are on terrorist watch-list: Opposes topic 10
Supports background checks & banning bump stocks: Strongly Opposes topic 10
National cross-state standard for concealed carry: Strongly Favors topic 10
Sponsored veterans registering unlicensed guns from abroad: Favors topic 10
Restrict right to bear arms, according to CC survey: Opposes topic 10
Ban gun registration & trigger lock law in Washington DC: Strongly Favors topic 10
Favors topic 11:
Higher taxes on the wealthy
(-3 points on Economic scale)
Bush's tax cuts are irresponsible: Strongly Favors topic 11
Focus tax cuts on the middle class, not the rich: Strongly Favors topic 11
Extend Bush exemption for inheritance tax up to $10M: Opposes topic 11
GOP tax plan saddles future generations with more debt: Strongly Favors topic 11
Trump tax cuts were a disastrous handout for jet-owners: Strongly Opposes topic 11
Rated Reducing tax rates balloons federal deficit & cuts programs: Favors topic 11
CC:Reverse federal income tax cuts: Favors topic 11
CC:Keep the inhertiance tax: Strongly Favors topic 11
No opinion on topic 12:
Pathway to citizenship for illegal aliens
(0 points on Social scale)
Secure borders and no amnesty for law breakers: Strongly Opposes topic 12
Touts bipartisanship; voted against DREAM Act: Opposes topic 12
FactCheck: Opposes sanctuary cities, but don't punish them: Opposes topic 12
Bipartisan reform with earned path to citizenship: Favors topic 12
Opposes more border security, according to CC survey: Strongly Favors topic 12
Terminate national emergency at the Southern border: Favors topic 12
Favors topic 13:
Support & expand free trade
(+2 points on Economic scale)
Federal farm subsidies are a necessary evil: Opposes topic 13
Recent trade agreements put our jobs & farms in jeopardy: Opposes topic 13
Tariffs on China harm our industries & drive up costs: Strongly Favors topic 13
Insist on access to post-mad-cow Japanese beef markets: Favors topic 13
Rated Voted FOR reauthorizing Ex-Im Bank: Strongly Favors topic 13
Implement USMCA for improved North American trade: Strongly Favors topic 13
Rated 25% by the USAE, indicating support for trade sanctions: Opposes topic 13
Ban imports from Xinjiang made by Uyghur forced labor: Opposes topic 13
Favors topic 14:
Stay away from the UN & Globalism
(+2 points on Economic scale)
Disallow Palestine from joining ICC to threaten Israel: Favors topic 14
Two-state solution despite Israeli settlements on West Bank: Favors topic 14
Allow travel between the United States and Cuba: Opposes topic 14
Favors topic 15:
Peace through Strength
(-3 points on Social scale)
Build forces to fight terror cells; not take away our rights: Favors topic 15
Non-proliferation includes disposing of nuclear materials: Opposes topic 15
$515B for military plus $89B off sequester for wars: Favors topic 15
Strongly Favors topic 16:
Make voter registration easier
(+5 points on Social scale)
Citizens United puts democracy at risk: Strongly Favors topic 16
End the "pay-to-play" culture of Washington: Favors topic 16
Ban lobbyist gifts, and more, starting with my own campaign: Strongly Favors topic 16
End policymaking for those with the biggest campaign checks: Favors topic 16
K-Street cronies control Congressional spending decisions: Favors topic 16
Citizens United ruling puts democracy at risk: Favors topic 16
Oppose Citizens United: limit corporate political spending: Strongly Favors topic 16
Citizens United is scary for democracy: Strongly Favors topic 16
Introduced bill to ensure Native American voting access: Strongly Favors topic 16
Require Internet disclosure of all earmarks: Favors topic 16
Matching fund for small donors, with debate requirements: Strongly Favors topic 16
Public financing of federal campaigns by voter vouchers: Strongly Favors topic 16
Sponsored bill for election holiday & easier voting access: Strongly Favors topic 16
Military spouses don't lose voting residency while abroad: Favors topic 16
Repeal automatic Congressional pay raises: Favors topic 16
Sponsored bill to expand voter registration and voter access: Strongly Favors topic 16
Favors topic 17:
Stay out of foreign wars
(+2 points on Social scale)
It's time for a clear exit strategy from Iraq: Strongly Favors topic 17
Critical of President Bush on Iraq war: Favors topic 17
Iran nuclear treaty is only option: Favors topic 17
Iranian nuclear weapons: prevention instead of containment: Strongly Opposes topic 17
Iran must accept long-term intrusive nuke inspection: Opposes topic 17
CC:Keep alliance with Israel: Opposes topic 17
No military force against Iran without Congress approval: Strongly Favors topic 17
Sponsored resolution to repeal 2002 AUMF against Iraq: Strongly Favors topic 17
Strongly Favors topic 18:
Prioritize green energy
(-5 points on Economic scale)
Long-term tax credits for wind power development: Strongly Favors topic 18
4-point plan for getting over America's oil addiction: Strongly Favors topic 18
Kyoto Accord needs worldwide communication & US leadership: Strongly Favors topic 18
Lead the world in clean technology: Strongly Favors topic 18
Sign on to UN Framework Convention on Climate Change: Strongly Favors topic 18
Set goal of 25% renewable energy by 2025: Strongly Favors topic 18
Opposes topic 19:
Marijuana is a gateway drug
(+2 points on Social scale)
Tough penalties for manufacturing & selling drugs: Favors topic 19
Medical marijuana ok; full legalization later: Opposes topic 19
Supports medical and recreational marijuana: Strongly Opposes topic 19
Rated B+ by NORML, indicating a pro-drug-reform stance: Strongly Opposes topic 19
Strongly Favors topic 20:
Stimulus better than market-led recovery
(-5 points on Economic scale)
Montana suffered from Burns' cuts in discretionary funding: Strongly Favors topic 20
$787B in stimulus spending was step in the right direction: Strongly Favors topic 20
Minimum wage increase is long overdue: Strongly Favors topic 20
2008 stimulus was necessary; invest more in infrastructure: Strongly Favors topic 20
Rated 71% by UFCW, indicating a mixed management/labor voting record: Neutral on topic 20
CC:No Balanced Budget Constitutional Amendment: Favors topic 20
Voted YES on $900 billion COVID relief package: Favors topic 20
$1.9 trillion ARPA bill for COVID relief: Favors topic 20

Jon Tester is a Moderate Liberal
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