
George Pataki on Principles & Values

Republican NY Governor


Limited-government conservative, especially 10th Amendment

I'm a limited government conservative and I mean by that that not just when it comes to economic issues leaving them to the state, but social issues, as well. In that I differ from every other candidate seeking the Republican nomination. I'm a Republican who embraces science and understands we have to work with millennials to have the innovation and technology so that we can grow a 21st century economy. If we work together across party lines, there's no problem we can't solve.
Source: GOP "Your Money/Your Vote" 2015 CNBC 2nd-tier debate , Oct 28, 2015

Need judges and courts that support the rule of law

I will appoint judges who understand their role. They're not going to be making the law; they're going to be interpreting law that the elected officials passed. But when you are an elected official and you take an oath of office to uphold the law, all the laws, you cannot pick and choose or you no longer have a society that depends on the rule of law.
Source: 2015 Republican two-tiered primary undercard debate on CNN , Sep 16, 2015

I've seen government from the outside as well as the inside

Q: You called it quits in a race for the presidency in 2012. Mitt Romney declined to run this time, because he believed that the party needed new blood. Does he have a point?

PATAKI: I think he means somebody who hasn't been a career politician, and who's been out of office for awhile. I think the last eight years in the private sector have allowed me to see government from the outside, and I think that is a positive thing. Yes, I thought about running four years ago. I was ready to lead, but I wasn't ready to run. But I look at this country today, and I look at how divided we are. What I did in New York was bring people together. But I was able to get Democrats to support the most conservative sweeping policy changes in any state in America. And when I look at Washington today, we need to bring us together. I can do that. And I can do it regardless of what the makeup of Congress is because I did it in New York state. So we need new leadership--yes. I will be that new leader.

Source: Fox News/Facebook Second Tier debate transcript , Aug 6, 2015

Served as mayor, Assemblyman & state Senator before Governor

Pataki grew up in upstate New York working on the family farm where he learned the power of discipline, community, and hard work. His grandparents were immigrants. His father was a postman and volunteer fire chief. George's mother turned down a college scholarship in order to continue working to help support her family, but she was determined that her sons would go to college. George worked year round to afford tuition at Yale University where he led the school's Conservative Party. After graduating Columbia Law School, Pataki practiced law, and was later elected mayor of Peekskill. From there, his public service continued, and he went on to serve as State Assemblyman, State Senator, and three terms as New York State 53rd Governor. He is currently Of Counsel with Chadbourne and Parke LLC, and president of his own small business, The Pataki-Cahill Group, that works in energy, infrastructure, and clean-tech.
Source: 2016 presidential campaign website GeorgePataki.com, "Meet" , May 28, 2015

Raised in a small town where the American Dream was real

When people think of NY they generally think of NYC, and I understand that. But my upbringing was quite different. I grew up on a small farm in a small town in the Hudson Valley called Peekskill NY. My four grandparents were all immigrants who went through Ellis Island.

Peekskill's wealth was not in its money but in its people; black and white, Christian and Jew, both rural and urban at the same time. We weren't wealthy, we weren't well-connected, we weren't well-known. And yet every one of us growing up in that small town believed in the American dream, believed in hard work, and believed in ourselves.

We believed, no we really KNEW that if we dreamed something, we could do it. If we worked hard, studied hard, had faith, family and friends encouraging us, nothing was beyond our reach. We believed in the American Dream, and it was real.

Source: 2016 presidential campaign website: Announcement speech , May 28, 2015

People safe in their homes are free to pursue their dreams

George Pataki said, "We know that when people are safe in their homes, they are free to pursue their dream for a brighter economic future for themselves and their families."

Florida's affordable housing shortage is exacerbated by developers' failure to build affordable housing beyond what is legally required. This partly stems from a lack of incentives for builders to ACTUALLY CONSTRUCT affordable housing.

Solution: Increase incentives for developers to construct affordable housing.

Source: 100 Innovative Ideas, by Marco Rubio, p. 96 , Nov 1, 2006

#6 on Human Events’ list of Top Ten RINOs

Pataki ranks #6 on the list Top 10 RINOs, ranked by the editors of Human Events (a conservative publication).
Helped unions raise pay and unionize Indian casinos. Has said, “I believe in a limited government, low taxes, a tough approach to crime. But I also believe in an activist government. I’m not one of those laissez-faire types.”
What’s a RINO? Wikipedia.com explains:
RINO stands for Republican In Name Only, a disparaging term for a member of the Republican Party who is thought to be too fiscally or socially moderate or even liberal. It has replaced the older term Rockefeller Republican. The term is used by conservatives to delegitimize moderate Republican office holders. Those labeled RINOs counter that the conservatives who call them RINOs are too far right and too politically naive. They point out that they can and do win in moderate and liberal areas and without their votes the Republicans would lose control of Congress.
Source: HumanEventsOnline.com, end-of-year issue , Dec 27, 2005

Bush does what he says he’ll do

Bush inherited a recession, and then came September 11th. But George Bush said he would turn around the economy and create new jobs. He said he’d do it. And he did. He said he would cut taxes on the middle class, and ease the tax burden on all Americans. He said he’d do it. And he did. He said he’d help small businesses, protect Social Security, and expand home ownership. He said he’d do it. And he did. He said he’d apply tougher standards to our schools. He’d help our seniors get the prescription-drug coverage they need. He said he’d do it. And he did. And George Bush said he’d fight to allow the power of faith to help our young and help our troubled. He said he’d do it. And he did. There’s much more, but you get the point. George W. Bush says what he means. He means what he says. You can trust him.
Source: 2004 Republican Convention Speech , Sep 2, 2004

Religious affiliation: Catholic.

Pataki : religious affiliation:

The Adherents.com website is an independent project and is not supported by or affiliated with any organization (academic, religious, or otherwise).

What’s an adherent?

The most common definition used in broad compilations of statistical data is somebody who claims to belong to or worship in a religion. This is the self-identification method of determining who is an adherent of what religion, and it is the method used in most national surveys and polls.

Such factors as religious service attendance, belief, practice, familiarity with doctrine, belief in certain creeds, etc., may be important to sociologists, religious leaders, and others. But these are measures of religiosity and are usually not used academically to define a person’s membership in a particular religion. It is important to recognize there are various levels of adherence, or membership within religious traditions or religious bodies. There’s no single definition, and sources of adherent statistics do not always make it clear what definition they are using.

Source: Adherents.com web site 00-ADH11 on Nov 7, 2000

Member, National Governors Association/Economic Development.

Pataki is a member of the National Governors Association:

The National Governors Association (NGA) is the collective voice of the nation’s governors and one of Washington’s most respected public policy organizations. NGA provides governors with services that range from representing states on Capitol Hill and before the Administration on key federal issues to developing policy reports on innovative state programs and hosting networking seminars for state government executive branch officials. The NGA Center for Best Practices focuses on state innovations and best practices on issues that range from education and health to technology, welfare reform, and the environment. NGA also provides management and technical assistance to both new and incumbent governors.

Since their initial meeting in 1908 to discuss interstate water problems, governors have worked through the National Governors Association to deal with issues of public policy and governance relating to the states. The association’s ongoing mission is to support the work of the governors by providing a bipartisan forum to help shape and implement national policy and to solve state problems.

Fortune Magazine recently named NGA as one of Washington’s most powerful lobbying organizations due, in large part, to NGA’s ability to lead the debate on issues that impact states. From welfare reform to education, from the historic tobacco settlement to wireless communications tax policies, NGA has influenced major public policy issues while maintaining the strength of our Federalist system of government.

There are three standing committees—on Economic Development and Commerce, Human Resources, and Natural Resources—that provide a venue for governors to examine and develop policy positions on key state and national issues.

[Note: NGA positions represent a majority view of the nation’s governors, but do not necessarily reflect a governor’s individual viewpoint. Governors vote on NGA policy positions but the votes are not made public.]

Source: National Governors Association web site www.NGA.org 01-NGA0 on Jan 1, 2001

Member of Republican Governors Association.

Pataki is a member of the Republican Governors Association:

Founded in 1963, the Republican Governors Association (RGA) is the official public policy and political organization of the Republican governors and governors-elect of the United States of America

    RGA Mission Statement
  1. To assist in the solution of significant national public policy problems.
  2. To enable the Republican governors to take their proper position in expressing the philosophy of the Republican Party within the national party framework.
  3. To assist in the election of Republican gubernatorial candidates and the reelection of incumbent governors.
  4. To provide a mechanism to facilitate communications and cooperation among its members; with local, state and national Party organizations; with Republicans in the US Congress; and with Republicans in the Executive branch of government during a Republican administration.
The RGA also will work closely with local officials, including state legislators, mayors, county executives and other municipal and county leaders to assist in a free exchange of ideas. As it looks ahead, the RGA is preparing for the 2001- 2002 election cycle in which 38 gubernatorial seats, with 25 seats currently held by Republicans, will be at stake. The cycle begins this year with two highly competitive races, in New Jersey and Virginia. For this and the 36 races in 2002, the RGA will create strong recruiting and fundraising programs to provide maximum political assistance to all Republican candidates.

The RGA will enhance the visibility of the Association as a unified policy-making and political force with the national media, business community and government through a coordinated communications strategy. By building more awareness of the policies of the Republican governors, the political and policy objectives of the Association as a whole can be achieved. Currently, there are 29 Republican governors representing roughly 60 percent of the American people.

Source: Republican Governors Association website, rga.policy.net 01-RGA1 on Aug 15, 2001

Member of the Republican Main Street Partnership .

Pataki is a member the Republican Main Street Partnership:

The Republican Main Street Partnership was founded in 1998 to promote thoughtful leadership in the Republican Party, to serve as a voice for centrist Republicans and to partner with individuals, organizations and institutions that share centrist values.

The Partnership pursues public policies that reflect a limited, but responsible role for government and that are designed to achieve fiscal responsibility, economic growth, improvements in the human condition and a nation that is globally competitive and secure. Partnership members include individuals who are interested in moderate Republican policies, focusing on governance and on finding common sense solutions to national problems.

The Republican Main Street Partnership is an organization of party members and public officials committed to building America's principled but pragmatic center within the Republican Party and throughout the nation. The Partnership contributes to the nation's governance through developing and promoting creative public policies for implementation at appropriate levels of government.
Source: RMSP web site 01-RMSP0 on Jan 1, 2001

Other candidates on Principles & Values: George Pataki on other issues:
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Secy.Hillary Clinton(NY)
Gov.Martin O`Malley(MD)
Sen.Bernie Sanders(VT)
Sen.Jim Webb(VA)
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Mayor Mike Bloomberg(I-NYC)
Dr.Jill Stein(G-MA)
Gov.Gary Johnson(L-NM)
Robert Steele(L-NY)
2016 GOP Candidates:
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Dr.Ben Carson(MD)
Gov.Chris Christie(NJ)
Sen.Ted Cruz(TX)
Carly Fiorina(CA)
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Sen.Lindsey Graham(SC)
Gov.Mike Huckabee(AR)
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Gov.John Kasich(OH)
Gov.Sarah Palin(AK)
Gov.George Pataki(NY)
Sen.Rand Paul(KY)
Gov.Rick Perry(TX)
Sen.Marco Rubio(FL)
Sen.Rick Santorum(PA)
Donald Trump(NY)
Gov.Scott Walker(WI)
Civil Rights