
John Breaux on Principles & Values

Announces retirement in 2004

Sen. John Breaux's decision not to seek re-election topples the first domino in a chain of events that could mean not just a major US Senate race in Louisiana next year but also competitive US House contests in a presidential election year. Considering how infrequently Senate seats come open-Breaux will have served 18 years-many will see the race as a now-or-never proposition. The odds favor a Democrat taking Breaux's seat, [in one analyst's opinion, because] African-Americans, who make up 29% of the electorate, and will vote overwhelmingly for the Democrat. And they will turn out in large numbers, because they're highly motivated against Bush.

Louisiana has never elected a Republican senator. All the same, Bush won Louisiana in 2000. Also, left-of-center Democratic candidate Howard Dean, if he gets the nomination, might encourage conservative white voters to the polls, which would hurt the Democrats' chances in the Senate race.

Source: The New Orleans Times-Picayune Dec 16, 2003

Religious affiliation: Catholic.

Breaux : religious affiliation:

The Adherents.com website is an independent project and is not supported by or affiliated with any organization (academic, religious, or otherwise).

What’s an adherent?

The most common definition used in broad compilations of statistical data is somebody who claims to belong to or worship in a religion. This is the self-identification method of determining who is an adherent of what religion, and it is the method used in most national surveys and polls.

Such factors as religious service attendance, belief, practice, familiarity with doctrine, belief in certain creeds, etc., may be important to sociologists, religious leaders, and others. But these are measures of religiosity and are usually not used academically to define a person’s membership in a particular religion. It is important to recognize there are various levels of adherence, or membership within religious traditions or religious bodies. There’s no single definition, and sources of adherent statistics do not always make it clear what definition they are using.

Source: Adherents.com web site 00-ADH11 on Nov 7, 2000

Supports Hyde Park Declaration of "Third Way" centrism.

Breaux signed the manifesto, "A New Politics for a New America":

As New Democrats, we believe in a Third Way that rejects the old left-right debate and affirms America’s basic bargain: opportunity for all, responsibility from all, and community of all.