Stephen Pagliuca on Tax Reform
Job Focused Tax Reform: incentives, training, & funding
Steve's latest plan on Job Focused Tax Reform complements his previous plans on a Blueprint for Job Creation to put people back to work in the state's most innovative sector and a Financial Regulatory Reform plan that will secure our markets and
strengthen the regulations that govern Wall Street.The newest facet of Steve's job growth plan focuses on four simple and targeted changes to America's aging tax code. These changes will work both to reform executive compensation and create good,
lasting jobs of the future. There are four critical principles necessary to spur job growth:- Incent businesses to create jobs--this should be the focus of any tax reform in the current economic climate
- Train our workforce for the jobs of the future
to ensure that the US retains a global comparative advantage
- Create policies that lead to responsible corporate behavior
- Develop funding mechanisms that will not increase the deficit.
Source: Campaign website, www.stephenpagliuca.com, "Tax Reform"
Nov 15, 2009
Raise federal capital gains tax should from 15% to 20%
Stephen Pagliuca said the federal capital gains tax should be raised from 15 percent to 20 percent, adding that the rich should pay an equitable share of the country's bills. Pagliuca said the tax hike would not deter investment whi
the country's $1.5 trillion budget deficit and $13 trillion debt. "If you went crazy and raised the capital gains tax to 30 or 40 percent, yes, it would cut off investment. That would be a very bad thing to do. But in that (lower)
create revenue. That revenue comes from the wealthiest Americans," Pagliuca said.Further strumming a populist chord, Pagliuca said he disagreed with the Bush-era tax cuts. "I think it got too far out of control in terms of squeez
class and there were too many breaks, and I didn't believe in the trickle down," he said.
Source: Associated Press in Boston Herald, "33% capital gains
Nov 11, 2009
Page last updated: Jan 28, 2010