
Anthony Kennedy on Principles & Values

Supreme Court Justice (nominated by Pres. Reagan 1988)


Write judicial opinions with clarity instead of legal Latin

Former clerk Daniel Rubens remembers, "Kennedy is a morning person. The joke was that he would see Ginsburg on his way in and she was on her way out." No one has ever doubted RBG's work ethic. She used to be known for bringing a penlight to the movies to read her mail during previews, and to read briefs in the golf cart between strokes. As a child, her son would wake up in the middle of the night to find his mother scribbling away at legal pads spread across the dining room table, popping prunes.

"If my opinion runs more than twenty pages, she said, "I am disturbed that I couldn't do it shorter." The mantra in her chambers is "Get it right and keep it tight." She disdains legal Latin, and demands extra clarity in an opinion's opening lines, which she hopes the public will understand. "If you can say it in plain English, you should," RBG says.

Source: Notorious RBG, by Irin Carmon & Shana Knizhnik, p.121 , Oct 27, 2015

1987: No unitary theory of interpreting Constitution

In 2 days of hearings in mid-December, Kennedy "I do not have an overarching theory, a unitary theory of interpretation [of the Constitution]," the nominee said. "Many of the things we are addressing here are, for me, in the nature of exploration and not in the enunciation of some fixed or immutable ideas." And he cited as "central to the idea of the rule of law . . . that there is a zone of liberty, a zone of protection, a line that is drawn where the individual can tell the Government: Beyond this line you may not go." On 2/1/1988, Kennedy won unanimous support of the Judiciary Committee and 3 days later of the full Senate by a vote of 97-0.
Source: A Life of Trial & Redemption, by Jules Witcover, p.230 , Oct 5, 2010

OpEd: a common-law constitutionalist; uphold prior opinions

Justice Kennedy's assiduous focus on the justices and the constitutional case law of the 1930s signaled much more than a commonly shared judicial interest in constitutional history. Time and again in the course of his opinions, he focuses extensively on the Court's case law. He reasons and analogizes from what is already found in the Court's jurisprudence. He distinguishes, carefully, cases handed down by prior Courts. Kennedy is, in short, a common-law constitutionalist. He appears most offended when the Court departs from what he sees as the logic and thrust of its prior opinions.
Source: First Among Equals, by Kenneth Starr, p. 28-29 , Oct 10, 2002

Bush v. Gore: can't recount votes fairly across counties

The Court reversed the Florida Supreme Court decision ordering manual recount of presidential election ballots. A majority agreed that the recount violated the Constitution's equal protection clause, since counting standards varied among counties. The decision effectively ended the presidential election, handing a victory to George W. Bush.
Source: InfoPlease.com on 2000 SCOTUS case Gore v. Bush , Dec 11, 2000

  • Click here for definitions & background information on Principles & Values.
  • Click here for a profile of Anthony Kennedy.
  • Wiki Profile of Anthony Kennedy.
  • Click here for VoteMatch responses by Anthony Kennedy.
  • Click here for AmericansElect responses by Anthony Kennedy.
  • Click here for all excerpts for Anthony Kennedy.
Other Justices on Principles & Values: Anthony Kennedy on other issues:
Samuel Alito(since 2006)
Stephen Breyer(since 1994)
Ruth Bader Ginsburg(since 1993)
Elena Kagan(since 2010)
Anthony Kennedy(since 1988)
John Roberts(since 2005)
Sonia Sotomayor(since 2009)
Clarence Thomas(since 1991)

Former Justices:
Merrick Garland(nominated 2016)
Antonin Scalia(1986-2016)
John Paul Stevens(1975-2010)
David Souter(1990-2009)
Sandra Day O'Connor(1981-2006)
William Rehnquist(1975-2005)

Party Platforms:
Democratic Platform
Green Platform
Libertarian Platform
Natural Law Platform
Reform Platform
Republican Platform
Tea Platform
Civil Rights
Foreign Policy
Free Trade
Govt. Reform
Gun Control
Health Care
Homeland Security
Social Security
Tax Reform

Page last updated: Sep 21, 2020