Lisa Blunt Rochester in State of Delaware Archives

On Abortion: Fight against defunding Planned Parenthood

Women's Health: "As a young woman I relied on Planned Parenthood for my health needs. I know I am not alone. We cannot afford to let politicians in Washington try and drag us back to the last century." --Lisa Blunt Rochester

Women's health care is under a relentless attack across the country. Republicans in Washington have voted over and over again to defund Planned Parenthood's work providing cancer screening and health services to women in need. They have voted against a woman's right to choose and even refused to protect the medical records of victims of rape and incest from government invasion. In Congress, Lisa will be a champion for women's health by:

Source: 2016 Delaware House campaign website Nov 8, 2016

On Civil Rights: Pass the Paycheck Fairness Act for gender pay equity

Equal Pay for Equal Work: "I will stand up to the politicians in Washington who oppose efforts to guarantee equal pay for equal work. This is about fairness and it is about strengthening our families" --Lisa Blunt Rochester

Women in Delaware make on average 81% of the wages earned by their male counterparts and that rate is even less for Latino and African American women. In Congress, Lisa will be a champion for Equal Pay by:

Source: 2016 Delaware House campaign website Nov 8, 2016

On Crime: Systemic problems in judicial system affect people of color

Public Safety: "At the end of the day, making sure our families are safe is the most important job we can do."--Lisa Blunt Rochester

I still remember the day that I jumped into my car, in my pajamas, when my son called and told me he had been pulled over. For far too many mothers like me, our strong need and desire to have the safest streets possible is complicated by the reality that, unfortunately, systemic problems exist within our judicial system that disproportionately affect people of color.

Source: 2016 Delaware House campaign website Nov 8, 2016

On Education: New College Compact: free tuition for 10 hours weekly work

Affordable and Accessible Education: "We succeed as a society where everyone has the opportunity to reach their full potential. Well-educated citizens and well-trained workers make for a strong democracy and economy."--Lisa Blunt Rochester

I always emphasized the importance of a good education to my children. And, like so many parents who also place a premium on education, I now find myself helping my kids pay off the loans we took out so that they could go to college.

Source: 2016 Delaware House campaign website Nov 8, 2016

On Government Reform: Overturn Citizens United decision by amending Constitution

Campaign Finance Reform and Expanding Voting Rights: "One person, one vote is the cornerstone of our country's political system. I will stand strong in my commitment to defend that principal so our leaders in Washington are only concerned with the will of the people." - Lisa Blunt Rochester

Over the last few decades there has been a shift in our politics to where money became more important than the will of the people. We reached a tipping point with the Citizens United decision in which the Supreme Court tore down the floodgates and let unlimited, unregulated money into our system. The Citizens United decision was an incredible mistake that works to prevent everyday Americans from having a say in the political process. If I'm elected, one of my top priorities will be to reform our campaign finance system, and we need to start by passing legislation that will overturn the Citizens United decision, even if that means amending the Constitution.

Source: 2016 Delaware House campaign website Nov 8, 2016

On Government Reform: Institute same day voter registration

[We should] open up the voting process and make sure our government is truly representative of our state and our nation. We need to renew our commitment to voting rights and institute Same Day Voter Registration so everyone's voice can be heard. And we need to address the issue of gerrymandering - where congressional lines are sliced up to serve personal political interests, not to best represent our people. We need an impartial redistricting process in order to create districts that are contiguous and properly represent their constituents.
Source: 2016 Delaware House campaign website Nov 8, 2016

On Gun Control: Stand up to the NRA to close gun loopholes

Preventing Gun Violence: "As a mother of two, I worry about gun violence more than I ever should. I'm running to stand up to the radicals who are putting NRA campaign contributions above the lives of our children." - Lisa Blunt Rochester

We need to figure out long-term solutions to this problem by putting much tougher restrictions on who can own a gun and what those guns can do. We need to put much more effort and resources behind fixing our mental health system. In Congress, Lisa will stand up to the NRA by:

Source: 2016 Delaware House campaign website Nov 8, 2016

On Health Care: ObamaCare is not perfect, but it is a huge step forward

Protecting ObamaCare: "A healthy Delaware is a stronger Delaware. We need to protect ObamaCare from radical Republican attacks and work to make it stronger and more effective for generations to come." - Lisa Blunt Rochester

The Affordable Care Act has brought the number of uninsured down to historic lows, taking the burden off the backs of taxpayers and helped stabilize sky rocketing insurance rates. The law is not nearly perfect, but it is already a huge step forward.

Source: 2016 Delaware House campaign website Nov 8, 2016

On Social Security: Fight any attempt to privatize Social Security and Medicare

Social Security/Medicare: "We have made a commitment to the generations before us to protect them and care for them as they've cared for us. Any politician who wants to turn our seniors' wellbeing over to Wall Street will have to go through me first." --Lisa Blunt Rochester

Before Social Security and Medicare, the single biggest cause of poverty in this country was getting old. We saw this problem, came together as a country, and created two of the most successful public programs of all time. Most Republicans in Washington want to gamble with our seniors' wellbeing by privatizing Social Security and cutting Medicare.

Source: 2016 Delaware House campaign website Nov 8, 2016

The above quotations are from State of Delaware Politicians: Archives.
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