Tim Scott on Jobs
Unions can't get more benefits with fewer hours
Q: President Biden joined the picket lines where auto workers are demanding more wages and job security. You recently reacted by praising Ronald Reagan for firing air traffic controllers in the 1980s, saying, "you strike, you're fired." Would you fire
thousands of striking auto workers today?SEN. TIM SCOTT: Obviously the President cannot fire anybody in the private sector. One of the challenges that we have with the current negotiations is that they want four-day French workweeks, but more money.
They want more benefits working fewer hours. That is simply not going to stand. I sat in a Finance Committee hearing when a widow came before the committee whose promised pensions from the unions, $4,000 a month. Unfortunately it had been cut to
$1,000 a month. We must make sure that we honor the commitments that we make. And one of the ways we do that, do not over-promise and then under-deliver and leave the taxpayers on the hook.
Source: Fox Business 2023 Republican primary debate in Simi Valley
, Sep 27, 2023
Made in America plan: create 10 million jobs
Q: The national debt is nearly doubled during your time in office. Your plan?SCOTT: If you look at our national debt of $33 trillion, I would love to have this country pass a balanced budget amendment. That would constrain the spending in Washington,
number one. Number two, if you want to actually reduce our national debt, you have to grow our economy. In order to grow our economy, you need to create about 10 million jobs to grow our economy at 5 percent.
You can do that in three specific sectors.
Number one, the energy sector. Number two, we've lost 100,000 factories in the last 25 years. If we continue with my Made in America plan, we could bring jobs back to America in a similar fashion that we did when I wrote the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act.
We actually lowered the corporate tax from 35 percent to 21 percent. Reshore or repatriated $1.7 trillion. We brought the unemployment rates for African-Americans, Hispanics and Asians to the lowest level in the history of the country.
Source: Fox Business 2023 Republican primary debate in Simi Valley
, Sep 27, 2023
Opportunity Zone jobs have seen up to 8% wage increase
The president deserves so much credit for focusing on the most vulnerable Americans in this nation. He's bringing $67 billion back into some of the most vulnerable communities in the country. I'm thankful that he supported my legislation, the
Opportunity Zone bill, that is bringing those dollars back. The good news is, in those areas, we have seen as high as an 8% wage increase. We're celebrating over 3% wage growth in America. Can you imagine areas with an 8% wage growth?
Source: Fox News Sunday 2020 South Carolina Senate coverage
, Feb 9, 2020
$1,000 tax credit for job-training apprenticeships
Sens. Cory Booker (D-NJ) and Tim Scott (R-SC), the two African-American members of the US Senate, are bridging significant political differences and teaming up on legislation for the first time.Booker and Scott are unveiling a proposal that would
promote apprenticeships in highly-skilled trades, a move designed to help fill millions of technical jobs in the construction, manufacturing energy and telecommunications industries, while also creating jobs for younger Americans, especially minorities
struggling to find work.
Booker and Scott's LEAP Act (Leveraging and Energizing America's Apprenticeship Programs) would provide tax credits to employers who offer apprenticeships to younger job applicants. Companies that offer apprenticeships to
people under age 25 would receive a $1,500 tax credit and a $1,000 credit for apprentices above age 25. Apprenticeships, unlike office internships, offer a combination of on-the-job training and instruction in highly-skilled occupations.
Source: Washington Post on 2014 North Carolina Senate race
, Apr 9, 2014
2010: Fought the National Labor Relations Board, and won
Tim spent his first summer in the U.S. House of Representatives fighting to save 1,100 South Carolina jobs from the intrusive and overreaching actions of the National Labor Relations Board.
The NLRB eventually dropped their case under constant pressure from Scott and his colleagues--a victory for limited government and the free market.
Source: 2013 Campaign website, votetimscott.com, "Bio"
, Apr 15, 2013
Rated 100% by CEI, indicating a pro-workplace choice voting record.
Scott scores 100% by CEI on union issues
The Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI), a public policy organization dedicated to the principles of free markets and limited government, has created a Congressional Labor Scorecard for the 112th Congress focusing on worker issues. The score is determined based on policies that support worker freedom and the elimination of Big Labor`s privileges across the country.
Votes in the current Congress score include:- Bill: H.R. 658, LaTourette Amendment No. 21: NO on repealing changes to the Railway Labor Act`s voting rules.
- Bill: H.R. 658, Gingrey Amendment No. 18: YES to prohibit Federal Aviation Administration employees from using official--that is, taxpayer sponsored--time for union activities during the official workday.
- Bill: H.R. 1, Price Amendment No. 410: YES to defund the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB).
- Bill: H.R. 1, Guinta Amendment No. 166:
YES to prohibit imposing `prevailing wage` and other requirements in project labor agreements that advantage unionized contractors.
- Bill: H.R. 2017, Scalise Amendment No. 388: YES to prohibit project labor agreements in DHS contracts
- Bill: H.R. 2055, LaTourette Amendment No. 411: NO on funding for federal project labor agreements.
- Bill: H.R. 1, King Amendment No. 273: YES to eliminate the `Davis Bacon` prevailing wage rate requirement for federal projects.
- Bill: H.R. 2017, Gosar Amendment No. 386: YES to eliminate the `Davis Bacon` prevailing wage rate requirement for Department of Homeland Security contracts.
- Bill: H.R. 2354: Gosar Amendment No. 655: YES to restrict application of the Davis-Bacon Act to contracts exceeding $20 million.
- Bill: H.R. 2017: Rokita Amendment No. 2: YES to prohibit collective bargaining at the Transportation Security Administration (TSA).
Source: CEI website 12-CEI-H on May 2, 2012
Page last updated: Jan 01, 2025; copyright 1999-2022 Jesse Gordon and OnTheIssues.org