Jill Stein on Drugs
Green Party presidential nominee; Former Challenger for MA Governor
Replace drug prohibition with harm reduction
- End the failed war on drugs. Replace drug prohibition with harm reduction. Legalize marijuana/hemp. Treat substance abuse as a health problem, not a criminal offense.
Release nonviolent drug offenders from prison, removing such offenses from their records, and provide them with both pre- and post-release support.
Source: Stein-Baraka platform on 2016 presidential campaign website
, Aug 8, 2016
The war on drugs is racist
We call for the end of the racist war on drugs. Substance abuse should be treated as a health issue, not as a crime. We demand the freeing of nonviolent drug offenders, who never should have been incarcerated in the first place.
They not only deserve rehabilitation and education, they deserve jobs.We need to build coalitions to link racial justice to climate justice to immigrant justice and to peace and democracy.
Source: SocialistWorker.org interview of 2016 presidential hopefuls
, May 9, 2016
End the racist war on drugs and school-to-prison pipeline
We will lift up the bold solutions the American people are calling for:- Health care as a human right, not a means tested entitlement like Medicare, not a subsidized profit center for predatory insurance like Obamacare, but a Medicare for All
system to provide quality care for all while saving trillions by streamlining the massive health insurance bureaucracy;
- Quality free public education as a human right, and an end to runaway school privatizations and closings, to high stakes testing,
and student loan debt.
- A welcoming path to citizenship for immigrant residents, and an end to predatory trade deals and political interventions that created the surge of immigration to start with
- An end to the racist war on drugs and
school to prison pipeline. And a end to the militarized police, surveillance and prison state, and radical reduction of America's prison population
- An end to Wall Street bail outs and "too big to fail' banks
Source: 2016 presidential campaign website, Jill2016.com, "Announce"
, Feb 6, 2015
Transform from criminal drug system to public health system
Q: Are you in favor of legalizing all drugs or just marijuana?STEIN: We would do something revolutionary. We would actually use science to determine which drugs are dangerous and which ones are not. That means right off the bat marijuana and hemp are
removed from the list of dangerous substances because these are not dangerous substances in relation to other unregulated substances including nicotine and alcohol. We would start with the legalization of marijuana and transform the drug system from a
criminal system to a public health system. If people have issues of dependency which would apply to legal drugs as well as illegal drugs including alcohol, tobacco, marijuana and heavier drugs they need to be treated within the public health system.
These are psychological problems not criminal problems. If you don't treat the problem it only aggravates it and compounds it with issues of public safety and criminal violence that are associated with the illegal drug culture.
Source: iSideWith.com interview of Jill Stein
, Nov 1, 2012
I support legalization of marijuana
Students must be engaged because they bring creativity and fresh life into our economy. We will provide tuition-free higher education, since it's comparable to a high school education in the 20th century--you need a higher education degree in the
21st century economy and it should be provided as a basic right. I also support legalization of marijuana, ending war, and other bread-and-butter concerns for young people. This is a constituency that is just itching for a platform of this sort.
Source: Interview with Steve Horn of Truthout.org
, Jan 29, 2012
Marijuana is dangerous because it's illegal, not vice-versa
Q: Should marijuana and other drugs be legalized?A: We wouldn't remove all laws against all drug use. Marijuana is a drug that is dangerous because it's illegal.
It isn't illegal because it's dangerous. There are drugs in use that are far more harmful than marijuana--such as alcohol. Legalize marijuana and the dangers go away.
Regulate it so that children can't buy it on the street corner.
Q: What about other drugs?
A: Drug use is a public health issue, not a criminal or moral issue. It should not be dealt with in the criminal justice system, but primarily as a public health issue.
Source: 2011 OnTheIssues interview with Jill Stein
, Dec 21, 2011
Bring marijuana sales under a legal regulatory framework
It's time to bring marijuana under a legal regulatory framework. Our current approach to the regulation of marijuana is a failure. It has resulted in a massive black market that is creating violence in our communities and pouring millions of dollars each
year into the pockets of criminal supply networks. Taxpayers are footing the bill for ineffective law enforcement efforts and unnecessary judicial expenses. And the most that can be achieved is to keep a few people from purchasing an herb that appears to
be much less harmful than alcohol or tobacco.It's time to get rid of the black market and bring marijuana sales under a legal regulatory framework. In this way, we can staunch the flow of money to illegal drug networks, generate new funds for our
communities, improve public safety, and create new jobs in growing hemp for food and fiber.
As Governor I will appoint a Cannabis Reform Commission to investigate the best way to bring marijuana sales under the new regulatory framework.
Source: 2010 Gubernatorial Campaign website jillstein.org, "Issues"
, Sep 29, 2010
Page last updated: Jan 01, 2025; copyright 1999-2022 Jesse Gordon and OnTheIssues.org