WV Senate contender and Constitution Party presidential nominee
Eliminate debt by selling federal assets
We must eliminate the debt in the shortest reasonable time by:
Not spending more than collected revenues;
Paying interest as it accrues; and
Making annual reductions in the principal
We could eliminate the debt more rapidly by selling certain lands and other federal assets, including foreign military bases, and applying the proceeds exclusively to debt reduction.
Source: Constitution Platform adopted by 2020 presidential hopeful
, May 2, 2020
Republican control will eventually improve state economy
"It has never been my goal to be a politician," he said to the crowd. "But I do know how important it is to improve our economy and grow our job market. I understand the pain that lack of jobs causes." Blankenship told reporters WV's change from being
controlled by Democrats to Republicans has made the state better for businesses, though the results have not been seen yet. "The thing now is to make sure that they know federal representatives are also in favor of business development," he said.
Source: W.V. MetroNews on 2018 West Virginia Senatorial race
, Jan 18, 2018