Rick Santorum on Technology
Republican Jr Senator (PA)
Moon base is fiscal insanity
The Santorum for President campaign released a nationwide radio ad today entitled "Out of This World." It exposes Rep. Gingrich's fiscally insane plan to colonize the moon as just another example of exponentially growing the size of government. This
presents a clear contrast with Rick Santorum's fiscally conservative vision to balance the budget, reform entitlements, and revitalize American manufacturing. Script To "Out Of This World":- Voice Over: Reckless spending has led to a
$15 trillion national debt.
- That's $50,000 of debt for every person in America, and it's crushing our economic recovery.
- And what's does Newt Gingrich suggest? Spending half a trillion dollars on a moon colony.
- Gingrich's idea is fiscal
- And another reason true conservatives are uniting behind Rick Santorum.
- Unlike Gingrich, Santorum opposed all the bailouts. And Rick Santorum successfully reformed welfare, and has fought tirelessly for a balanced budget amendment.
Source: 2012 presidential campaign website, ricksantorum.com "PR"
, Feb 29, 2012
Moon colony is fiscal insanity during debt crisis
The Rick Santorum for President campaign today released a new nationwide radio advertisement today entitled "Out of This World." It exposes Representative Gingrich's fiscally insane plan to colonize the moon. This presents a clear contrast with Rick
Santorum's fiscally conservative vision to balance the budget, reform entitlements, and revitalize American manufacturing.Script To "Out Of This World:- Reckless spending has led to a $15 trillion national debt.
- And what's does Newt
Gingrich suggest? Spending half a trillion dollars on a moon colony.
- Newt Gingrich: " By the end of my second term we will have the first permanent base on the moon. When we have 13,000 living on the moon, they can petition to become a state."
Gingrich's idea is fiscal insanity.
- Unlike Gingrich, Santorum opposed all the bailouts. And Rick Santorum successfully reformed welfare, and has fought tirelessly for a balanced budget amendment.
Source: 2012 presidential campaign website, ricksantorum.com
, Feb 3, 2012
NASA programs sound good, but we need to cut programs
Q: [to Santorum]: Speaker Gingrich said that by the end of his second term, there would be a permanent base on the moon. Good idea?SANTORUM: I believe America's a frontier nation and obviously the frontier that we're talking about is the next one,
which is space. And that we need to inspire. Space defense is another area which is very, very important. But let's just be honest, we run a $1.2 trillion deficit right now. We're borrowing 40 cents of every dollar. And to go out there and promise new
programs and big ideas, that's a great thing to maybe get votes, but it's not a responsible thing when you have to go out and say that we have to start cutting programs, not talking about how to grow them. We're going to cut programs under my
administration. Spending will go down for four years until we get a balanced budget. And you can't do that by grand schemes. The space program sounds good, but we've got to be responsible in the way we allocate our resources.
Source: CNN 2012 GOP primary debate on the eve of Florida primary
, Jan 26, 2012
Make R&D tax credit permanent
Q: [to Bachmann]: How to get new jobs in manufacturing?BACHMANN: Today the US has the second highest corporate tax rate in the world. We've got to bring that tax rate down substantially so that we're among the lowest in the industrialized world.
Q: [To Santorum]: Your state of Pennsylvania, a big industrial state, has struggled in recent years.
A: We still make things there. And what I learned from growing up in a steel town is that's how the wealth from those who create the jobs gets down.
We've been outsourcing those jobs. So what we need to do is a lot of what was said here. I would add another thing: We need to cut the capital gains tax in half, but for manufacturers we need to give a five-year window where we cut it to zero.
We want to encourage people to set up jobs here in America. Take that R&D credit, make it permanent, take that innovation and then invest that money here to create that broad middle of America and have that wealth really trickle down.
Source: 2011 GOP primary debate in Manchester NH
, Jun 13, 2011
Prosecute WikiLeaks on terrorism charges
Sarah Palin asked why the White House had not issued orders to tighten security back in July, when WikiLeaks released thousands of classified military documents on Afghanistan. "What explains this strange lack of urgency on their part?"
Palin concluded: "We are at war. American soldiers are in Afghanistan fighting to protect our freedoms. They are serious about keeping America safe. It would be great if they could count on their government being equally serious about that vital task."
The Obama administration has said that it "deeply regrets" the leaking of the embarrassing cables that have disclosed exactly what American diplomats think of foreign leaders and promised to take "aggressive steps" against those who "stole" them.
Source: Martin Beckford in The Telegraph (U.K.), "Hunt WikiLeaks"
, Nov 30, 2010
Scale of potential destruction from EMP demands action
An electromagnetic pulse, or EMP, could be triggered by one or more nuclear warheads exploded more than 100 miles above the US. Imagine a continent-sized, invisible lightning strike, only more devastating. To those not in a car or plane, it would
resemble a power outage at first; nothing electrical would work. But according to the Electromagnetic Pulse Commission, it would fry our electrical grid, as well as most devices with electronic components, including motor vehicles and backup generators.
It could be months, maybe even years, before power is restored and vehicles are repaired.So is the government taking the threat seriously? Well, the government has taken steps to "harden" senior leadership communications in
Washington against an EMP attack. But the Department of Homeland Security doesn't include it on its list of potential threats. The probability and fallout of such an attack are debatable, but the scale of potential destruction demands action now.
Source: Santorum in the Philadelphia Inquirer: "Doomsday Scenario"
, Aug 27, 2009
$90M to study effects of media violence on kids
One of the roles that government is uniquely capable of playing is providing parents with research on the pop culture industry. I am a strong advocate of federal investment in research regarding the impact on media content on children in particular.
I stood with Sens. Brownback, Lieberman and Clinton to introduce a $90 million federal grant program to support research into the effects of viewing and using all types of media--including
TV, computer games, and the Internet--on children's physical and psychological development, The Children and Media Research Advancement (CAMRA)
Act would establish research into the role of media on the development of children from infancy through adolescence.There have been thousands of studies investigating the impact of media violence on kids, but little in the area of sexually explicit me
Source: It Takes A Family, by Sen. Rick Santorum, p. 341-342
, Apr 30, 2006
Fund reverse-commuting for distressed suburbs
The Reverse Commuting Program that I authored in 1996 along with Sen. Carol Mosley Braun (D, IL) ensures that people who live in reclamation and distressed areas have opportunity to get where economic opportunity currently resides. Too many mass-transit
commuter routes are designed only to bring people from a metropolitan area into the urban business district. But in many cases, jobs for low-skill workers have migrated to the suburban ring around the city. Unlike suburbanites, most of the urban poor do
not have cars. Without some means of transportation, these jobs are literally out of reach. Federal reverse-commuting dollars help subsidize routes from reclamation areas to suburban job centers. And slowly, the economic benefits of that neighborhood may
begin to seep into that reclamation area next door; if not, then economic incentives will result in residents leaving the reclamation area. Then, building on the base of the transitioning-up neighborhood, you begin to gut and rebuild the worse-off area.
Source: It Takes A Family, by Sen. Rick Santorum, p.179
, Apr 30, 2006
Good culture tells the truth, even if not G-Rated
It's probably a fair criticism of us conservatives that we know what we don't like in the arts. My family will be quick to tell you that I do not frequent art museums but I do appreciate the influence that the arts have.I am not going to tell you that
good culture is made up only of paintings of pastoral scenes or finely crafted, life-like portraits, G-rated movies, & books without any sex or violence.
GOOD CULTURE tells us about life as it really is--it tells the truth. To uses the title of a great
Clint Eastwood film, it tells us about "the good, the bad, and the ugly." It illuminates the truth about the human predicament and our human destiny. And that is not always very pretty. "Braveheart" is a healthy addition to our culture.
But for every "Braveheart," Hollywood seems intent on turning out a dozen films featuring an antihero, a tortured soul fighting his own demons and doing hardly anyone any good at all.
Source: It Takes A Family, by Sen. Rick Santorum, p.281-283
, Apr 30, 2006
Make "airplane" edited movie versions with advisory labels
The Recording Industry Association of America, prodded by the FTC, now stickers music CDs with "parental advisory" labels if they contain content inappropriate for children. I view such stickers as a red light for my kids. The answer is simple if they
were to ask about a CD with that sticker: "No."There are a number of technical tools available to parents. The industry, however, has responded to these new technological aids with lawsuits and other threats. Rather than trying to take away tools from
parents who want to let their kids watch movies (would they rather we just say "No" completely?), the industry should be working with parents to make available to us the "airplane" edited version of their films. A recent poll found that almost
three out of four respondents would purchase or rent an airplane-edited version of certain films that they would otherwise choose not to watch at all. Making these films available would be in the economic interest of the industry.
Source: It Takes A Family, by Sen. Rick Santorum, p.327-328
, Apr 30, 2006
Voted YES on restoring $550M in funding for Amtrak for 2007.
An amendment to provide an additional $550,000,000 for Amtrak for fiscal year 2007. Voting YEA would increase Amtrak funding from $900 million to $1.45 billion. Voting NAY would keep Amtrak funding at $900 million. Proponents of the bill say to vote YEA because: - [In my state], Philadelphia's 30th Street station is the second busiest train station nationally, with over 3.7 million boarding a year. And 3,000 people are employed by Amtrak in Pennsylvania. Amtrak and the health of Amtrak is important.
- Last year the Senate transportation bill had $1.45 billion for Amtrak, which is obviously more than the $900 million in the current budget proposal. I am offering an amendment to increase that funding from the $900 million which is in the bill right now to the $1.45 billion level and adding $550 million.
- I support funding through the section 920 account [without a tax increase]. We have seen that without raising the cap or without raising taxes, the Senate has been able to
come up with a robust number for Amtrak which I will support within the context of a responsible budget.
- We have spent less money on Amtrak in the last 35 years than we will on highways in this year alone. And highways don't pay for themselves, even with the gas tax. Neither does mass transit, either in this country or anywhere else in the world. But we subsidize them because they improve the quality of our lives.
- We have never provided the kind of commitment to Amtrak that we have for other modes of transportation, and this amendment will be an important step to getting Amtrak off the starvation budgets that it has subsisted on for far too long.
Opponents of the bill say to vote NAY because: - The problem with that is there is no money in the section 920 account. If we want to talk about "funny money" financing, that is it--taking money from an account that has no money. This whole budget takes money we don't have. The result is we keep running up the debt.
Reference: Santorum amendment to Transportation funding bill;
Bill S.Amdt.3015 to S.Con.Res.83
; vote number 2006-052
on Mar 15, 2006
Voted NO on disallowing FCC approval of larger media conglomerates.
Vote to pass a joint resolution expressing congressional disapproval of the rule submitted by the Federal Communications Commission. The rule would therefore have no force or effect. The rule in question deals with broadcast media ownership and would allow media conglomerates to own more television stations and newspapers.
Reference: FCC Media Ownership bill;
Bill S J Res 17/H.J.RES.72
; vote number 2003-348
on Sep 16, 2003
Voted YES on Internet sales tax moratorium.
Vote against allowing states to require companies who do business in their state solely by phone, mail, or the Internet to collect state sales taxes. [Current law does not require companies to collect sales taxes where the customer is out of state]
Bill S.442
; vote number 1998-296
on Oct 2, 1998
Voted YES on telecomm deregulation.
Deregulation of the telecommunications industry.
Status: Telecommunications Competition and Deregulation Act of 1995 Y)91; N)5; NV)3
Reference: Conference Report on S. 625, the;
Bill S. 652
; vote number 1996-8
on Feb 1, 1996
Page last updated: Mar 07, 2012