
Tim Kaine on Health Care

Democratic Governor (VA)

Bush fights states getting cheap Rx for seniors

Many states, following the lead of Illinois, have set up simple ways to help seniors purchase safe, American-made prescription drugs from other countries at a fraction of the price they would pay here. The administration actually fought against that Democratic effort. In Virginia, we've worked to provide health insurance coverage for nearly 140,000 more children. Republicans & Democrats alike have come together to fight the administration's efforts to slash Medicaid & push more costs onto the states
Source: Democratic Response to 2006 State of the Union address Jan 31, 2006

Our seniors were promised medications but got poor planning

Skyrocketing health care costs are hurting small businesses and pushing millions of working Americans into the ranks of the uninsured. The White House has made efforts to cut Medicaid funds for our most vulnerable citizens. Our seniors were promised that the new federal Medicare drug plan would make it easier and cheaper to obtain their medication. Instead, many have fallen victim to the program's poor planning. They find getting their medicine to be more complex, more expensive and less reliable.
Source: Democratic Response to 2006 State of the Union address Jan 31, 2006

One out of 7 Virginians lack health insurance

In Virginia, one out of every seven people lacks health insurance. You probably talked to an uninsured person today. It may have been the person who handed you your clothes at the dry cleaners, or the server who brought you lunch, or the technician who changed the oil in your car.
Source: Campaign website www.kaine2005.org, "Issues" Nov 8, 2005

Other candidates on Health Care: Tim Kaine on other issues:
Democratic Presidential Contenders:
Sen.Hillary Clinton
Sen.Barack Obama

Democratic Veepstakes:
Sen.Joe Biden(DE)
Mayor Mike Bloomberg(I,NYC)
Gen.Wesley Clark(AR)
Sen.Chris Dodd(CT)
Sen.John Edwards(NC)
V.P.Al Gore(TN)
Sen.Chuck Hagel(R,NE)
Gov.Bill Richardson(NM)
Gov.Kathleen Sebelius(KS)
Republican Presidential Nominee:
Sen.John McCain

Republican Veepstakes:
Gov.Charlie Crist(FL)
Mayor Rudy Giuliani(NYC)
Gov.Mike Huckabee(AR)
Gov. Bobby Jindal(LA)
Sen.Joe Lieberman(I,CT)
Secy. Condi Rice(CA)
Gov.Mitt Romney(MA)
Gov. Mark Sanford(SC)
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Page last updated: Oct 01, 2008