
Bob Wise on Free Trade

Former Democratic Governor; previously Representative (WV-2)

Protect steel industry from illegal imports

My priority in working with our delegation in Washington will be to stop the destruction of the steel industry by illegal imports. West Virginia’s steel industry has developed efficient processes and adapted to the new international marketplace. But it can’t survive against an onslaught of subsidized and underpriced steel from abroad. This country must have a strong and vibrant steel industry to remain an industrial power - and West Virginia will be a part of it.
Source: 2001 State of the State Address to West Virginia Legislature , Feb 14, 2001

Require use of US steel in state-funded projects

One step we can take, immediately, to preserve steel jobs, is to require the use of U.S. made steel in state-funded projects. I have prepared a bill to do just that. I respectfully urge you to take up this legislation at the start of business tomorrow, and to move it through both houses of this Legislature in record time. I promise to sign it the minute it arrives on my desk. We’re in this fight, and we’re in it to win...for West Virginia.
Source: 2001 State of the State Address to West Virginia Legislature , Feb 14, 2001

Voted NO on withdrawing from the WTO.

Vote on withdrawing Congressional approval from the agreement establishing the World Trade Organization [WTO].
Reference: Resolution sponsored by Paul, R-TX; Bill H J Res 90 ; vote number 2000-310 on Jun 21, 2000

Voted NO on 'Fast Track' authority for trade agreements.

Vote to establish negotiating objectives for trade agreements between the United States and foreign countries and renew 'fast track' authority for the President.
Reference: Bill introduced by Archer, R-TX.; Bill HR 2621 ; vote number 1998-466 on Sep 25, 1998

Enforce trade law against subsidized Canadian lumber imports.

Wise signed the Southern Governors' Association resolution:

Source: Resolution of Southern Governor's Assn. on Lumber Subsidies 01-SGA3 on Sep 9, 2001

Other governors on Free Trade: Bob Wise on other issues:
WV Gubernatorial:
Earl Ray Tomblin
WV Senatorial:
Joe Manchin III
John Rockefeller

Newly seated 2010:
NJ Chris Christie
VA Bob McDonnell

Term-limited as of Jan. 2011:
AL Bob Riley
CA Arnold Schwarzenegger
GA Sonny Perdue
HI Linda Lingle
ME John Baldacci
MI Jennifer Granholm
NM Bill Richardson
OK Brad Henry
OR Ted Kulongoski
PA Ed Rendell
RI Donald Carcieri
SC Mark Sanford
SD Mike Rounds
TN Phil Bredesen
WY Dave Freudenthal
Newly Elected Nov. 2010:
AL: Robert Bentley (R)
CA: Jerry Brown (D)
CO: John Hickenlooper (D)
CT: Dan Malloy (D)
FL: Rick Scott (R)
GA: Nathan Deal (R)
HI: Neil Abercrombie (D)
IA: Terry Branstad (R)
KS: Sam Brownback (R)
ME: Paul LePage (R)
MI: Rick Snyder (R)
MN: Mark Dayton (D)
ND: Jack Dalrymple (R)
NM: Susana Martinez (R)
NV: Brian Sandoval (R)
NY: Andrew Cuomo (D)
OH: John Kasich (R)
OK: Mary Fallin (R)
PA: Tom Corbett (R)
RI: Lincoln Chafee (I)
SC: Nikki Haley (R)
SD: Dennis Daugaard (R)
TN: Bill Haslam (R)
VT: Peter Shumlin (D)
WI: Scott Walker (R)
WY: Matt Mead (R)
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Page last updated: Nov 21, 2011