
Ted Cruz on Abortion

Republican Texas Senator


Supported Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act

Even more ghastly, just this year, Congress voted on the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act, which provided that if, in the course of an abortion, a child is born alive--as in, that child is outside the womb, breathing, crying, separate and apart from his mother--then the physician must provide medical care and cannot simply allow the child to die. Once again, all but three Democrat Senators voted against protecting the lives of infants born alive. Reviewing the horror of Kermit Gosnell, it is wholly appropriate for the American people to ask who would take such a vote.
Source: One Vote Away, by Ted Cruz, p.106 , Sep 20, 2020

No exceptions for rape or incest; de-fund Planned Parenthood

Q: Abortion: Mostly ban or mostly legal?

Ted Cruz (R): Ban. No exceptions for rape or incest. "Horrible as that crime is, I don't believe it's the child's fault."

Beto O'Rourke (D): Legal. Ensure abortions are rare, but trust women to make their own decisions without government interference.

Q: Employers can withhold contraceptive coverage if disagree?

Ted Cruz (R): Yes. Proposed bill to allow that.

Beto O'Rourke (D): No. Discriminates by ignoring contraception's role in women's health.

Q: Let Planned Parenthood get public funds for non-abortion care?

Ted Cruz (R): No. Was willing to risk a government shutdown in in order to defund.

Beto O'Rourke (D): Yes. Provide important preventive services, esp. for low-income families.

Source: 2018 CampusElect.org Issue Guide on Texas Senate race , Oct 9, 2018

Planned Parenthood sells body parts of unborn human beings

The Planned Parenthood videos are horrifying. I encourage every American to watch them. Seeing Planned Parenthood heartlessly bartering and selling the body parts of human beings, and then ask yourself, "are these my values?" Planned Parenthood essentially confesses to multiple felonies. It is a felony with ten years' jail term to sell the body parts of unborn children for profit. That's what these videos. We shouldn't send $500 million of taxpayer money to fund an ongoing criminal enterprise.
Source: 2015 Republican two-tiered primary debate on CNN , Sep 16, 2015

Allow vote to end Planned Parenthood's funding

Cruz continued his war with Republican leaders, whom he has dubbed "liars" for not allowing votes to end Planned Parenthood's funding. "The truth is not rhetoric," Cruz said. "Here's the truth. [Majority Leader] Mitch McConnell and [Minority Leader] Harry Reid are working arm in arm."

Cruz capitalized on the conservative theory of why Obama had been elected president: Republicans only lost when they went easy on Democrats. Any Republican who forgot that was going to lose to Hillary Clinton.

Source: Australian Financial Review on 2015 GOP RedState Gathering , Aug 9, 2015

Prosecute Planned Parenthood for criminal violations

If I'm elected president, let me tell you about my first day in office. The first thing I intend to do is to rescind every illegal and unconstitutional executive action taken by Barack Obama.

The next thing I intend to do is instruct the Department of Justice to open an investigation into these videos and to prosecute Planned Parenthood for any criminal violations.

The next thing I intend to do is instruct the Department of Justice and the IRS to stop persecuting religious liberty, and then intend to cancel the Iran deal, and finally move the U.S. embassy in Israel to Jerusalem.

I will keep my word. My father fled Cuba, and I will fight to defend liberty because my family knows what it's like to lose it.

Source: Fox News/Facebook Top Ten First Tier debate transcript , Aug 6, 2015

Ban taxpayer funding of abortion & partial birth abortion

On abortion, Cruz has called the Supreme Court's Roe v. Wade decision legalizing the procedure a "dark anniversary" but has not said whether he would specifically work to overturn it. Cruz has staunchly supported bans on any taxpayer funding of abortion and bans of so-called partial birth abortion. He has fervently supported a Texas law that would require doctors at abortion clinics to have admitting privileges at a nearby hospital, a requirement that could limit staffing at abortion facilities. That Texas law was ruled unconstitutional by a lower court and is now before the U.S. Court of Appeals.
Source: PBS News Hour "2016 Candidate Stands" series , Mar 23, 2015

Companies can deny insuring birth control

Birth control: All the candidates agreed that companies should have the ability to deny women birth control coverage at their discretion.
Source: BurntOrangeReport.com on 2012 Texas Senate Debate , Apr 16, 2012

Protect innocent human life with partial-birth ban

Ted Cruz has fought to protect innocent human life. He played a leading role in several important cases, including defense of the partial-birth abortion ban, parental consent laws, and prohibiting state funds from going to abortion. These cases have all been part of the ongoing effort to ensure that every child in America receives the protection and respect he or she deserves.

Ted successfully defended Texas's Rider 8, which prohibits state funds for groups that provide abortions.

Source: Campaign website, www.tedcruz.org, "Issues" , Jul 17, 2011

Opposes public abortion funding.

Cruz opposes the CC Voters Guide question on abortion funding

Christian Coalition publishes a number of special voter educational materials including the Christian Coalition Voter Guides, which provide voters with critical information about where candidates stand on important faith and family issues. The Christian Coalition Voters Guide summarizes candidate stances on the following topic: "Public funding of abortions"

Source: Christian Coalition Voter Guide 12-CC-q1a on Oct 31, 2012

Opposes churches providing birth control.

Cruz opposes the CC Voters Guide question on churches and contraception

Christian Coalition publishes a number of special voter educational materials including the Christian Coalition Voter Guides, which provide voters with critical information about where candidates stand on important faith and family issues. The Christian Coalition Voters Guide summarizes candidate stances on the following topic: "Requiring religious groups to cover birth control & abortion in insurance"

Source: Christian Coalition Voter Guide 12-CC-q1d on Oct 31, 2012

Voted YES to protect infant survivors of abortion.

Cruz voted YEA Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act

S.311/H.R.962: Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act: Congress finds the following:

Opposing argument from Rewire.com, `Born Alive Propaganda,` by Calla Hales, 4/12/2019: From restrictive bans at various points of pregnancy to a proposed death penalty for seeking care, both federal and state legislators are taking aim at abortion rights. The goal? To make abortion illegal, criminalizing patients and providers in the process. One kind of bill making a recent resurgence is the `Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act.` These bills aim to further the false narrative that abortions regularly occur immediately before or, according to the president, at the time of birth. Intentional action to end the life of an infant is already illegal. This is covered by federal and state infanticide laws. These bills do nothing but vilify physicians who provide reproductive health care.

Legislative outcome Referred to Committee in House; Senate motion to proceed rejected, 56-41-3 (60 required).

Source: Congressional vote 19-S0311 on Feb 5, 2019

Other candidates on Abortion: Ted Cruz on other issues:

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