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Paul Ryan on VoteMatch

Republican nominee for Vice President; U.S. Rep. (WI-1)

VoteMatch Responses
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VoteMatch Question & Answer
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Based on these stances:
(Click on topic for excerpt & citation)
Strongly Opposes topic 1:
Abortion is a woman's unrestricted right
(-5 points on Social scale)
Private & public life inseparable on faith & life issues: Strongly Favors topic 1
Life begins at conception, so protect unborn children: Strongly Opposes topic 1
Church-provided contraception is about rights & conscience: Opposes topic 1
Rated 0% by NARAL, indicating a pro-life voting record: Strongly Opposes topic 1
Rated 100% by the NRLC, indicating a pro-life stance: Strongly Opposes topic 1
Prohibit transporting minors across state lines for abortion: Opposes topic 1
Bar funding for abortion under federal Obamacare plans: Opposes topic 1
Prohibit federal funding for abortion: Strongly Opposes topic 1
Congress shall protect life beginning with fertilization: Strongly Opposes topic 1
Prohibit federal funding to groups like Planned Parenthood: Strongly Opposes topic 1
Life and human rights begin at fertilization or cloning: Strongly Opposes topic 1
No family planning assistance that includes abortion: Strongly Opposes topic 1
Grant the pre-born equal protection under 14th Amendment: Opposes topic 1
YES on banning federal health coverage that includes abortion: Strongly Opposes topic 1
YES on barring transporting minors to get an abortion: Strongly Opposes topic 1
YES on banning partial-birth abortions: Opposes topic 1
YES on banning Family Planning funding in US aid abroad: Opposes topic 1
YES on Unknown roll call for 2001-89: Opposes topic 1
YES on funding for health providers who don't provide abortion info: Opposes topic 1
YES on banning partial-birth abortion except to save mother’s life: Strongly Opposes topic 1
YES on making it a crime to harm a fetus during another crime: Opposes topic 1
YES on restricting interstate transport of minors to get abortions: Strongly Opposes topic 1
NO on allowing human embryonic stem cell research: Opposes topic 1
NO on expanding research to more embryonic stem cell lines: Opposes topic 1
Neutral on topic 2:
Legally require hiring women & minorities
(0 points on Economic scale)
Annual pilgrimage to Selma AL for 1965 march anniversary: Favors topic 2
Rated 36% by NAACP, indicating a mixed record on affirmative-action: Neutral on topic 2
YES on reauthorizing the Violence Against Women Act: Favors topic 2
NO on $84 million in grants for Black and Hispanic colleges: Strongly Opposes topic 2
Strongly Opposes topic 3:
Comfortable with same-sex marriage
(-5 points on Social scale)
Supports DOMA; supports constitutional ban on gay marriage: Strongly Opposes topic 3
Ban employment discrimination based on sexual orientation: Favors topic 3
Let each state separately define DOMA and marriage: Strongly Opposes topic 3
Let each state separately define DOMA and marriage: Strongly Opposes topic 3
Rated 0% by the HRC, indicating an anti-gay-rights stance: Strongly Opposes topic 3
YES on banning gay adoptions in DC: Opposes topic 3
YES on Constitutional Amendment banning same-sex marriage: Strongly Opposes topic 3
YES on Constitutionally defining marriage as one-man-one-woman: Strongly Opposes topic 3
YES on prohibiting job discrimination based on sexual orientation: Strongly Favors topic 3
NO on enforcing against anti-gay hate crimes: Opposes topic 3
Strongly Favors topic 4:
Keep God in the public sphere
(-5 points on Social scale)
The left offers people a full stomach and an empty soul: Favors topic 4
Stop pushing God from the public realm & public schools: Strongly Favors topic 4
Cold social programs have displaced civility and charity: Favors topic 4
Subsidize and deregulate our wealth of faith based charities: Strongly Favors topic 4
Left federal barriers to community & institution empowerment: Favors topic 4
Supports anti-flag desecration amendment: Favors topic 4
Rated 91% by the Christian Coalition: a pro-Family-Value voting record: Strongly Favors topic 4
YES on responsible fatherhood via faith-based organizations: Favors topic 4
YES on treating religious organizations equally for tax breaks: Strongly Favors topic 4
YES on allowing school prayer during the War on Terror: Strongly Favors topic 4
YES on protecting the Pledge of Allegiance: Favors topic 4
NO on allowing Courts to decide on "God" in Pledge of Allegiance: Favors topic 4
Strongly Opposes topic 5:
Expand ObamaCare
(+5 points on Economic scale)
Regulators don't want your opinion on ObamaCare mandates: Strongly Opposes topic 5
ObamaCare's mandates & fines have no place in a free country: Strongly Opposes topic 5
Choice of Medicare or certified plan, starting in 2022: Opposes topic 5
Replace ObamaCare with patient-centered reforms: Strongly Opposes topic 5
Under age 54, provided with subsidy for private insurance: Opposes topic 5
ObamaCare is government takeover of healthcare: Strongly Opposes topic 5
Younger workers choose from subsidized coverage options: Strongly Opposes topic 5
Don't just repeal ObamaCare; curb out-of-control costs: Strongly Opposes topic 5
Open-ended healthcare entitlement moves US toward bankruptcy: Strongly Opposes topic 5
ObamaCare passed with no GOP support & split Democrats: Strongly Opposes topic 5
For tax credits; high-risk pools; & regulatory reform: Strongly Opposes topic 5
Road Map: buy health insurance from any state in the country: Opposes topic 5
Replace Medicare with $9500/year private insurance payment: Strongly Opposes topic 5
Washington Way: closed-door deals & one-party votes: Strongly Opposes topic 5
Rated 11% by APHA, indicating a anti-public health voting record: Strongly Opposes topic 5
Repeal the Job-Killing Health Care Law: Strongly Opposes topic 5
Repeal ObamaCare reporting requirements for small business: Opposes topic 5
NO on giving mental health full equity with physical health: Opposes topic 5
NO on Veto override: Extend SCHIP to cover 6M more kids: Strongly Opposes topic 5
YES on repealing the "Prevention and Public Health" slush fund: Strongly Opposes topic 5
YES on the Ryan Budget: Medicare choice, tax & spending cuts: Opposes topic 5
YES on establishing tax-exempt Medical Savings Accounts: Opposes topic 5
YES on subsidizing private insurance for Medicare Rx drug coverage: Opposes topic 5
YES on allowing reimportation of prescription drugs: Favors topic 5
YES on capping damages & setting time limits in medical lawsuits: Opposes topic 5
YES on limited prescription drug benefit for Medicare recipients: Opposes topic 5
YES on denying non-emergency treatment for lack of Medicare co-pay: Strongly Opposes topic 5
NO on requiring negotiated Rx prices for Medicare part D: Opposes topic 5
NO on adding 2 to 4 million children to SCHIP eligibility: Opposes topic 5
YES on overriding veto on expansion of Medicare: Favors topic 5
NO on expanding the Children's Health Insurance Program: Opposes topic 5
NO on regulating tobacco as a drug: Opposes topic 5
Strongly Favors topic 6:
Privatize Social Security
(+5 points on Economic scale)
Voluntary privatization for younger workers: Strongly Favors topic 6
Give millions a chance to prosper in investor class: Strongly Favors topic 6
Enthusiastically promoted Bush's semi-privatization scheme: Strongly Favors topic 6
Invest 1/3 of payroll tax in personal savings account: Favors topic 6
Road Map: invest 5.1% income into personal account: Strongly Favors topic 6
Proposed bill to invest 50% of FICA in personal accounts: Strongly Favors topic 6
Rated 10% by the ARA, indicating an anti-senior voting record: Strongly Favors topic 6
Rated 5% by ARA, indicating a pro-privatization stance: Strongly Favors topic 6
NO on strengthening the Social Security Lockbox: Favors topic 6
YES on reducing tax payments on Social Security benefits: Favors topic 6
YES on raising 401(k) limits & making pension plans more portable: Favors topic 6
Strongly Favors topic 7:
Vouchers for school choice
(+5 points on Economic scale)
A-PLUS: Local decisions, not one-size-fits-all mandates: Favors topic 7
Rated 8% by the NEA, indicating anti-public education votes: Strongly Favors topic 7
YES on reauthorizing the DC opportunity scholarship program: Strongly Favors topic 7
NO on $40B for green public schools: Favors topic 7
Favors topic 8:
EPA regulations are too restrictive
(-3 points on Social scale)
Deficit from "green pork": cronyism on windmills: Favors topic 8
Strong conservation programs important for avid sportsmen: Favors topic 8
Prevent pollution and invasive species in the Great Lakes: Opposes topic 8
Rated 10% by the LCV, indicating anti-environment votes: Strongly Favors topic 8
Make tax deduction permanent for conservation easements: Opposes topic 8
Strengthen prohibitions against animal fighting: Strongly Opposes topic 8
YES on deauthorizing "critical habitat" for endangered species: Strongly Favors topic 8
NO on environmental education grants for outdoor experiences: Favors topic 8
NO on protecting free-roaming horses and burros: Favors topic 8
Strongly Favors topic 9:
Stricter punishment reduces crime
(-5 points on Social scale)
Death penalty only for lethal crimes against minors: Favors topic 9
Rated 30% by CURE, indicating anti-rehabilitation crime votes: Strongly Favors topic 9
Rated 69% by the NAPO, indicating a moderate stance on police issues: Neutral on topic 9
YES on more prosecution and sentencing for juvenile crime: Favors topic 9
NO on funding for alternative sentencing instead of more prisons.: Strongly Favors topic 9
NO on expanding services for offenders' re-entry into society: Favors topic 9
Strongly Favors topic 10:
Absolute right to gun ownership
(+5 points on Economic scale)
Avid bow hunter who skins his own prey: Strongly Favors topic 10
Rated A by the NRA, indicating a pro-gun rights voting record: Strongly Favors topic 10
National cross-state standard for concealed carry: Strongly Favors topic 10
Allow veterans to register unlicensed guns acquired abroad: Favors topic 10
Ban gun registration & trigger lock law in Washington DC: Strongly Favors topic 10
Allow reloading spent military small arms ammunition: Strongly Favors topic 10
YES on decreasing gun waiting period from 3 days to 1: Strongly Favors topic 10
YES on prohibiting suing gunmakers & sellers for gun misuse: Strongly Favors topic 10
YES on prohibiting product misuse lawsuits on gun manufacturers: Strongly Favors topic 10
Strongly Opposes topic 11:
Higher taxes on the wealthy
(+5 points on Economic scale)
Are we for more revenues? No, we're not.: Strongly Opposes topic 11
Lower corporate tax rate to improve global competitiveness: Opposes topic 11
Eliminate double taxes like the death tax and AMT: Strongly Opposes topic 11
Reduce deficit by $6.2T over 10 years with no tax increase: Strongly Opposes topic 11
25% top individual rate and top corporate tax rate: Strongly Opposes topic 11
Phaseout the death tax: Strongly Opposes topic 11
Rated 72% by NTU, indicating "Satisfactory" on tax votes: Neutral on topic 11
Rated 0% by the CTJ, indicating opposition to progressive taxation: Strongly Opposes topic 11
Taxpayer Protection Pledge: no new taxes: Strongly Opposes topic 11
Supports the Taxpayer Protection Pledge: Strongly Opposes topic 11
YES on eliminating the "marriage penalty": Opposes topic 11
YES on $46 billion in tax cuts for small business: Opposes topic 11
YES on Tax cut package of $958 B over 10 years: Opposes topic 11
YES on reducing Marriage Tax by $399B over 10 years: Opposes topic 11
YES on eliminating the Estate Tax ("death tax"): Opposes topic 11
YES on making the Bush tax cuts permanent: Strongly Opposes topic 11
YES on providing tax relief and simplification: Strongly Opposes topic 11
YES on retaining reduced taxes on capital gains & dividends: Strongly Opposes topic 11
NO on paying for AMT relief by closing offshore business loopholes: Strongly Opposes topic 11
NO on extending AMT exemptions to avoid hitting middle-income: Favors topic 11
Opposes topic 12:
Pathway to citizenship for illegal aliens
(-3 points on Social scale)
Send illegal immigrant kids back to Central America: Strongly Opposes topic 12
Immigration reform possible after the border is secure: Favors topic 12
Earned legalization while respecting the rule of law: Favors topic 12
Demand enforcement of immigration laws, without amnesty: Strongly Opposes topic 12
Make border fence construction a top priority: Strongly Opposes topic 12
Rated 0% by FAIR, indicating a voting record loosening immigration: Strongly Favors topic 12
Comprehensive immigration reform without amnesty: Strongly Favors topic 12
Rated 83% by USBC, indicating a sealed-border stance: Strongly Opposes topic 12
YES on extending Immigrant Residency rules: Favors topic 12
NO on reporting illegal aliens who receive hospital treatment: Strongly Favors topic 12
YES on preventing tipping off Mexicans about Minuteman Project: Strongly Opposes topic 12
YES on building a fence along the Mexican border: Strongly Opposes topic 12
Strongly Favors topic 13:
Support & expand free trade
(+5 points on Economic scale)
Level the playing field instead of pushing jobs overseas: Opposes topic 13
8.5% tax on imports from foreign countries: Strongly Opposes topic 13
End economic protectionism: let dairy compacts expire : Strongly Favors topic 13
Rated 67% by CATO, indicating a pro-free trade voting record: Strongly Favors topic 13
Rated 75% by the USAE, indicating support for trade engagement: Strongly Favors topic 13
YES on Permanent Normal Trade Relations with China: Strongly Favors topic 13
NO on withdrawing from the WTO: Strongly Favors topic 13
YES on implementing US-Singapore free trade agreement: Strongly Favors topic 13
YES on implementing free trade agreement with Chile: Strongly Favors topic 13
YES on implementing US-Australia Free Trade Agreement: Favors topic 13
YES on end offshore tax havens and promote small business: Opposes topic 13
YES on implementing CAFTA, Central America Free Trade: Strongly Favors topic 13
YES on promoting free trade with Peru: Favors topic 13
Strongly Favors topic 14:
Support American Exceptionalism
(+5 points on Economic scale)
Being American is about rights and responsibilities: Opposes topic 14
Withhold UN funding until voluntary and program-specific: Strongly Favors topic 14
Condemn China's organ harvesting from Falun Gong prisoners: Opposes topic 14
NO on Veto override: Congressional oversight of CIA interrogations: Favors topic 14
NO on requiring FISA warrants for wiretaps in US, but not abroad: Strongly Favors topic 14
YES on withholding $244M in UN Back Payments until US seat restored: Strongly Favors topic 14
YES on reforming the UN by restricting US funding: Strongly Favors topic 14
YES on continuing intelligence gathering without civil oversight: Favors topic 14
YES on removing need for FISA warrant for wiretapping abroad: Strongly Favors topic 14
Strongly Favors topic 15:
Expand the military
(-5 points on Social scale)
We shouldn't cut 80,000 soldiers; it invites weakness: Strongly Favors topic 15
More funding for veterans: Favors topic 15
$554B for national defense spending instead of $55B cut: Strongly Favors topic 15
Rated 22% by SANE, indicating a pro-military voting record: Strongly Favors topic 15
YES on $266 billion Defense Appropriations bill: Favors topic 15
YES on deploying SDI: Favors topic 15
YES on emergency $78B for war in Iraq & Afghanistan: Strongly Favors topic 15
YES on continuing military recruitment on college campuses: Favors topic 15
YES on restricting no-bid defense contracts: Strongly Opposes topic 15
Favors topic 16:
Make voter registration easier
(+2 points on Social scale)
Restrict campaign donations from foreigners or 3rd parties: Favors topic 16
NO on banning soft money and issue ads: Opposes topic 16
YES on banning soft money donations to national political parties: Favors topic 16
NO on campaign finance reform banning soft-money contributions: Opposes topic 16
YES on restricting independent grassroots political committees: Opposes topic 16
YES on requiring lobbyist disclosure of bundled donations: Strongly Favors topic 16
Strongly Opposes topic 17:
Avoid foreign entanglements
(-5 points on Social scale)
Nuclear Iran is worse than war: Strongly Opposes topic 17
Make Afghan withdrawal succeed by providing resources: Opposes topic 17
Supported the Iraqi Surge; opposed call for sudden retreat: Strongly Opposes topic 17
Don't let Afghanistan return to a terrorist training camp: Strongly Opposes topic 17
No artificial surrender dates in Iraq and Afghanistan: Strongly Opposes topic 17
Remain vigilant in global War on Terrorism: Opposes topic 17
Multi-year commitment to Africa for food & medicine: Strongly Favors topic 17
Strengthen sanctions on Syria & assist democratic transition: Strongly Opposes topic 17
Boycott & sanctions against Iran for terrorism & nukes: Opposes topic 17
Iranian nuclear weapons: prevention instead of containment: Strongly Opposes topic 17
Sanctions on Iran to end nuclear program: Opposes topic 17
NO on removing US armed forces from Afghanistan: Strongly Opposes topic 17
YES on banning armed forces in Libya without Congressional approval: Favors topic 17
YES on authorizing military force in Iraq: Strongly Opposes topic 17
YES on declaring Iraq part of War on Terror with no exit date: Strongly Opposes topic 17
NO on redeploying US troops out of Iraq starting in 90 days: Strongly Opposes topic 17
NO on investigating Bush impeachment for lying about Iraq: Opposes topic 17
Strongly Opposes topic 18:
Prioritize green energy
(+5 points on Economic scale)
No policies that might benefit environment but harm economy: Opposes topic 18
Cap-and-trade bureaucratically rations conventional energy: Strongly Opposes topic 18
Develop all American-made energy, including nuclear: Strongly Opposes topic 18
Rated 0% by the CAF, indicating opposition to energy independence: Opposes topic 18
Bar greenhouse gases from Clean Air Act rules: Strongly Opposes topic 18
Drill the Outer Continental Shelf; & license new nuke plants: Strongly Opposes topic 18
NO on tax incentives for renewable energy: Strongly Opposes topic 18
YES on barring EPA from regulating greenhouse gases: Opposes topic 18
YES on opening Outer Continental Shelf to oil drilling: Strongly Opposes topic 18
NO on starting implementation of Kyoto Protocol: Strongly Opposes topic 18
NO on raising CAFE standards; incentives for alternative fuels: Strongly Opposes topic 18
NO on prohibiting oil drilling & development in ANWR: Strongly Opposes topic 18
YES on authorizing construction of new oil refineries: Strongly Opposes topic 18
YES on scheduling permitting for new oil refinieries: Strongly Opposes topic 18
NO on keeping moratorium on drilling for oil offshore: Strongly Opposes topic 18
NO on removing oil & gas exploration subsidies: Strongly Opposes topic 18
NO on investing in homegrown biofuel: Strongly Opposes topic 18
YES on criminalizing oil cartels like OPEC: Favors topic 18
NO on tax incentives for energy production and conservation: Strongly Opposes topic 18
NO on tax credits for renewable electricity, with PAYGO offsets: Opposes topic 18
NO on enforcing limits on CO2 global warming pollution: Opposes topic 18
NO on $2 billion more for Cash for Clunkers program: Opposes topic 18
Favors topic 19:
Marijuana is a gateway drug
(-3 points on Social scale)
Speechwriter for Director of National Drug Control Policy: Strongly Favors topic 19
Rated -10 by NORML, indicating a "hard-on-drugs" stance: Strongly Favors topic 19
Rated 0% by NORML, indicating an anti-legalization stance: Strongly Favors topic 19
YES on prohibiting needle exchange & medical marijuana in DC: Strongly Favors topic 19
NO on military border patrols to battle drugs & terrorism: Strongly Opposes topic 19
NO on more funding for Mexico to fight drugs: Opposes topic 19
Strongly Opposes topic 20:
Stimulus better than market-led recovery
(+5 points on Economic scale)
Raising corporate tax will cost us 710,000 jobs: Strongly Opposes topic 20
Tax cuts grow the economy and create jobs: Strongly Opposes topic 20
Stimulus was political patronage & corporate welfare: Strongly Opposes topic 20
12M new jobs by capping federal spending at 20% of GDP: Opposes topic 20
Stimulus spending spree created debt but few jobs: Strongly Opposes topic 20
YES on prioritizing spending in case debt limit is reached: Opposes topic 20
NO on $60B stimulus package for jobs, infrastructure, & energy: Strongly Opposes topic 20
YES on $192B additional anti-recession stimulus spending: Strongly Favors topic 20

Other candidates' VoteMatch: Paul Ryan on the issues:
2016 Democratic Candidates:
Gov.Lincoln Chafee(RI)
Secy.Hillary Clinton(NY)
Gov.Martin O`Malley(MD)
Sen.Bernie Sanders(VT)
Sen.Jim Webb(VA)
2016 Third Party Candidates:
Dr.Jill Stein(G-MA)
Gov.Gary Johnson(L-NM)
Gov.Bill Weld(L-MA,VP)
Roseanne Barr(PF-HI)
2016 GOP Candidates:
Gov.Jeb Bush(FL)
Dr.Ben Carson(MD)
Gov.Chris Christie(NJ)
Sen.Ted Cruz(TX)
Carly Fiorina(CA)
Gov.Jim Gilmore(VA)
Sen.Lindsey Graham(SC)
Gov.Mike Huckabee(AR)
Gov.Bobby Jindal(LA)
Gov.John Kasich(OH)
Gov.George Pataki(NY)
Sen.Rand Paul(KY)
Gov.Rick Perry(TX)
Sen.Marco Rubio(FL)
Sen.Rick Santorum(PA)
Donald Trump(NY)
Gov.Scott Walker(WI)
Pres.Barack Obama
V.P.Joe Biden

Civil Rights
Foreign Policy
Free Trade
Govt. Reform
Gun Control
Health Care
Homeland Security
Social Security
Tax Reform

About Paul Ryan:
AmericansElect quiz
MyOcracy quiz

Page last updated: Jun 16, 2016