John Hickenlooper in South-by-Southwest political conference

On Energy & Oil: Drank a glass of fracking fluid to show it was harmless

Mr Hickenlooper's focus on bipartisan co-operation may have won him political success in Colorado, but it also made him some fierce critics.

Some environmentalists, in particular, weren't all that thrilled that the former oil industry scientist sat down with energy industry executives for friendly negotiations. In one particularly memorable instance, the governor drank a glass of fracking fluid to prove that it didn't harm humans.

Mr Hickenlooper explained that he was trying to gain their trust--and that the talks led to real regulation of methane emissions. "They're mad that I did stuff," he said. "We actually did stuff. So sue me." They won't sue him, but they might not vote for him, either.

Reception at the SXSW conference: Mr Hickenlooper is an affable man, and that came across in his appearance. They have a saying about where nice guys finish, though.

Source: on 2020 Democratic primary contenders at 2019 SXSW Mar 12, 2019

On Principles & Values: Work with Republicans to advance progressive priorities

The former Colorado governor echoed themes [from his campaign announcement speech at the SXSW conference], preaching his ability to work with Republicans to advance progressive priorities like gun control, environmental regulation and healthcare coverage expansion.

His biggest idea: During his hour-long interview Mr Hickenlooper said that the 2020 presidential race would be a "campaign of ideas". So, after his talk, I asked him which ideas set him out from the crowd. "I think I'm the one person that demonstrates the idea of action, of actually accomplishing things," he said.

"Action" isn't really an idea, I said. He went on to talk about healthcare, environmental regulation and workforce training. It wasn't exactly stand-apart-from-the-crowd material.

His biggest challenge: Mr Hickenlooper's focus on co-operation may have won him political success in Colorado, but it also made him some fierce critics.

Source: on 2020 Democratic primary contenders at 2019 SXSW Mar 12, 2019

On Immigration: Crazy to drive out 11 million illegal immigrants

John Hickenlooper said during his first trip to Iowa as a candidate that it would be "crazy" to drive out everyone who's in the U.S. illegally. Hickenlooper is positioning himself as a uniter who can get things done.

On immigration, Hickenlooper said both sides need to sit down and that hardliners must accept some realities. "To think we're ever in this country, that was founded and defined by immigrants, to expel 10 million to 11 million people is crazy," Hickenlooper said.

Source: Sacramento Bee on 2019 SXSW conference Mar 9, 2019

The above quotations are from South-by-Southwest political conference.
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Page last updated: Apr 25, 2019