Bernie Sanders in June Democratic candidates debate in Miami FL

On Abortion: Medicare-for-All will protect women's constitutional right

Q: What is your plan if Roe is struck down in the court while you're president?

SANDERS: My plan, as somebody who believes for a start that a woman's right to control her own body is a constitutional right, that government and politicians should not infringe on that right, we will do everything we can to defend Roe versus Wade. Let's face this, Medicare for All guarantees every woman in this country the right to have an abortion if she wants it.

Source: June Democratic Primary debate (second night in Miami) Jun 27, 2019

On Budget & Economy: $21T increase in wealth to top 1%

How come the worker in the middle of our economy is making no more money than he or she made 45 years ago, and that in the last 30 years, the top 1% has seen a $21 trillion increase in their wealth? We need a party that is diverse, but we need a party that has the guts to stand up to the powerful special interests who have so much power over the economic and political life of this country.
Source: June Democratic Primary debate (second night in Miami) Jun 27, 2019

On Corporations: Stand up against healthcare companies' billions in profits

The function of health care today from the insurance and drug company perspective is not to provide quality care to all. The function of the health care system today is to make billions in profits for the insurance companies. And last year, while we pay the highest prices in the world for prescription drugs--and I will lower prescription drugs prices in half in this country--top 10 companies made $69 billion in profit. They will spend hundreds of millions of dollars lying to the American people, telling us why we cannot have a Medicare for all single-payer program.

I will tell you how we'll do it. We'll do it the way real change has always taken place, whether it was the labor movement, the civil rights movement, or the women's movement. We will have Medicare-for-All when tens of millions of people are prepared to stand up and tell the insurance companies and the drug companies that their day is gone, that health care is a human right, not something to make huge profits off of.

Source: June Democratic Primary debate (second night in Miami) Jun 27, 2019

On Corporations: Nothing will change if we don't have the guts to fight

Nothing will change unless we have the guts to take on Wall Street, the insurance industry, the pharmaceutical industry, the military-industrial complex, and the fossil fuel industry. If we don't have the guts to take them on, we'll continue to have plans, we'll continue to have talk, and the rich will get richer, and everybody else will be struggling.
Source: June Democratic Primary debate (second night in Miami) Jun 27, 2019

On Energy & Oil: Scientists say "12 years before damage is irreversible"

Scientists tell us we have 12 years before there is irreparable damage to this planet. This is a global issue. What the president should do is not deny the reality of climate change but tell the rest of the world that, instead of spending a trillion and a half dollars on weapons of destruction, let us get together for the common enemy, and transform the world's energy system away from fossil fuel to energy efficiency and sustainable energy. The future of the planet rests on us doing that.
Source: June Democratic Primary debate (second night in Miami) Jun 27, 2019

On Families & Children: Trump threw 32M families off healthcare, socialism not issue

Gov. John HICKENLOOPER: If we don't clearly define that we are not socialists, the Republicans are going to come at us every way they can and call us socialists.

Sen. Bernie SANDERS: The American people understand that Trump is a phony, that Trump is a pathological liar and a racist, and that he lied to the American people during his campaign. He said he was going to stand up for working families. Well, President Trump, you're not standing up for working families when you try to throw 32 million people off health care and 83% of your tax benefits go to the top 1%. That's how we beat Trump: We expose him for the fraud that he is.

Source: June Democratic Primary debate (second night in Miami) Jun 27, 2019

On Foreign Policy: Address source of problem with Mexico & Northern Triangle

On day one, we rescind every damn thing on this issue that Trump has done. We've got to look at the root causes. You have a situation where Honduras is a failing state. Massive corruption. You've got gangs who are telling families that if a 10-year-old does not join that gang, that family is going to be killed. What we have got to do on day one is invite the presidents and the leadership of Central America and Mexico together. This is a hemispheric problem that we have got to address.
Source: June Democratic Primary debate (second night in Miami) Jun 27, 2019

On Gun Control: 2013: state decisions on guns; 2019: federal legislation

Q: A Vermont newspaper recently released portions of an interview you gave in 2013 in which you said: "My own view on guns is, everything being equal, states should make those decisions." Has your thinking changed since then?

SANDERS: No, that's a mischaracterization of my thinking.

Q: It's a quote of you.

SANDERS: Look, we have a gun crisis right now, 40,000 people a year are getting killed. In 1988, when it wasn't popular, I ran on a platform of banning assault weapons and in fact lost that race for Congress. I have a D-minus voting record from the NRA. And I believe that what we need is comprehensive gun legislation that, among other things, provides universal background, we end the gun show loophole, we end the strawman provision, and I believed in 1988 and I believe today.

Source: June Democratic Primary debate (second night in Miami) Jun 27, 2019

On Gun Control: Buy back assault weapons, and ban their sale

Sen. Bernie SANDERS: Assault weapons are weapons from the military and that they should not be on the streets of America.

Rep. Eric SWALWELL: Your plan leaves them on the streets. You leave 15 million on the streets.

SANDERS: We ban the sale and distribution [of assault weapons].

SWALWELL: Will you buy them back?

SANDERS: If the government wants to do that and people want to bring them back, yes.

SWALWELL: You are going to be the government, will you buy them back?


Source: June Democratic Primary debate (second night in Miami) Jun 27, 2019

On Health Care: Canada has figured out single-payer, at half the cost of US

Q: You basically want to scrap the private health insurance system as we know it and replace it with a government-run plan. None of the states that have tried something like that--CA, VT, NY--have been successful. If politicians can't make it work in those states, how would you implement it on a national level?

SANDERS: Every other major country on Earth, including my neighbor 50 miles north of me, Canada, somehow has figured out a way to provide health care to every man, woman, and child, and in most cases, they're spending 50% per capita of what we are spending.

Q: How do you implement it on a national level, given the fact that other states have not succeeded?

SANDERS: We'll do it the way real change has always taken place. We will have Medicare-for-All when tens of millions of people are prepared to stand up and tell the insurance companies and the drug companies that their day is gone, that health care is a human right, not something to make huge profits off of.

Source: June Democratic Primary debate (second night in Miami) Jun 27, 2019

On Health Care: Medicare is most popular health insurance so let's expand it

Q: Senator Bennet, you want to keep the system that we have in place with ObamaCare [instead of Bernie's single-payer system]. Why?

Sen. Mike BENNET: Bernie has said over and over again that this [single-payer Medicare-for-All plan] will make illegal all insurance except cosmetic--I guess that's for plastic surgery. Everything else is banned under the Medicare-for-all proposal.

Sen. Bernie SANDERS: You know, Mike, Medicare is the most popular health insurance program in the country.

BENNET: I agree.

SANDERS: People don't like their private insurance companies. They like their doctors and hospitals. Under our plan people go to any doctor they want, any hospital they want. We will substantially lower the cost of health care in this country because we'll stop the greed of the insurance companies. On this issue we have to think about how this affects real people.

Source: June Democratic Primary debate (second night in Miami) Jun 27, 2019

On Tax Reform: Medicare-for-All raises taxes on middle class, but net gain

Health care in my view is a human right. And we have got to pass a Medicare for all, single-payer system. Under that system the vast majority of the people in this country will be paying significantly less for health care than they are right now. People who have Medicare for all will have no premiums, no deductibles, no copayments, no out-of-pocket expenses. Yes, they will pay more in taxes, but less in health care for what they get.
Source: June Democratic Primary debate (second night in Miami) Jun 27, 2019

On War & Peace: Used War Powers Act to get US out of Saudi-Yemen war

Q [to Joe Biden]: You voted for the Iraq war. You have said you regret that vote. Why should voters trust your judgment when it comes to making a decision about war the next time?

V.P. Joe BIDEN: I was responsible for getting 150,000 combat troops out of Iraq. I also think we should not have combat troops in Afghanistan. It's long overdue. It should end.

Sen. Bernie SANDERS: One of the differences that Joe and I have in our record is Joe voted for that war, I helped lead the opposition to that war, which was a total disaster. I helped lead the effort for the first time to utilize the War Powers Act to get the United States out of the Saudi-led intervention in Yemen, which is the most horrific humanitarian disaster on Earth. Let me be very clear. I will do everything I can to prevent a war with Iran, which would be far worse than disastrous war with Iraq.

Source: June Democratic Primary debate (second night in Miami) Jun 27, 2019

The above quotations are from NBC News, "Decision 2020," the Democratic candidates debate,
live from the Adrienne Arsht Performing Arts Center in Miami, Florida, June 26-27, 2019..
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