Peter Hoekstra in 2012 Michigan Senate Debates

On Principles & Values: I will either debate her or an empty chair; it's her choice

It appears Stabenow and Hoekstra will campaign for Michigan's Senate seat without meeting for formal debates. Stabenow issued a statement saying she is "ending the ongoing debate over debates, due to Congressman Hoekstra's refusal to accept the traditional U.S. Senate debates and his constant political attacks."

Stabenow had accepted debate invitations at the Detroit Economic Club and Grand Valley State University, which have held U.S. Senate debates in recent Michigan election cycles. Hoekstra said he wanted debates with more exposure.

Hoekstra responded with a comment issued through his campaign: "Michigan families should be appalled that Debbie Stabenow is attempting to cancel all debates." Hoekstra said "she clearly now feels that she can't defend her record."

Hoekstra plans to attend what his campaign called a health care debate in Lansing--but he likely will be the only candidate in attendance. Hoekstra said: "I will either debate her or an empty chair. It is her choice

Source: Michigan Live on 2012 Michigan Senate debates Oct 10, 2012

On Government Reform: Setting 12-year term limit a mistake; after serving 18 years

time and time and time again to increase spending," Durant said. "Earmarks, entitlements and all these things that put our country at risk: you can't do it for 18 years and then say 'Well, I'm going to change.'"

Hoekstra stood up to the shots, saying he made a mistake by setting a 12-year mark for his departure from the government. He pointed out his victory margins increased after he broke the promise. "The most important term limits are the ones people impose," he said.

Source: Nate Reens in Michigan Live on 2012 Michigan Senate debates May 14, 2012

On Budget & Economy: TARP & debt ceiling increase were needed to fund two wars

Hoekstra rebutted the debt ceiling votes earlier in debate as a measure needed when there were two wars ongoing to keep the troops supplied. Durant took issue with that reasoning and said the logic was part of the "sickness" in Washington.

Hoekstra said he was the guy that along with others that shutdown government and led the effort to stop No Child Left Behind, when only 20 Republicans voted no. He said his opponents were distorting his record. On cutting government, Candidate Glenn said he would like to see the IRS, Environmental Protection Agency and Department of Education eliminated for cost savings. Pete Konetchy also said he would require government to follow the constitution. "We cannot spend any money out of the federal treasury without a specific power. So anything being spent right now on things such as health, community services or education, energy, whatever at the federal level--it's unconstitutional," Konetchy said.

Source: Petoskey News on 2012 Michigan Senate debate Feb 20, 2012

On Budget & Economy: Cut agencies which are not in the constitution

Pete Konetchy said he would require government to follow the constitution, saying: "We cannot spend any money without a specific power. So anything being spent right now on things such as community services--it's unconstitutional." Randy Hekman said government programs that provide assistance should be transformed to nonprofit and charity model to shrink Washington. "We need to turn this area back to charities, to nonprofits, to local people who know who they are giving to," Hekman said.
Source: Petoskey News on 2012 Michigan Senate debate Feb 20, 2012

On Foreign Policy: China is a nation that cheats and steals; no MFN

Hoekstra did not address his television ad, which has since been replaced, instead taking his closing time to explain why he has sided with unions occasionally, which included opposing giving preferred trading status to China. "China cheats. That is a great place to put American workers. Provide the most favorable nation status to a nation that cheats and steals intellectual secrets as part of their strategy," Hoekstra said. Candidate Glenn, who has been gaining momentum among Tea Party supporters, went after Hoekstra for his voting record for supporting the TARP bailout and supporting the spending during the Bush administration. "Pete Hoekstra voted for the Wall Street bailout and the supplemental stimulus package and the bridge to nowhere. He voted five times to raise the debt ceiling." Glenn said, continuing to list legislative votes by the former Congressman he opposed.

Source: Petoskey News on 2012 Michigan Senate debate Feb 20, 2012

On Principles & Values: Accused of anti-Chinese racism in Super Bowl TV ad

Clark Durant said, "The Super Bowl ad reflected everything wrong with Washington and it will make it impossible for him to beat Debbie Stabenow. It demeaned people. It so demeaned people, the actress came out and asked for forgiveness for participating in Pete's ad."

Actress Lisa Chan, who portrayed the young Asian woman in the ad, apologized via Facebook last week for her role. Hoekstra did not address Clark's accusations or his television ad, which has since been replaced. Pete Hoekstra's Super Bowl advertisement featured a bike-riding Chinese woman thanking incumbent Democrat Sen. Debbie Stabenow (called Spend-it-now in the promo) in broken English for helping support deficit spending that is aiding the Chinese economy. The ad received national criticism from both sides of the aisle.

Source: Petoskey News on 2012 Michigan Senate debate Feb 20, 2012

The above quotations are from 2012 Michigan Senate Debate.
Click here for other excerpts from 2012 Michigan Senate Debate.
Click here for other excerpts by Peter Hoekstra.
Click here for a profile of Peter Hoekstra.
Peter Hoekstra on other issues:
Civil Rights
Foreign Policy
Free Trade
Govt. Reform
Gun Control
Health Care
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Social Security
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