Andy Beshear in 2023 Governor's State of the State speeches

On Budget & Economy: Our mission is to move our families out of the floodplain

Our mission is to move our families out of the floodplain and out of harm's way. But doing so gives us a chance to reimagine our communities, to go beyond just rebuilding, and to set the stage for future growth. We have the chance to build new homes, community centers, senior apartments, maybe even new schools, along with strong, modern, resilient infrastructure that will help the entire region. And here's the best part: There is enough land--both to rebuild and to attract new jobs.
Source: 2023 State of the State Address to the Kentucky legislature Jan 4, 2023

On Budget & Economy: Bringing new prosperity to every corner of the commonwealth

Our fiscal house is also stronger than ever. My administration is expected to post the four largest budget surpluses in the commonwealth's history. We have the largest rainy day fund ever, and we reported the highest annual revenue growth rate in 31 years. Put simply: We are winning and bringing new prosperity to every corner of the commonwealth, leaving no one behind.
Source: 2023 State of the State Address to the Kentucky legislature Jan 4, 2023

On Budget & Economy: Our Eisenhower moment: investing more in infrastructure

In many ways, we are in our Eisenhower moment, investing more in infrastructure than ever before. We have some major results on major projects to be excited about--ones that have been talked about for decades. Together, we have also worked together to make the largest public sector investment in expanding high-speed internet. We delivered on projects to bring clean drinking water to nearly 85,000 homes, with every single county receiving funding.
Source: 2023 State of the State Address to the Kentucky legislature Jan 4, 2023

On Drugs: Time for General Assembly to legalize medical cannabis

Treating people right also dictates that in this session, this General Assembly finally legalize medical cannabis. Far too many Kentuckians are suffering from life-threatening and chronic conditions, like our veterans with PTSD, or Kentuckians with cancer. That is why I issued my executive order. It allows people to get the help they need without fearing a misdemeanor.
Source: 2023 State of the State Address to the Kentucky legislature Jan 4, 2023

On Education: 5% pay raise to address public school teacher shortage

[I'm introducing the] Education First Plan, which begins with a 5% pay raise for every public school educator. Passage of this bill is both vital and necessary to address Kentucky's shortage of nearly 11,000 public school teachers. Addressing our teacher shortage absolutely requires a pay raise. Just over the last year, Kentucky dropped from 42nd to 44th in teacher pay. We must act. Failure to do so harms our children and undermines public education.
Source: 2023 State of the State Address to the Kentucky legislature Jan 4, 2023

On Energy & Oil: Kentucky is the electric vehicle battery production capital

Now, a big part of our economic story--and a big part of our future economy--is tied to our electric vehicle revolution. Through bold leadership, we are supercharging the automotive industry for the future. Because of these great projects, Kentucky has cemented its status as the electric vehicle battery production capital of the United States of America! We are already seeing other large investments to build out our EV supply chain, and to do it in Kentucky.
Source: 2023 State of the State Address to the Kentucky legislature Jan 4, 2023

On Health Care: We've provided more than $2 billion to Kentucky hospitals

The health care industry is one of our leading employers, and it created 1,550 new jobs just in 2022. During the height of the pandemic, our hospitals and our health care heroes proved just how important they are, and together we saved tens of thousands of lives. In recognition, we passed legislation that has provided more than $2 billion to Kentucky hospitals. This helped facilities across the state keep their doors open and helped lay the groundwork for some amazing new opportunities.
Source: 2023 State of the State Address to the Kentucky legislature Jan 4, 2023

On Health Care: Expanded Medicaid to including dental, hearing, vision

We are also called to improve the health of our people. A person has to be healthy enough to work. That's why in October, I announced expanded Medicaid coverage that includes dental, hearing and vision. Again, it's simple: If we want you to go to work, you have to be able to see to drive to work. If you want to be safe on a job-site, you have to be able to hear the instructions.
Source: 2023 State of the State Address to the Kentucky legislature Jan 4, 2023

On Principles & Values: I have faith in God and faith in us

I have faith in God and faith in us. I have faith that we, the people of Kentucky, can, will and are addressing each of these worries. And we're doing it together. In the face of some of the greatest challenges imaginable, time and time again Kentuckians showed up for one another. Scripture tells us that we are to love our neighbor as ourselves. And that's exactly what folks across this commonwealth have been doing.
Source: 2023 State of the State Address to the Kentucky legislature Jan 4, 2023

The above quotations are from 2023 Governor's State of the State speeches.
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Page last updated: Apr 02, 2023