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    This page contains Congressional resolutions. Resolutions indicate the topics that legislators care about, but cannot legislate about.

01-CHC2 on Jun 14, 2001

Resolution: the CHC press release:
Source: CHC press release, "Concerned with Decision on Vieques"
The Administration’s announcement today that the Navy must leave the island of Vieques, Puerto Rico in May 2003 was received by the Congressional Hispanic Caucus with a mix of optimism and concern. “There are only two ways to order the Navy to cease all training operations on Vieques: One is a referendum; the other is certification by the Navy that the Vieques Naval Training is no longer needed for training. It is not clear from the news reports we have seen that the certification has been made,” said Silvestre Reyes (D-TX), Chairman of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus.

Other members of the CHC expressed their dissatisfaction with the announcement. “Today’s decision is a hollow victory. The announcement condemns the people of Vieques, US citizens, to two more years of pain and suffering at the hand of the US Navy. The issue of Vieques is not about the Navy leaving today, tomorrow, or in two years; it’s about the immediate and unconditional cessation of the bombing exercises,” said Rep. Bob Menendez (D-NJ).

“The President’s statement is a recognition that the people of Vieques have suffered as a result of the bombings and that the government must respect the people’s will. The decision also shows that Vieques is not necessary for the military preparedness of the US Atlantic Fleet. However, it falls short of resolving the problem, because any continuation of the bombing is simply unacceptable for the people of Puerto Rico,” said the Resident Commissioner of Puerto Rico, Anibal Acevedo-Vila.

Recent CHC hearings brought to light the civil and human rights violations of those arrested during acts of civil disobedience on Vieques in April. The Caucus has requested Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld to assist in an investigation [of trespassing arrests on Navy property] after the Navy refused to answer to the Caucus questions and a specific request to produce videotapes taken during the detention.

  • Topic: Homeland Security
  • Headline: Stopping Vieques bombing range good; sooner is better

  • Key for participation codes:
  • Sponsorships: p=sponsored; o=co-sponsored; s=signed
  • Memberships: c=chair; m=member; e=endorsed; f=profiled; s=scored
  • Resolutions: i=introduced; w=wrote; a=adopted
  • Cases: w=wrote; j=joined; d=dissented; c=concurred
  • Surveys: '+' supports; '-' opposes.

Democrats participating in 01-CHC2

Joe Baca s1aCalifornia Democratic Challenger 
Xavier Becerra s1aCalifornia Democrat 
Charles Gonzalez s1aTexas Democrat (Retiring 2012) 
Luis Gutierrez s1aIllinois Democrat 
Ruben Hinojosa s1aTexas Democrat 
Robert Menendez s1aNew Jersey Democrat 
Grace Napolitano s1aCalifornia Democrat 
Solomon Ortiz s1aTexas Democrat (Unseated 2010) 
Ed Pastor s1aArizona Democrat 
Silvestre Reyes s1aTexas Democrat 
Ciro Rodriguez s1aTexas Democrat (until 2010) 
Lucille Roybal-Allard s1aCalifornia Democrat 
Loretta Sanchez s1aCalifornia Democrat 
Jose Serrano s1aNew York Democrat/Liberal 
Hilda Solis s1aCA Democratic Gubernatorial Challenger 
Nydia Velazquez s1aNew York Democrat/Working-Families 

Republicans participating in 01-CHC2

Independents participating in 01-CHC2

Anibal Acevedo-Vila s1aPuerto Rico - 
Robert Underwood s1aGuam - 

Total recorded by OnTheIssues:

Democrats: 16
Republicans: 0
Independents: 2

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