Deval Patrick in The Boston Globe

On Tax Reform: Allow cities to raise local meals tax-trust local officials

Former Assistant US Attorney General Deval L. Patrick said yesterday he would support giving Massachusetts cities and towns the right to raise local meals taxes, while his rival for the Democratic gubernatorial nomination, Attorney General Thomas F. Reilly, flatly ruled out any such increase.

The sharp disagreement occurred during a face-to-face meeting between the two men before a key constituency--local officials. ‘’I am not in favor of any additional tax burdens on the people of Massachusetts,“ Reilly told the local officials.

But Patrick said he would support increases on what are known as local-option taxes, saying they would help cities and towns manage their budgets without having to raise local property taxes. ‘’I’m interested in trusting you -- the local officials,“ Patrick said. ‘’I know what’s happening in your communities.”

Source: Michael Levenson, Boston Globe, p. A1 Jan 15, 2006

The above quotations are from Media coverage of MA political races in The Boston Globe.
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