Tim Scott in First GOP presidential debate

On Education: Change education; break the backs of the teachers' unions

On education -- the only way we change education in this nation is to break the backs of the teachers' unions. They are standing in the door house of our kids, locking them into failing schools and locking them out of the greatest future they can have.
Source: Fox News 2023 Republican primary debate in Milwaukee Aug 23, 2023

On Budget & Economy: Turn off the Washington spigot of Bidenomics

Q: What have you done to rein in the increasing size of government?

SEN. TIM SCOTT: Over the last several years I've had an opportunity to vote against spending package after spending package after spending package. What we also need to understand is that Joe Biden's Bidenomics has led to the loss of $10,000 of spending power for the average family. When you see 16% inflation, your gas is up 40%. Your food is up 20%. Your electricity is up 20%. We can stop that by turning the spigot off at Washington, sending the money back to the states, and allowing the decisions to be made at their own houses. I helped write the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act in 2017. We cut taxes for single moms by 70%, for dual households by 60%, returning to the average family $4,000. If you don't send it to Washington, we can't spend it. That's good news for the American people.

Source: Fox News 2023 Republican primary debate in Milwaukee Aug 23, 2023

On Environment: Best thing for environment is to bring home jobs from China

Gov. Nikki HALEY: But if you want to really change the environment, then we need to start telling China and India that they have to lower their emissions. These green subsidies that Biden has put in, all he's done is help China because half of the batteries for electric vehicles are made in China. These subsidies are not working. We also need to take on the international world and say, 'okay, India and China, you've got to stop polluting.'

Sen. Tim SCOTT: If we want the environment to be better, the best thing to do is to bring our jobs home from China. If we create 10 million new jobs in my Made in America Plan, we will have a better economy and a better environment. America has cut our carbon footprint in half in the last 25 years. The places where they are continuing to increase -- Africa, 950 million people; India, over a billion; China, over a billion. Why do we put ourselves at a disadvantage, devastating our own economy? Let's bring our jobs home.

Source: Fox News 2023 Republican primary debate in Milwaukee Aug 23, 2023

On Welfare & Poverty: If you're able-bodied in America, you work

I was a disillusioned young man growing up in a single-parent household mired in poverty. I wondered if the American dream was real for a kid like me. I can stand before you today and say the dream is alive. It is well. And it is healthy.

I have the good fortune of a mom who worked 16-hour days making sure we had food on our tables. She taught me that if you're able-bodied in America, you work. If you take out a loan, you pay it back. If you commit a violent crime, you go to the jail. And if God made you a man, you play sports against men.

I'm Tim Scott. I'm asking you for your vote. And if you're in Iowa, I'm asking you to caucus for me. You can go to votetimscott.com for more information or to make a contribution.

Source: Fox News 2023 Republican primary debate in Milwaukee Aug 23, 2023

On Abortion: No abortion on demand; cannot leave it to the states

Gov. Doug BURGUM: I am on the record that we should not have a federal abortion ban. The reason why is very simple, it's the 10th Amendment in the Constitution. It says that there were certain duties allowed to the federal government delegated to them by the states. The rest are left to the states or to the people.

Sen. Tim SCOTT: We cannot let states like California, New York, and Illinois have abortions on-demand up until the day of birth. That is immoral. It is unethical. It is wrong. We must have a president of the United States who will advocate and fight for at the minimum a 15-week limit. I am 100 percent pro-life conservative. I have 100 percent pro-life record. I've got to tell you, though, we must fight for life.

Gov. Nikki HALEY: When you're talking about a federal ban, be honest with the American people. We have had 45 pro-life senators in over 100 years. So no Republican president can ban abortions, any more than a Democrat president could ban all those state laws.

Source: Fox News 2023 Republican primary debate in Milwaukee Aug 23, 2023

On Immigration: Finish the wall; get military-grade surveillance at border

Let's fire the 87,000 IRS agents and hire or double the number of Border Patrol agents. How many have not been caught at our Southern border? If we just spend $10 billion, we could finish the wall. For $5 billion more, we could have the military- grade technology to surveil our Southern border to stop the flow of fentanyl and save 70,000 Americans a year. That should be the priority of this government. And, as the next president of the United States, I will make that border wall complete.
Source: Fox News 2023 Republican primary debate in Milwaukee Aug 23, 2023

On Principles & Values: Our Judeo-Christian values have made us the greatest nation

Well, our nation was founded upon the Judeo Christian values that has made this the greatest nation on God's Green Earth. I'm a big believer in Ephesians 3:20 that God is able to do exceedingly, abundantly above all that we ask or imagine. Our responsibility should be the modeled behavior we want others to follow.
Source: Fox News 2023 Republican primary debate in Milwaukee Aug 23, 2023

The above quotations are from Fox News 2023 Republican primary debate in Milwaukee and commentary.
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