JD Vance in 2022 OH Senate race

On Government Reform: End mail-in voting bonanza, make Election Day a holiday

Bannon, who has advanced adherence to the lie that the 2020 election was stolen from Trump as a litmus test for GOP candidates, asked for Vance's thoughts on the matter. Vance answered indirectly while proposing an end to "this mail-in voting bonanza" and saying that Election Day should be a national holiday.
Source: NBC News on 2022 Ohio Senate race Jul 1, 2021

On Civil Rights: Generals should read less about white rage, whatever that is

He lashed out at Gen. Mark Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, for defending the study of critical race theory. "I personally would like American generals to read less about 'white rage' (whatever that is) and more about 'not losing wars,'" he wrote. He railed against critical race theory, the academic term that's meant to recognize how systemic racism is inherent in American life and that the political right has turned into a signature issue.
Source: NBC News on 2022 Ohio Senate race Jul 1, 2021

On Civil Rights: Black Lives Matter movement destroyed many towns and cities

The Ford Foundation has $14 billion under management. They're investing in Critical Race Theory, they're investing in racial division all across our country, and they're invested in all of the progressive social causes of the moment. They are one of the
Source: Esquire magazine on 2022 Ohio Senate race Jun 4, 2021

On Civil Rights: OpEd: Mocked AOC for Native American phrase for non-binary

The 37-year-old bigot shared a tweet by Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez about trans, two-spirit, and non-binary people, along with the caption: "I'm sorry but what the hell is two-spirit? Would love if progressives just stopped inventing words." Had J.D. bothered to simply Google "two-spirit" rather than tweet his ignorance about it, he would have quickly learned that it's not something progressives invented and is actually a term used in many Indigenous North American communities.
Source: Queerty e-zine on 2022 Ohio Senate race Sep 9, 2021

On Corporations: Woke capital directly connected to plundering of society

Jeff Bezos [is] one of the largest funders of the Black Lives Matter movement, to the tune of millions of dollars. Now who benefits most when small businesses on Main Street are destroyed? Who wants to see their competitors unable to deliver goods and services to people so they get it delivered in the Amazon box? Jeff Bezos. There is a direct connection between woke capital and the plunder that's happening in our society today. This is an important piece of the puzzle to understand.
Source: Esquire magazine on 2022 Ohio Senate race Jun 4, 2021

On Crime: Violent crime spike because police afraid to do their jobs

We have a massive spike in violent crime because police officers are afraid to do their jobs. Any "crime prevention" effort that focuses on job training or gun seizures is a giant distraction. @JDVance1
Source: Twitter postig on 2022 Ohio Senate race Jun 24, 2021

On Energy & Oil: Subsidizing electric vehicle technology helps China, not US

Vance remarked, "What the Biden administration is doing on climate change will effectively force the transfer of manufacturing jobs and capacity to China, because when you subsidize, let's say, electric vehicle technology, what you're really subsidizing is the country that manufactures all that technology, which is China, so you're subsidizing a country that hates us [and] that is building its middle class off the backs of ours."
Source: News AKMI on 2022 Ohio Senate race Jul 2, 2021

On Environment: EPA Admin: Vance will oppose arbitrary regulatory burdens

EPA Administrator Andrew Wheeler has announced his endorsement of J.D. Vance for the U.S. Senate. Vance "will work for the Americans who have been left behind by the establishing ruling class, fight for the working class and bring back jobs that were shipped overseas," Wheeler writes in the news release. Vance "will oppose arbitrary regulatory burdens that have been shown to be ineffective and costly for our country."
Source: The Ohio Star on 2022 Ohio Senate race Aug 11, 2021

On Families & Children: Expanded childcare favors affluent over working class

Vance uses his Twitter feed to position himself as a leading voice in the culture wars while promoting the institutional distrust nurtured by the former president and his allies. Vance argued that President Joe Biden's push for expanded childcare favored "the lifestyle preferences of the affluent over the preferences of the middle and working class."
Source: NBC News on 2022 Ohio Senate race Jul 1, 2021

On Government Reform: Investigate 2020 election, but we already know what happened

[On election fraud]: "I think we've got to investigate as much as possible," Vance said of the 2020 election results. "I believe sunshine is the best disinfectant. And we're going to learn a lot about what happened. But, you know, I think at a basic level we already know mostly what happened." Other Republicans in the race have indulged in false or unsubstantiated claims about the last election.
Source: NBC News on 2022 Ohio Senate race Jul 1, 2021

On Government Reform: Universal voter ID, but make it easier to get

Vance said he supports a universal voter ID. "And absolutely, if people can't afford to get an ID, you don't want that to prevent them from being able to vote. You want to make it easier for people to vote, but you want to make it easier for them to vote in a fair and safe way. You want basically legal votes to count, illegal votes not to count, and making voter ID the law, that way it actually I think facilitates and supports that goal."
Source: WCPO-TV ABC-9 on 2022 Ohio Senate race Jul 2, 2021

On Immigration: Those who complain about southern border get called racist

If you think about the entire trajectory of American life over the last 30 to 40 years, you have elites and the ruling class that have plundered this country, have made it harder for middle class Americans to live a normal life. When those Americans dare to complain about the conditions of their own country, if they dare to complain about the southern border, or about jobs getting shipped overseas, what do they get called? They get called racist. They get called bigots, xenophobes, or idiots.
Source: Fox News on 2022 Ohio Senate race Jul 2, 2021

On Principles & Values: 2016: Trump reprehensible; 2020: evolved to support Trump

Vance was once a stern critic of former President Trump. Now, as a candidate for the Republican Senate nomination in Ohio, he is a big Trump fan. How and why Vance moved from one position to the other is a topic of red-hot debate [and] a window into the current state of the Republican Party, riven by tensions over the 45th president & the long shadow he casts.

CNN uncovered old tweets in which Vance had called Trump "reprehensible" in relation to his policies on "immigrants, Muslims etc." In another tweet from 2016, Vance said he would vote for an independent candidate, Evan McMullin, rather than Trump or Hillary Clinton. In early 2016, Vance wrote in USA Today that "Trump's actual policy proposals, such as they are, range from immoral to absurd."

Vance gave a penitent interview [this week]: "I ask folks not to judge me based on what I said in 2016, because I've been very open that I did say those critical things and I regret them, and I regret being wrong about the guy," Vance said.

Source: The Hill e-zine on 2022 Ohio Senate race May 6, 2021

On Principles & Values: Willing to wade through a little crap to save this country

I have two boys. I love those kids. I want them to live in the same great country that I lived in. If we don't do something, they're going to grow up in a country that's much poorer, that's much dirtier, that's much uglier, and where they can't even speak their mind as citizens. It's time to fight back though. If you're not willing to wade through a little crap to save this country, then you're not willing to stand up on the big stage, and I am.
Source: Fox News on 2022 Ohio Senate race Jul 2, 2021

On Principles & Values: Known as the "Trump Whisperer" for explaining his support

Vance was colloquially known as the Trump Whisperer by critics who said Vance could explain why Middletown and the surrounding areas showed up in droves to vote for President Trump.

"Trump was just talking about real issues," said Vance. "And whether you agreed or disagreed with the president I think most people recognized that he actually identified something real in our country, which is that a lot of the communities feel like they've been left behind, because they have been left behind."

Source: WTOL-11 Newsroom on 2022 Ohio Senate race Jul 3, 2021

On Principles & Values: 2016: Trump makes people I care about afraid

He was publicly critical of Trump during the 2016 election cycle--calling him "noxious" in an interview with NPR--and ultimately voted for independent Evan McMullin that year. He cast Trump supporters as unmarried, uneducated and less likely to attend church. "Trump makes people I care about afraid," Vance said in October 2016. "Immigrants, Muslims, etc. Because of this I find him reprehensible."
Source: Cincinnati Enquirer on 2022 Ohio Senate race Jul 1, 2021

On Principles & Values: Critical of Trump in 2016, enthusiastic supporter in 2020

He was initially critical of former President Donald Trump in 2016 but has since changed his mind about that, too. "I think he delivered on his promises to make the country a better place," Vance said. "So, I think I saw this guy, he was an outsider. I didn't really believe he was serious. And then I saw the guy in action. And I thought he was a successful president. That's why I supported him enthusiastically in 2020. So I changed because he did a good job."
Source: WCPO-TV ABC-9 on 2022 Ohio Senate race Jul 2, 2021

On Principles & Values: Wokeness will make everything boring and ugly

Vance was angered when he learned that writer Josh Safran, who will be the showrunner for the new "Gossip Girl" that will stream on HBO Max, has reworked the wealthy Manhattan socialite characters to make them more aware of the privileged lives they lead. Vance was not fond of this artistic decision, however, and railed that the teen drama was the latest work of art to fall victim to "wokeness."

"Wokeness will make everything boring and ugly," he wrote.

Source: RawStory.com blog on 2022 Ohio Senate race Jun 22, 2021

On Principles & Values: Public policy views aligned with Catholic social teaching

My views on public policy and what the optimal state should look like are pretty aligned with Catholic social teaching. That was one of the things that drew me to the Catholic Church. I saw a real overlap between what I would like to see and what the Catholic Church would like to see. I hope my faith makes me more compassionate and to identify with people who are struggling. But my politics have been pretty consistent over the past few years.
Source: The American Conservative on 2022 Ohio Senate race Aug 11, 2021

On Tax Reform: Tax "social justice" nonprofits, pay down their endowments

A principal target for GOP opponents of woke capital, Vance suggests, should be capital held by nonprofits like Harvard and the Ford Foundation "that are destroying our country." In a speech earlier this month before the conservative Claremont Institute, Vance said, "All across the country we have nonprofits, big foundations, that are effectively social justice hedge funds." They should be forced to pay tax and to pay down more of their endowments, he said.
Source: The New Republic on 2022 Ohio Senate race May 27, 2021

On Technology: Time to stop complaining about Big Tech and do something

Peter Thiel, the PayPal co-founder and early Facebook investor donated $10 million to a super PAC to promote Vance, someone who has railed against Big Tech as being in league with establishment Republicans. Vance delivered a red meat speech that incorporated his attacks on Big Tech. Specifically, he alluded to how social media networks, including Facebook, have banned Trump. "It's time to stop complaining about Big Tech," Vance said. "It's time to start doing something about it."
Source: NBC News on 2022 Ohio Senate race Jul 1, 2021

On Abortion: Abortion rights should be regulated by state legislatures

[Democratic opponent Rep. Tim] Ryan supports codifying the standard set by Roe v. Wade, which the Supreme Court overturned. Vance contends the issue should be regulated by state legislatures but said he would support a "minimum national standard" for how far into a pregnancy abortions should be permitted.

Vance has previously said he supports abortion when it's necessary to save the pregnant person's life, but he's opposed to exceptions for cases of rape or incest. When asked about the case of a 10-year-old Ohio girl who got an abortion in Indiana, he said she should've been able to get an abortion if she and her family chose to do so. Then he pivoted to the man accused of raping and impregnating the girl, who is believed to be an undocumented immigrant. "That poor girl was raped by an illegal alien, somebody who should've never been in this state in the first place...if you had done your job, she would've never been raped in the first place," Vance told Ryan. "Do your job on border security."

Source: The Columbus Dispatch on 2022 Ohio Senate race Oct 10, 2022

On Abortion: Unborn babies are not inconveniences to be discarded

[FactCheck: Tim Ryan claimed that] Vance "called rape inconvenient." [Is that true?]

Vance did not directly say "rape is inconvenient." But when Vance was asked whether laws should allow people to get abortions if they were victims of rape or incest, he suggested that society should not view a pregnancy or birth resulting from rape or incest as "inconvenient." Vance added, "What kind of society do we want to have? A society that looks at unborn babies as inconveniences to be discarded?"

Source: PolitiFact.com Fact-Check on 2022 Ohio Senate race Oct 17, 2022

On Budget & Economy: Spending like American Rescue Plan drove up costs

Vance went after [Democratic opponent Rep. Tim] Ryan for supporting federal spending bills, including the $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan that critics say drove up costs at the grocery story and the gas pump. He also blamed President Joe Biden's administration for contributing to high energy prices.

Ryan, for his part, argued that legislation like the infrastructure package and CHIPS Act will bring jobs to Ohio and encourage manufacturing in the U.S.

Source: The Columbus Dispatch on 2022 Ohio Senate race Oct 10, 2022

On Drugs: Close the border to end drug trafficking zone

Vance: Speaking of fentanyl coming into the United States, "you've got to close the border. You've got to finish the wall and you've got to make it so that these drug cartels are not able to use the U.S. southern border as a drug trafficking zone."

[Is that true that drugs come across the southern border?] Most of the fentanyl seized by U.S. border authorities is seized at official checkpoints, not in between ports of entry. Drug policy and immigration experts have told PolitiFact that physical barriers at the border probably won't stop drugs from coming in, because drug cartels find ways around them--including through tunnels and under legal goods in trailer trucks that seek to cross the border legally. Annual fentanyl seizures at the southwest border have been steadily increasing since at least fiscal year 2016, the Drug Enforcement Administration has reported.

Source: PolitiFact.com Fact-Check on 2022 Ohio Senate race Oct 17, 2022

On Foreign Policy: Put Americans first in response to Russia-Ukraine war

[Democratic opponent Rep. Tim] Ryan and Vance want the U.S. to have different roles in the war between Ukraine and Russia. When asked how the U.S. should respond if Russian President Putin uses nuclear weapons against Ukraine, Vance said "nobody knows" what the best course of action would be. He went on to argue that foreign policy should put Americans first, and he believes the Biden administration hasn't done enough to deescalate the conflict.

Ryan called for a "swift and significant response" if that occurs and argued Vance is weak on Russia. The congressman also criticized his opponent for saying he doesn't "really care what happens to Ukraine."

"I've been to Parma," said Ryan, referring to the Cleveland suburb with a large Ukrainian- American population. "I've met with the refugees. I meet with the women and the daughters and sons because the husbands are in Ukraine fighting. That's the kind of freedom we need to support, and J.D. Vance would let Putin roll right through Ukraine."

Source: The Columbus Dispatch on 2022 Ohio Senate race Oct 10, 2022

On Principles & Values: 2020 election was stolen by very powerful people

When J.D. Vance was asked in January 2022 whether he felt the election was stolen, Vance responded, "Yeah, I do." Vance continued: "I mean, look, I think the fundamental problem is we had a massive effort to shift the election by very powerful people in this country. I don't care whether you say it's rigged, whether you say it's stolen."

As Ohio's Republican primary continued, Vance explicitly claimed that "I think the election was stolen from Trump.

Vance told Youngstown's The Vindicator newspaper in October 2021 that "there were certainly people voting illegally on a large-scale basis," though that is not true. And though Vance said the election in Ohio was "pretty gold standard," he also said "I think it's probably true that Trump won by a larger margin in Ohio," though there is no basis for questioning Trump's certified 8-point margin of victory there.

Vance said in July 2021 that "I think Josh Hawley did the right thing" in objecting to the certification of some Biden-won states.

Source: CNN on 2020 Election Denial in 2022 Ohio Senate race Sep 15, 2022

On Drugs: Border wall would stop flow of fentanyl

During a discussion about immigration and the U.S.-Mexico border. Ryan said he supports a wall along certain parts of the border but also wants to increase funding for border patrol and use technology to block the flow of drugs. Vance accused Ryan of not doing anything to address the problem during his lengthy tenure in Congress.

Vance said, "What have you actually done to reduce the flow of fentanyl so that people like my family are not as affected by this terrible addiction crisis?"

Source: The Columbus Dispatch on 2022 Ohio Senate race Oct 10, 2022

On Civil Rights: Enforce Court decision ending college affirmative action

On June 29, 2023, the Supreme Court struck a blow against institutionally-driven racism in the United States. In Students for Fair Admissions v. Harvard College, the Supreme Court found [that colleges with affirmative action admissions] were impermissibly discriminating against certain applicants based exclusively on their race.

While the Court took a big step forward in eliminating racial discrimination in admissions, more work remains to be done. In his remarks in the wake of the landmark decision, President Biden proposed "a new standard, where colleges take into account the adversity a student has overcome, including racial discrimination that individuals have faced in their own lives."

We call upon the Biden administration to embrace the Court's holdings: racial discrimination [does not] have any place in schooling. The American people deserve no less than an Executive Branch committed to enforcing the law equally to all people without concern for their race.

Source: Ernst.Senate.Gov press release:for 2022 Ohio Senate race Sep 12, 2023

The above quotations are from 2022 Ohio Senate race: debates and news coverage.
Click here for other excerpts from 2022 Ohio Senate race: debates and news coverage.
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JD Vance on other issues:
Civil Rights
Foreign Policy
Free Trade
Govt. Reform
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Page last updated: Nov 26, 2023