Jeb Bush in National Journal 2016 series

On Civil Rights: Let businesses express religious freedom against gays

Bush opened up a bit about his Catholic faith and religious freedom laws. He embraced Indiana Gov. Mike Pence's recent signing of a controversial religious-freedom law calling it "the right thing" to do. The legislation has sparked intense backlash from Democrats and gay-rights groups, but Bush noted that President Clinton had signed a similar measure two decades ago. "This is simply allowing people of faith space to be able to express their beliefs, to be able to be people of conscience," Bush said. "I just think, once the facts are established, people aren't going to see this as discriminatory at all."

In recent weeks, some of Bush's biggest skeptics in the faith community had specifically mentioned wanting to hear from Bush on the issue of religious liberties. His comments put him publicly in line with the conservative evangelical right that he is quietly wooing ahead of his expected presidential run.

Source: National Journal 2015 coverage of 2016 presidential hopefuls Mar 30, 2015

On Immigration: 2009: favored deportation; 2012: favored path to citizenship

Immigration reform is touchy for Republicans specifically, and Americans in general. 48% of voters think undocumented immigrants should be allowed to stay, with a path to citizenship--down from 57% in 2013. That statistic, combined with a perceived electoral need to reach out to more Latino voters, has put many Republicans vying for the presidency in a sticky spot. [Our guide, in Q&A format]:

Q: Should the government offer immigrants already living in the US illegally a pathway to citizenship?

A: Yes. Bush flipped from favoring deportation for undocumented immigrants to favoring a path to citizenship "sometime between 2009 & 2012." Since then, he has supported a path to citizenship. "You have to deal with this issue," he said in 2012. "You can't ignore it, and so either a path to citizenship, which I would support--or a path to residency of some kind."

In April, Bush said there should be "penalties for breaking the law" but that coming to the US illegally is often "an act of love."

Source: National Journal 2016 series: Republicans on immigration Feb 23, 2015

On Immigration: Supports DREAM Act, but not via executive action

Q: Should the children of undocumented immigrants be offered a pathway to citizenship?

A: Yes. In 2012, Bush said he does not support Obama's executive actions on immigration, but does support the DREAM Act. "Having a solution to the fact that we have all of these young people--many of whom are making great contributions, don't have a connection to their parents' former country--yeah, of course I'm for it. But then again, I'm not running for anything, and I can speak my mind."

Source: National Journal 2016 series: Republicans on immigration Feb 23, 2015

The above quotations are from National Journal 2016 series: Republicans on immigration.
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