George Pataki in CNBC 2015 GOP primary debate

On Budget & Economy: I shrank size of New York state government

We need an outsider to run our party and win the next election. Washington has become a corrupt insider game and everybody talks about how they're going to change the taxes, grow the economy. Nothing seems to change. I shrunk the size of New York State's government when I left. We had reduced the employment by over 25,000 and cut taxes.
Source: GOP "Your Money/Your Vote" 2015 CNBC 2nd-tier debate Oct 28, 2015

On Budget & Economy: Fed should get out of market & let rates go up

Barack Obama inherited an economic disaster. Instead of focusing on growth, he rammed through Obama Care that hurt businesses and raised taxes. The Fed had to act. The Fed did act and appropriately in reducing interest rates but they've reduced them now for seven years. They've been zero too long. They should raise the rates; the Fed should get out of manipulating the market and the Fed also should reduce its balance sheet.
Source: GOP "Your Money/Your Vote" 2015 CNBC 2nd-tier debate Oct 28, 2015

On Corporations: Wall Street and Washington too close

Q: Has Wall Street gone too far?

A: I think they have gone too far. I think we've seen Wall Street really blossom and do very well while the rest of the country is struggling, and it's because we have this corrupt connection between Wall Street and Washington.

Source: GOP "Your Money/Your Vote" 2015 CNBC 2nd-tier debate Oct 28, 2015

On Energy & Oil: Of course pouring CO2 into atmosphere causes global warming

It's not appropriate to think that human activity, putting CO2 into the atmosphere, doesn't make the earth warmer. It's uncontroverted. Part of the problem is that when Republicans think about climate change, say, `oh my God, we're gonna have higher taxes, more Obama, more big government, the EPA shutting down factories.` That's not the solution I see. I want Republicans to embrace innovation and technology.
Source: GOP "Your Money/Your Vote" 2015 CNBC 2nd-tier debate Oct 28, 2015

On Energy & Oil: Federal role is to incentivize innovative energy technology

Government's role is to incentivize innovation and the entrepreneurial spirit. We could have next-generation nuclear reactors that have no risk of meltdown. We could have solar panels that are four times more efficient. Let the private sector develop innovation. Not only would we solve our problems, we would have cheaper energy. We could export those technologies so we would grow our economy, have a greater impact globally, have a secure domestic source of energy, and healthier air.
Source: GOP "Your Money/Your Vote" 2015 CNBC 2nd-tier debate Oct 28, 2015

On Homeland Security: Far more to help our military & help our veterans

Q [to GRAHAM]: Gov. Jindal calls the 2015 budget deal a "phony deal, it doesn't do anything."

GRAHAM: This budget, if it is paid for, will put $40 billion dollars back in the defense department at a time we need it. The problems with the V.A. are real.

PATAKI: I think it was a bad deal, but I would have voted for it for a very simple reason. Barack Obama is the first president in American history to hold our military hostage. He knew that we needed funding for overseas contingency operations, $40 billion dollars that would go to support our troops. And, he was prepared, and had vetoed it, unless this deal went through. I have two sons, they both served overseas. One in Iraq, and one in Afghanistan, and I understand that we have got to do far more to help our military, help our veterans, and help protect our security. This is a bad deal, but to protect our military, I would have signed it.

Source: GOP `Your Money/Your Vote` 2015 CNBC 2nd-tier debate Oct 28, 2015

On Jobs: Honor blue-collar work; skilled builders instead of college

The construction industry says one of their biggest problems is they can't find craftsmen to do the work. What we have to do is honor blue collar work again. We have to honor the carpenter, the plumber, the electrician, who can actually build something and instead of just saying that a college degree delivers prestige, let's celebrate those who do things with their hands and elevate their skills using training in high school and community colleges.
Source: GOP "Your Money/Your Vote" 2015 CNBC 2nd-tier debate Oct 28, 2015

On Principles & Values: Limited-government conservative, especially 10th Amendment

I'm a limited government conservative and I mean by that that not just when it comes to economic issues leaving them to the state, but social issues, as well. In that I differ from every other candidate seeking the Republican nomination. I'm a Republican who embraces science and understands we have to work with millennials to have the innovation and technology so that we can grow a 21st century economy. If we work together across party lines, there's no problem we can't solve.
Source: GOP "Your Money/Your Vote" 2015 CNBC 2nd-tier debate Oct 28, 2015

On Tax Reform: In NY, I cut taxes with Dem Legislature

I would lower the tax on manufacturing to the lowest in the developed world--12 percent. My plan, the Tax Foundation said, would create five and a half million new jobs over the next decade. I will get my plan enacted because, when I was governor of New York, I passed sweeping tax cuts in a Democratic state with a Democratic legislature.
Source: GOP "Your Money/Your Vote" 2015 CNBC 2nd-tier debate Oct 28, 2015

On Technology: We need a cyber-war on North Korea

I don't think we need a military response, but we need a coordinated response. I would put in place a policy where if we know a company is hacking into American companies, we will retaliate against that company and say that that company's not going to be allowed to continue to do trade with the United States. I would also put in place what Israel has done: one federal agency dealing with cybersecurity and charged with working across silos to make sure we have the best technology.
Source: GOP "Your Money/Your Vote" 2015 CNBC 2nd-tier debate Oct 28, 2015

On Technology: Hillary's email leaked secrets; disqualified from presidency

Hillary Clinton put a server, an unsecure server, in her home as secretary of state. We have no doubt that that was hacked, and that state secrets are out there to the Iranians, the Russians, the Chinese and others. That alone should disqualify her from being president of the United States.
Source: GOP "Your Money/Your Vote" 2015 CNBC 2nd-tier debate Oct 28, 2015

On Technology: FactCheck: No evidence Hillary's email server was hacked

Gov. George Pataki claimed that the private server Hillary Clinton used as secretary of state was "hacked" and that enemies obtained "state secrets." While the FBI is conducting a security review of Clinton's server, there is no evidence so far of a security breach.

Pataki said, "Clinton put an unsecure server, in her home. We have no doubt that that was hacked, and that state secrets are out there to the Iranians, the Russians, the Chinese and others."

It is true that Clinton had a personal email account on a private server. It is also true that some emails contained unmarked classified information. But was Clinton's server "hacked"? And did the Iranians, Russians and Chinese obtain "state secrets"? That's all speculation.

Pataki is referring to reports of hacking attempts that may or may not have been successful. Investigations have found that some hacking attempts originated from Russia, China, South Korea and Germany--but no evidence that any were successful.

Source: Huffington Post FactCheck on GOP 2015 CNBC debate Oct 28, 2015

The above quotations are from CNBC Two-Tier 2015 GOP primary debate
Your Money/Your Vote
First Tier: Ten candidates by polls
Second Tier: Four other Republicans
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George Pataki on other issues:
Civil Rights
Foreign Policy
Free Trade
Govt. Reform
Gun Control
Health Care
Homeland Security
Social Security
Tax Reform
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