Bob Beauprez in Survey of 2014 Gubernatorial campaign websites

On Budget & Economy: Decrease government's power over the economy

Government has a specific role in society--and it is not to manage the lives and economic decisions of the people. As a conservative Republican, I believe people are capable of making their own choices to live the life they want. Our job should be to reduce the government's burdens on them and create an environment for opportunity to flourish. To reduce the involvement of our government to an appropriate level, I will:
Source: 2014 gubernatorial campaign website, Jan 1, 2014

On Education: Opt out of Common Core; more choice at local level

Few things are as critical to the economy and to the betterment of society as a quality education; and few things have been more destructive to a quality education than federal involvement and the undue influence of politically-charged Teachers Unions. As Governor, I will:
Source: 2014 gubernatorial campaign website, Jan 1, 2014

On Environment: Take public lands back from the federal government

I will seek to reestablish the rights and duties of the state, in accordance with the Tenth Amendment. We will:
Source: 2014 gubernatorial campaign website, Jan 1, 2014

On Gun Control: Repeal unworkable laws that curtail Second Amendment

The values and principles that have guided me throughout my life come from faith, a commitment to freedom, and a sense that we all share the values that come from being part of a larger family. I will use the following values and guiding principles to help all Coloradans realize the opportunity they deserve. Our rights and freedom as Americans have been attacked and whittled away by Denver and Washington liberals for whom freedom is an obstacle to their plans for reorganizing society. My administration will:
Source: 2014 gubernatorial campaign website, Jan 1, 2014

On Health Care: Healthcare between patients and doctors-not government

The States have relinquished to the federal government control over what ought to be their jurisdiction as sovereign states. I will seek to reestablish the rights and duties of the state, [including] actively opposing the federal takeover of healthcare (Obamacare). Healthcare should be between patients and doctors-not government. We have the greatest healthcare system in the world. The kinds of reform that are needed are to reduce government control and embrace free market principles.
Source: 2014 gubernatorial campaign website, Jan 1, 2014

On Principles & Values: Veto legislation that infringes on religious freedoms

From my very first day in office as your Governor, I will begin applying the values and principles to the State Government that have guided me throughout my life as a businessman, husband, father, public servant, author, and conservative leader. These come from faith, a commitment to freedom, and a sense that we all share the values that come from being part of a larger family. I will use the following values and guiding principles to help all Coloradans realize the opportunity they deserve.

My administration will veto legislation that infringes on anyone's religious freedoms, or forces someone to violate their religious beliefs; and protect the right of free speech, including the right to a free press.

Source: 2014 gubernatorial campaign website, Jan 1, 2014

The above quotations are from Survey of 2014 Gubernatorial campaign websites.
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