Nancy Mace in SC legislative records

On Crime: Clear record for first time drunk/disorderly offenders

S.C. Senate Summary: H3601: Expanding Employment Opportunities through Expungement of Disorderly Conduct Charges: conditional discharge for first time offenders relating to public disorderly conduct.

Analysis by ACU: This bill is designed to expand employment opportunities by providing individuals convicted of drunk or disorderly conduct offenses a pathway to have the charges expunged from public record.

Veto Message : Criminal history, like all history, should not be erased. Compassion should not be forced upon unwitting prospective employers & other interested parties. I am unwilling to sign legislation that effectively sanctions an employee failing to acknowledge--or consciously omitting information about--a prior arrest for public disorderly conduct.

Legislative Outcome: Vetoed on May/28/19; Veto Overridden in House 107-0-15, Roll Call #712 on Jun/25/19; Rep. Mace voted YES to override; Overridden in Senate 38-2-0 on June/25/19.

Source: A.C.U. on South Carolina voting record H 3601 Jun 25, 2019

On Drugs: Require reporting of administration of opioid antidote

Legislative Summary: H3728: An act to require health care facilities to submit certain information to the Department of Health and Environmental Control for inclusion in the prescription monitoring program when a person is administered an opioid antidote.

Analysis by Count On 2 NBC News:A new state law requires South Carolina health care facilities to report to the state health department every time they administer an opioid antidote. This information will be collected for the state's prescription monitoring program. DHEC already tracks antidote administrations from some law enforcement and firefighters, but now all first responders will be required to submit that data as well. The goal of the law is to get a fuller picture of opioid misuse in the state.

Legislative Outcome:Passed Senate 44-0-2 on May/8/19; passed House 103-0-20 on May/9/19; State Rep. Nancy Mace voted YES; Signed by Governor Henry McMaster on May/16/19

Source: Count On 2 NBC News on South Carolina voting records H3728 May 9, 2019

On Energy & Oil: Supported SC Energy Freedom Act promoting solar power

H3659: SC Energy Freedom Act

EnergyNews.US in favor: The recently passed Energy Freedom Act supports a more resilient, clean energy future for South Carolina by supporting solar PV and battery storage technologies. The act promotes more economical systems for utility customers and requires utilities to explore the investments in solar-plus-storage generation assets.

A.C.U. in opposition: This bill contains a key provision that drives up electricity costs by expanding a program known as "net metering" which subsidizes solar producers. Under the program, utility companies are forced to purchase excess electricity from solar energy producers at above-market rates and infrastructure and delivery costs are transferred to other ratepayers.

Legislative Outcome: Passed Senate 40-0-0, Roll Call #400 on May/8/19; Passed House 103-0-20, Roll Call #669 on May/9/19; State Rep. Nancy Mace co-sponsor bill & voted YES; Signed by Gov. McMaster 5/16/19,

Source: EnergyNews & A.C.U. on South Carolina voting record H3659 May 9, 2019

On Environment: Don't rebuild banned sea wall for gated community

Charleston Post and Courier analysis of H 3700, May 15, 2019: Gov. McMaster has vetoed a bill that would have given a gated beach community special permission to rebuild a sea wall erected before the state banned them. DeBordieu Colony, a wealthy enclave in Georgetown County, had tried several workarounds to reconstruct a timber bulkhead built in 1982, but its efforts have been beat back by challenges from environmentalists.

Veto message: Where the State has worked for several years to develop a comprehensive regulatory framework to protect our shared coastal resources, it would be unwise to hastily enact a special exception to the Beachfront Management Act. I oppose a practice that is tantamount to enacting local or special legislation, prohibited by our constitution.

Legislative Outcome: Passed Senate 34-3-5 on 5/5/19; Vetoed on 5/15/19; House Sustained Veto 60-43-19, Roll Call #698 on 5/20; State Rep. Nancy Mace voted NO (sustaining veto).

Source: Post and Courier on South Carolina H 3700 voting records May 20, 2019

The above quotations are from Legislative voting records for South Carolina House and Senate.
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