Cliff Bentz in OR legislative records

On Abortion: Opposed requiring coverage for all for reproductive health

Legislative Summary: HB3391: Reproductive Health Equity Act: Requires health benefit plan coverage of specified health care services, drugs, devices, products & procedures related to reproductive health. Allows exemption for plans sold to religious employers.

ACLU analysis: Restrictions on reproductive health care can have profoundly harmful effects on our health and well-being, particularly for those who already face significant barriers to accessing high-quality care, such as low-income women. HB3391 ensures that Oregonians, regardless of income, citizenship status, gender identity or type of insurance, have access to the full range of preventive reproductive health services, including family planning, abortion, and postpartum care.

Legislative Outcome:Passed House 33-23-4 on Jul/1/17; State Rep. Cliff Bentz voted NO; Passed Senate 17-13-0 on Jul/5/17; Signed by Governor Kate Brown on Aug/15/17

Source: ACLU analysis of Oregon H 3700 voting records Jul 1, 2017

On Civil Rights: Disallow transgender change name/sex to be private

Legislative Summary: HB2673: Creates alternative process for persons seeking to change name on vital record for purpose of affirming gender identity. Eliminates requirement for courts to publicly post court orders changing name or gender identity.

NBC News analysis: Gov. Kate Brown has signed a bill that will make it easier for transgender people in Oregon to shield any updates they make to their birth certificates, a process typically conducted through the court system without privacy from public view. The measure makes Oregon the second state after California to adopt laws specifically designed to help mitigate potential discrimination against transgender individuals from employers, landlords or anyone else who is otherwise able to dig up birth-record changes through public record.

Legislative Outcome: Passed House 37-23-0 on Mar/15/17; State Rep. Cliff Bentz voted NO; Passed Senate 23-6-1 on May/10/17; Signed by Governor Kate Brown on May/18/17

Source: NBC News analysis of Oregon HB2673 voting records Mar 15, 2017

On Drugs: Oppose marijuana trade between states when federal laws end

Legislative Summary: SB582: Authorizes Governor to enter into agreement with another state for purposes of cross-jurisdictional coordination & enforcement of marijuana-related businesses and cross-jurisdictional delivery of marijuana items.

Craft Cannabis Alliance analysis: Senate Bill 582 allows Oregon's governor to enter into agreements with other states for the licensed interstate transfer of cannabis as soon as the federal government indicates that such transactions would no longer be subject to prosecution under federal law. "Oregon's bill is a sensible fix for a myriad of issues that arise when you have a thriving legal market bumping up against the remnants of a failed federal prohibition," said the executive director of the Craft Cannabis Alliance.

Legislative Outcome:Passed Senate 19-9-2 on May/15/19; State Sen. Cliff Bentz voted NO; Passed House 43-16-1 on Jun/11/19; Signed by Governor Kate Brown on Jun/20/19

Source: Craft Cannabis Alliance on Oregon SB582 voting records Jun 20, 2019

On Gun Control: No background checks for private gun transactions

Legislative Summary: SB941: Requires private person to complete transfer of firearm by appearing with transferee before gun dealer to request criminal background check or shipping or delivering firearm to gun dealer.

The Oregonian analysis: SB 941 requires background checks for most gun transactions involving private parties to prevent sales to people legally prohibited from owning firearms, including felons and those committed for mental health treatment. The measure includes several exemptions, including for transfers among family members and for people who lend guns for hunting and for use at firing ranges.

Legislative Outcome: Passed Senate 17-13-0 on Apr/14/15; Passed House 32-28-0 on May/4//15; State Rep. Cliff Bentz voted NO; Signed by Governor Kate Brown on May/11/15

Source: The Oregonian analysis of Oregon SB941 voting records May 4, 2015

The above quotations are from Legislative voting records for Oregon House and Senate.
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