Zach Nunn in IA legislative records

On Jobs: Pay discrimination threatens morale as well as society

State Rep. Zach Nunn voted YES on HF2459; Passed Senate 26-24-0, passed House 54-45-1, pending governor's signature 5/13.
Source: Iowa legislative voting records for H.F.2459 Apr 19, 2016

On Education: $40M more for schools; $150M more for teachers

Senate File 166 would modify requirements for the state school foundation program. Said Gov. Branstad, "With $40 million additional dollars, the total state commitment to schools next year will be $3.184 billion dollars."

Lt. Gov. Kim Reynolds added, "By setting funding levels early in the session, we are able to provide predictability and stability that administrators, school boards and teachers need. I want to thank the legislature for moving quickly on this important issue. This is a difficult budget, but this $40 million increase for K-12 education is on top of the $150 million provided through the Teacher Leadership System that rewards our great teachers. Teachers are the key to giving students a globally competitive education and helping us close the skills gap in Iowa."

Bill passed the Iowa House 55-40-5 on Feb. 6, 2017; State Rep. Zach Nunn voted YES; passed the Iowa Senate on Feb. 2, 2017, 28-21.

Source: TGovernor's Press Release on Iowa voting records for SF166 Feb 6, 2017

On Abortion: Voted YES on making abortion illegal at 20 weeks

SF471: A bill for an act relating to feticide, making penalties applicable, and including effective date provisions.

Des Moines Register analysis, 3/22/17: SF471 says any person who intentionally terminates a pregnancy that has reached 20 weeks post-fertilization commits a felony punishable by up to 10 years in prison. The bill allows exceptions to preserve the life of the mother or the fetus, or to avert a "serious risk" to the pregnant woman of "substantial and irreversible physical impairment of a bodily function." It also allows exceptions for fetal abnormalities where a child could not survive outside the womb. "Putting these criminal penalties on here puts a woman's life at risk immediately, because trying to save a woman's life now potentially makes a doctor a criminal," said Rep. Beth Woessel-Kroeschell (D)

Legislative Outcome: Passed House 55-43-3 on 4/5/17; State Rep. Zach Nunn voted YES; Passed Senate 30-20-0 on 4/20; Signed by Gov. Branstad on 5/5.

Source: Des Moines Register analysis of Iowa voting record SF471 Apr 5, 2017

On Gun Control: Kids over age 14 can use guns with parental approval

Legislative Summary: Under the Act, a parent or guardian, or an instructor 21 years of age or older, with the consent of such a parent or guardian, may allow a person under 14 years of age to possess a pistol, revolver, or ammunition, while under direct supervision, which then may be lawfully used. Prior law prohibited a parent or guardian from allowing a person under 14 years of age to possess a pistol, revolver, or ammunition

Legislative Outcome: Passed Senate 33-17 on April 4, vote #S.J.875; passed House 57-36 on April 6, vote #H.J.917; State Rep. Zach Nunn voted YES; signed by Gov. Branstad April 13, record #H.J.1009.

Source: Iowa legislative voting records: HF 517 Apr 6, 2017

On Government Reform: Require identification to vote

Legislative Summary: HF516 requires county commissioners to cancel the voter registration if jury service-related documentation indicates that the voter is not a U.S. citizen. At polling places with access to an electronic poll book, election officials shall verify against a state database that the person has not been convicted of a felony or, if the person has been convicted of a felony, the person has had the person's voting rights restored.

Legislative Outcome: Passed Senate 28-21-1 on April 13, vote #S.J.1005; passed House 56-40-4 on April 10, vote #H.J.960; State Rep. Zach Nunn voted YES; signed by Gov. Branstad May 5, record #H.J.1148.

Source: Governor's Press Release on Iowa voting records for HF516 Apr 10, 2017

On Abortion: Vote for abortion ban at 6 weeks when heartbeat is heard

Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds signed into law the most restrictive abortion ban in the nation, surrounded by toddler-toting supporters.

As Reynolds inked the bill, backers' cheers nearly drowned out the echoing chorus of "My body, my choice" shouted by protesters just outside the door.

"I believe that all innocent life is precious and sacred," Reynolds said from her formal office before signing a bill that will outlaw nearly all abortions in the state. "As governor, I have pledged to do everything in my power to protect it. And that's what I'm doing today."

Senate File 359 will take effect July 1. Under the legislation, physicians will be barred from performing most abortions after a fetal heartbeat is detected, about 6 weeks into a pregnancy-- often before a woman realizes she's pregnant.

Legislative Outcome: Passed House, 51-46-3 (H.J. 901, May 1); State Rep. Zach Nunn voted YES; passed Senate, 29-17-4, (S.J. 1013, May 1); Signed by Governor (S.J. 1059, May 4, 2018)

Source: Moines Register on Iowa voting record SF 359 May 1, 2018

The above quotations are from Legislative voting records for Iowa House and Senate.
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