Liz Cheney in January 6 Capitol Riot

On Crime: Privilege claims suggest Trump personally involved

At the House select committee investigating the Jan. 6 riot, Cheney said something very, very important about both Donald Trump and his former political svengali Steve Bannon:

"It appears that Mr. Bannon had substantial advance knowledge of the plans for Jan. 6 and likely had an important role in formulating those plans. Mr. Bannon was in the war room at the Willard on January 6. He also appears to have detailed knowledge regarding the president's efforts to sell millions of Americans the fraud that the election was stolen. Mr. Bannon's and Mr. Trump's privilege arguments do however appear to reveal one thing: They suggest that President Trump was personally involved in the planning and execution of January 6. And this committee will get to the bottom of that."

What Cheney is saying is that [invoking executive privilege] by Bannon and Trump are suggestions that both men did things in the run-up to the riot at the US Capitol (and on the day of the insurrection) they are trying to hide.

Source: CNN News on Jan. 6th Insurrection Oct 20, 2021

On Government Reform: Trump is at war "with the rule of law and the Constitution"

Cheney said that former President Donald Trump is at war "with the rule of law and the Constitution" and that GOP lawmakers who sit by silently are aiding his efforts. Cheney said the challenge now is whether citizens will do their duty and "defend the Constitution and stand for truth."

"Will we put duty to our oath above partisan politics or will we look away from the danger and the threat, embrace the lies and enable the liar?" Cheney asked. "There is no gray area when it comes to that question, when it comes to this moment. There is no middle ground."

Cheney was one of 10 House Republicans who voted to impeach Trump on a charge of inciting the Jan. 6 insurrection. Her fierce criticism of Trump and her insistence that Congress investigate the Capitol attack resulted in her being removed from her position as GOP conference chair and led to a serious primary challenge back home.

Source: Associated Press on Jan. 6th insurrection & impeaching Trump Nov 9, 2021

On Homeland Security: Calling Jan. 6 a "false flag" is un-American dangerous lie

Q: There is talk that January 6th was a false flag operation, that it was a case of liberals and the deep state setting up conservatives and Trump supporters. Is there any truth to that?

CHENEY: None at all. You know, it's the same kind of thing that you hear from people who say that 9/11 was an inside job, for example. It's un-American to be spreading those kinds of lies. And they are lies. To call it a false flag operation, to spread those kinds of lies is really dangerous.

Source: Fox News Sunday interview on Jan. 6, 2021 events Nov 7, 2021

On Principles & Values: Removed from House leadership for criticizing Trump & Jan. 6

House Republicans removed Rep. Liz Cheney of Wyoming as conference chair in retaliation for her unyielding criticism of former President Donald Trump, his continued false claims of a stolen election, his role in the Jan. 6 riot and his future in the Republican Party. "I will do everything I can to ensure that the former president never again gets anywhere near the Oval Office," Cheney told reporters after her ouster, which was done by a voice vote.

Cheney's removal, which was widely expected, likely marks the end of her rise in the Republican Party. Still, after [the removal] vote, Cheney appeared undeterred, telling reporters the nation needs a strong GOP--and that she plans to lead it.

[Before the removal vote], Cheney pointedly accused Trump of fomenting the deadly insurrection. Cheney added: "I will not sit back and watch in silence, while others lead our party down a path that abandons the rule of law and joins the former president's crusade to undermine our democracy."

Source: National Public Radio on Jan. 6th Insurrection May 12, 2021

The above quotations are from January 6, 2021 riot at United States Capitol and follow-up investigations.
Click here for other excerpts from January 6, 2021 riot at United States Capitol and follow-up investigations.
Click here for other excerpts by Liz Cheney.
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