Tim Scott in Second GOP presidential debate

On Drugs: Freeze the accounts of the Mexican drug cartels

I've served on Senate committees for Foreign Relations and the Finance and Banking Committee. Talk about addressing the issue of Fentanyl. I've written the legislation, passed it through the Banking Committee and the Senate that would freeze the assets and sanction the accounts of the Mexican cartels. There are weapons that we have within the arsenal that I was able to get passed, 23-0, in the polarizing Senate, as it is.
Source: Fox Business 2023 Republican primary debate in Simi Valley Sep 27, 2023

On Energy & Oil: Unleash our energy resources; no gas tax increase

Sen. Tim SCOTT (R-SC): [We can] grow our economy at 5 percent [by focusing first on] the energy sector. We could create between 3 and 3-1/2 million jobs if we unleashed all of our energy resources. America is the richest country if you combine coal, gases and oil. Why not unleash all of our resources?

Gov. Nikki Haley (R-SC): He's increased the national debt. He voted for the spending for 12 years.

SCOTT: You actually asked for a gas tax increase in South Carolina. I voted no.

Source: Fox Business 2023 Republican primary debate in Simi Valley Sep 27, 2023

On Families & Children: Protect HeadStart and let parents choose childcare

Q: Childcare costs are topping $10,000 per month. You had an effort to broaden eligibility for childcare assistance but that fell apart last year. If you weren't able to get it through the Congress, how could you do it as president?

SCOTT: One of the things I did as a member of the Congress was to make sure that we protected the Head Start programs around the country, giving people the opportunity to pick and choose the place that they send their children. The challenges that we see today under the Biden administration is that the cost for daycare has gone over $15,000 per child.

Q: How do we fix that problem?

SCOTT: We actually cut taxes and give more Americans their money back. When I helped write the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, we actually lowered a single mother's taxes by 70%, for dual-income households by 60%. Then we doubled the child tax credit and made it refundable. By doing that, more parents had more resources to make the decisions how to take care of their family.

Source: Fox Business 2023 Republican primary debate in Simi Valley Sep 27, 2023

On Immigration: Close the border to fentanyl; reinstate Title 42

Joe Biden should not be on the picket line [in the auto-workers' strike]. He should be on the southern border working to close our southern border. Because it is unsafe, wide open, and insecure, leading to the deaths of 70,000 Americans in the last 12 months because of fentanyl. It is devastating. Every county in America is now a border county because fentanyl has devastated Americans in every single state. I will also say 6 million illegal crossings since Joe Biden has taken office. And he eliminated Title 42. The one thing he should do is finish the wall, reinstate Title 42, and get the job done.
Source: Fox Business 2023 Republican primary debate in Simi Valley Sep 27, 2023

On Jobs: Unions can't get more benefits with fewer hours

Q: President Biden joined the picket lines where auto workers are demanding more wages and job security. You recently reacted by praising Ronald Reagan for firing air traffic controllers in the 1980s, saying, "you strike, you're fired." Would you fire thousands of striking auto workers today?

SEN. TIM SCOTT: Obviously the President cannot fire anybody in the private sector. One of the challenges that we have with the current negotiations is that they want four-day French workweeks, but more money. They want more benefits working fewer hours. That is simply not going to stand. I sat in a Finance Committee hearing when a widow came before the committee whose promised pensions from the unions, $4,000 a month. Unfortunately it had been cut to $1,000 a month. We must make sure that we honor the commitments that we make. And one of the ways we do that, do not over-promise and then under-deliver and leave the taxpayers on the hook.

Source: Fox Business 2023 Republican primary debate in Simi Valley Sep 27, 2023

On Jobs: Made in America plan: create 10 million jobs

Q: The national debt is nearly doubled during your time in office. Your plan?

SCOTT: If you look at our national debt of $33 trillion, I would love to have this country pass a balanced budget amendment. That would constrain the spending in Washington, number one. Number two, if you want to actually reduce our national debt, you have to grow our economy. In order to grow our economy, you need to create about 10 million jobs to grow our economy at 5 percent.

You can do that in three specific sectors. Number one, the energy sector. Number two, we've lost 100,000 factories in the last 25 years. If we continue with my Made in America plan, we could bring jobs back to America in a similar fashion that we did when I wrote the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act.

We actually lowered the corporate tax from 35 percent to 21 percent. Reshore or repatriated $1.7 trillion. We brought the unemployment rates for African-Americans, Hispanics and Asians to the lowest level in the history of the country.

Source: Fox Business 2023 Republican primary debate in Simi Valley Sep 27, 2023

On War & Peace: Our national interest is to degrade the Russian military

Q: U.S. aid to Ukraine so far is $76 billion. Your plan?

Gov. Ron DESANTIS (R-FL): We are not going to have a blank check. We will not have U.S. troops. We are going to make the Europeans do what they need to do.

SCOTT: 90% of the resources that we send to Ukraine is guaranteed as a loan--

DESANTIS: We're not going to get it back.

SCOTT: It's not actually going to be paid by Ukraine. It's paid our NATO allies. Our national vital interests is in degrading the Russian military. By degrading the Russian military, we actually keep our homeland safer, we keep our troops at home, and we all understand Article Five of NATO. If you want to keep American troops at home, the attack on NATO territory would bring us and our troops in. By degrading the Russian military, we reduce if not eliminate an attack on NATO territories.

Vivek RAMASWAMY (R-OH): China is the real enemy. And we're driving Russia further into China's arms.

Source: Fox Business 2023 Republican primary debate in Simi Valley Sep 27, 2023

The above quotations are from Fox Business 2023 Republican primary debate in Simi Valley and commentary.
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